For immediate consideration, email Classes are filling fast!
Day Trade Fun offers interested parties the opportunity to learn day trade watching step by step. You learn a variety of information that helps you make smart stock picks on a daily basis.
The most comprehensive Day Trading Program available today!
If you are going to learn how to Day Trade, there is only one way to do it: A hands-on approach! This Day Trading training program is designed to guide you through the maze of stock market ticker symbols, charts, and graphs towards a destination of profits and rewards. If you are willing to work hard and follow this system as presented, your chances of success are incredibly high!
You can learn more by requesting our free Audio Download Link, "Day Trading as a Business!" Click Here
Audio Session Outline: Through the 12 months of training, students will receive one hour audio sessions at specific intervals. These audio sessions are designed to equip the student with basic information that will be used during specific portions of the training.
1. Introduction to Day Trading (60 minutes) 2. Brokerage Account & Stock Screener (60 minutes) 3. Stock Selection Process, Part I (61 minutes) 4. Stock Selection Process, Part II (59 minutes) 5. Stock Selection Process, Part III (60 minutes) 6. Order Management (60 minutes) 7. Day Trading Mistakes (61 minutes) 8. Focusing on the Fundamentals (59 minutes) 9. Day Trading to the Next Level (61 minutes) 10. Day Trading: A Way of Life (60 minutes) 11. Questions & Answers (60 minutes) 12. Advanced Charting & Analysis (62 minutes) 13. Day Trading with less than $25,000 (59 minutes) 14. The True Price of Success (62 minutes) 15. Advanced Level II Analysis (61 minutes) 16. Pre/After Market Trading (60 minutes) 17. Managing Success & Failure (60 minutes) 18. Day Trading with more than $75,000 (60 minutes) 19. Early Engagement: Chasing Stocks Early (60 minutes) 20. Creating Your Own System (62 minutes) 21. Day Trading Reality Check (62 minutes) 22. Using News-Related Securities (61 minutes) 23. Perfection is Overrated! (60 minutes) 24. Hyperdrive: Using the Volatility Index (62 minutes) (Session 24 Recently Added!)
Daily Market Recap Emails: Throughout the 12 month class, students receive a day-ending recap email about stocks that appeared during that day of trading. Examples, taken from the active stocks of that day, are used to highlight glaring opportunities for our use, as well as stocks to avoid - and the reasons for both. It’s a live, active, and current classroom environment, which helps to increase the level of information transfer to the students. Students learn at incredibly fast levels, which allows live-trading to begin in just a few weeks! If you would like to see one of our Session Recap Emails, just send us a request!
Constant email interaction: One of the other foundations of this class is the immediate and personal connection between the student and Jay Ratliff. Students, using the exchange-specific criteria, look for stocks of interest and work with Jay, one-on-one, identifying possible entry points (for purchase) and specific exit points (sell points) for multiple stocks throughout the day. This interaction has helped students to capitalize on stocks moving in the right direction and has also saved students thousands of dollars by not chasing losing stocks!
Day Trade Fun’s Success Timeline: Our objective is to have students learn the basics of this Day Trading system within 4-5 weeks, after which point the “practice trade” portion of the training begins. Once a student reaches an 80% success rate, the live trading portion of the training program begins with a recommended $500 per security.
The “live-trading” portion of the training normally begins at the 12-14 week mark and is a carefully choreographed process that has the student learning through experience as the trading begins and continues. As the time trading continues, students begin to realize daily and weekly gains. In fact, our one-day student record for revenue created is $8,100! However, we have had many students records days of $1,000+…even during their training!
Obviously, there are no guarantees, but by using a proven process, you dramatically increase your chances at success. Remember, our goal is always to use the smallest amount of cash possible, for the shortest span of time possible, in search for the highest returns possible!
Success Blog
Performance is proof: 54% in January February 3, 2025
For the last 33 years all I have heard is “It cannot be done.”
Bring up the topic of day trading and everyone becomes an expert with nearly everyone saying that flipping stocks for gains is not possible. After all I am told if it were that easy everyone would be doing it.
Fortunately, I did not listen.
In the fall of 2008 when the banking crisis hit, I was told day trading would not work. I then used my $25,000 portfolio to generate nearly $100,000 in 90 days.
In March of 2020 when the nation was being hit with a pandemic, I was again told day trading was not possible. I then used my $27,000 portfolio and generated $42,000 in a single month.
In January of this year, when very little was going on, I was able to see my portfolio grow by 54% - in a single month. The funny part is people still feel compelled to tell me that day trading will not work.
Decades ago, I discovered the vocal opponents to day trading were those who had tried it on their own and failed miserably. As such they feel if they could not figure it out then no one else can either. My success over an extended period served only as a reminder of their own past failures.
I would show skeptics my trade summaries and even IRS tax forms as proof of what I was doing and still they refused to believe. Finally, I realized any attempt to prove my success was a waste of time.
The scary part is how close these bozos came to pushing me away frommy dream of trading stocks and of having a portable business. I almost listened to them and then one day realized they were not the ones responsible for the direction of my life.
Would you believe that some of those prior skeptics now come to me asking for advice? Some had the nerve of asking if I could invest for them! Life has a way of coming around full circle.
The question for those not using the stock market is why? Why not learn a skill that can be used spare, part or on a full-time basis? Even if I only used the stock market a few times a year I could still generate some large profits making it well worth my time.
There has never been a better time to learn how to flip stocks for quick gains and seeing my 2025 portfolio increase (now up 73% YTD) makes that even more apparent.
Will 2025 be a rerun? January 6, 2025
On January 1, 2025, one of my students sent me a thank you email stating his net worth increased by $400,000 in 2024 and he credits the Day Trade Fun approach to flipping stocks for quick gains.
Joining a Day Trade Fun class was one of the greatest decisions of his life and it made me wonder how many “almost” decided to apply for a class and then decided not to do so.
Excuses that I received, and that is what they were, included:
Now is not the time
My friend said Day Trading would not work
I tried to day trade once before and failed.
I do not have enough time in my schedule.
I do not have enough money
There were dozens more but when I received them, I was sad. Unless we make a deliberate decision to change our future we are sentenced (such a proper word here) to repeat the same thing year after year and decade after decade.
Most people want to change but they think it is impossible. Studentsenroll into a Day Trade Fun class convinced it will not work. The only reason they did was to take advantage of the 21-day money back guarantee period so they could see what all the fuss was about.
It does not take long to see – wow, this thing is for real!
Using our stock screener, we look for stocks that fit our very short and easy to use checklist. The checklist states where to buy and then sell any security we are tracking, based on a series of indicators. Many times, when we buy a stock, we are selling it for a profit within minutes. A nice 5% to 10 gain, and many times much more, is generated in the time it takes to receive and review a typical business email.
I discovered 30 years ago you can make far more on Wall Street if you limit the amount of time your money is in the market. The kicker is less time means less risk and that means flipping stocks for quick gains is a better approach than the long-term buy, hold, and pray approach.
In the end how you choose to use your life is up to you. I chose to flip stocks for quick gains and paid off one of my two homes 20 years early and saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest payments. All because I learned to use Wall Street.
We have an opening in our January and February class start and we can get you moving now with one-on-one training to show you exactly how to use the stock market for incredible gains.
Change your life now and it will never be the same. Fail to change and your life will always be the same.
It’s your life and your call. I hope you give Day Trade Fun a chance because I know it can change your life forever.
“My $10,000 Day” December 2, 2024
The day before Thanksgiving was touted as being a slower day and a day when most traders would refrain from looking for any revenue opportunities. Historically that assumption has been true but for the Day Trade Fun students we know that even in the slowest of days there can be some massive revenue opportunities.
As was the case on Wednesday the 27th of November.
The day started early as we spotted a few stocks moving in our direction during the premarket session (7:00am hour) and a couple were flipped for quick profits. Our preference is to look for stocks that move in such a way that we can spot, track, and engage (buy and sell) within minutes and that was the case.
The opening bell rang, and we were met with several stocks that fit our exchange-specific criteria. These stocks were bought and sold in minutes providing profits of 5% to 10%.
A couple of late morning stocks arrived and provided additional profits and one in the 1:00pm hour arrived and delivered gains of 40%!
When you know what to look for the checklist is an easy one to use.
The closing bell arrived at 4:00pm and for those students who can only trade in the after-hours session they only needed to wait until 4:40pm when a stock we were tracking fell into range. Our limit buy orders were executed and shares were sold in less than 90 seconds for gains of 20% to as much as 40%.
As my students and I exchanged Happy Thanksgiving emails many included sincere words of appreciation for being allowed to join the Day Trade Fun class. Students that had never traded a stock found that they could generate impressive revenue from wherever they happened to be and during a time that was convenient for them.
Flipping stocks the Day Trade Fun way is lifechanging and the total revenue I generated in a day certainly supports that. In all, using just four stocks, my gains that Wednesday were $10,585.81.
I love what we do.
How to Survive a Stock Market Correction November 4, 2024
Unlike the Buzz Lightyear (To Infinity & Beyond!) crowd, I fully expect a stock market correction in the near future. A stock market correction is not new and, dating back to WWII, we have seen a correction, on average, every five years or so, meaning we are seriously overdue for our next correction encounter.
Fortunately, we can learn from history on what to do before a correction occurs and what to do during the event.
Increase Your Available Cash: A stock market correction will bring about several stock opportunities, but if you do not have the cash available it could be an opportunity missed. Consider selling off a few of your high-end profit stocks, to increase the amount of capital you have on hand. Warren Buffett is known for keeping $20 billion in reserves, as he waits for stocks to go on sale, and it was recently reported he now has $109 billion on the sidelines! Obviously, he is also convinced we will have a sale on stocks quite soon.
Go Shopping Now: Do not wait until the frenzied environment of a stock market correction to decide which stocks are of interest. Instead, do your homework now, by selecting those stocks you like…if they drop enough for you. For each stock, identify a clear entry point, saying “if this stock reaches this point, I will spend X-amount.” Make your entry point and the amount of cash you are using extremely specific, which will help you to ride out the emotional wave as the stock price comes crashing down. Far too many times investors will pick a price range and when the stock starts falling, they change their entry price and back off, to a lower price, which never comes, and they miss a perfect revenue opportunity.
Ignore the Experts: When stocks start to go on sale, look out. Every TV and radio analyst will be buying into the fear and will act as though they have never seen a stock market correction. Speculation will be flying from all corners, as investors lose their minds in the absence of any clarity from those they have come to trust. Instead, do as Warren Buffett and other big money investors do by having a clear-cut plan of attack and then stick to that plan as the stock drops in your direction. Forget what the paid analyst says and trust your predetermined plan of attack.
Think Long Term: Investors pride themselves on catching a stock at/near the low price of the correction. They strive to be perfect and often, it costs them because perfection is overrated.
If you like stock ABC at $32 a share, down 20% from its current price of $40 a share, then plant your flag there. If a market correction begins and you see the price of your stock plummeting, stick to your plan and avoid the overwhelming temptation to back off to a lower price. Instead of changing your buy order a dozen times, keep your original order in place. Even if the stock drops to $30, you only missed the low by 6.7% and on a stock dropping this far that kind of percentage is an easy thing to accept.
Know Your Exit Points: Just as you know your entry points, know exactly where you will be selling. If you are after a 20% gain, then set your sell order accordingly and leave it alone. The same way that second guessing a buy order as the stock is dropping can work against you, so can changing a standing sell order if the stock shoots up to your desired exit price. Yes, the security may go higher after you sell but recognize your hard work has just provided a nice 20% return during a time when all other investors are praying for a return to their breakeven price.
One of the biggest mistakes made by investors today is not having a clearly defined entry or exit price.
Continue to Diversify: Make certain you allocate only a percentage of your available cash to any one security. There is a temptation, when a stock drops during a correction, to use more than the normal amount, but I strongly encourage you to stick with the time-proven principle of keeping your money diversified.
There is a tremendous amount of money that can be generated through a stock correction, whether you do it daily as our students do or once every few years as you ride out a stock market drop and recovery. Whichever way you proceed, make certain you prepare in advance so you can react, free from emotion, when the time comes. You may not be Warren Buffett, but you can certainly trade as he does!
“The high price of financial distraction” August 5, 2024
To be candid, we are not prepared for what is about to happen.
We are blessed (or cursed) to live in a world replete with resources. No longer do we need to trot down to the library for our research as the powerful computer we carry with us daily can answer any question we might have.
How far from here to Pluto? What’s the best recipe for tamales? Did the Braves win last night?
Recent reports suggest we spend 2.5 hours a day on social media or more than 900 hours a year. That is the equivalent of more than 22 weeks of a full-time job...on social media!
If we were spending those 900 hours a year learning about how economies or money works, we would be better prepared for anything that might come our way. Sadly 900 hours is play time where we simply remain distracted from our day and life. How many people say they are “killing time” on social media?
Killing may be more appropriate than they realize.
Rarely does a severe economic storm impact us. We saw it briefly after the bubble and then later following the attacks of 9/11. The bigger storms in the fall of 2008 (banking crisis) and the pandemic lasted far longer but everything turned out okay. For the average American everything seems to always turn out okay, so why worry?
The issue I have with that kind of thinking assumes the next 20 to 30 years will be like the previous 20 to 30 years. This kind of thinking can lead us into a distracted financial view which can leave our hard-earned money at risk – and a lot of it.
The most obvious challenge ahead is the well documented Social Security timebomb where we have more people taking from the pool than are contributing. Even the most basic of math skills reveal that this is a problem about to explode as politicians who have knowingly ignored the issue will be forced to produce a solution.
The three options would be to cut the benefits of those who have paid into the program (it is not an entitlement even though that word is often used), make those contributing kick in more, or a combination of the two to reduce the pain on either side.
At least that issue is ten years away, but the far more looming issue is the exploding national debt which stands at $35 trillion and is increasing at the rate of $1 trillion (about $3,100 per person in the US) every 100 days. We have seen this explode over the years and politicians are again doing nothing about it other than using it as a political talking point in debates.
There is no other way to say it. The exploding national debt will cause this country more financial pain than ever before and nothing is being done to address it.
When I speak or write of this, I am met with a chorus of questions asking why, if the debt issue is so dangerous, is nothing being done?
Much like the Social Security issue, the fix involves a cut in spending and spending represents power for politicians. To ask a person (either side of the aisle) in Washington to willingly give up power is a joke. It simply will not happen because they work for a lifetime to achieve power and will do everything possible to keep it. This is why so many problems continue for years with no real solution because politicians are more worried about the power they possess instead of fixing the problems we have today.
The regional bank issue remains unresolved and that will begin to create issues in the coming months, but the real financial nuclear bomb deals with the underfunded retirement pensions that few seem to be aware of. When retirees begin to draw upon these funds in vast numbers the furor will be hard to contain, and elected officials will be forced into fixing the issue quickly.
So will they cut spending, reducing their power or will they look for areas where taxes can be raised to fix the issue? If you answered the latter, you have been paying attention.
Power is everything and the normal every day American has zero which is why we need to do everything within our power to explore ways we can improve our financial position. For me, the answer is using the stock market as a business where I quickly flip stocks for gains of $500 or $1,000. I limit my risk to the market and can trade stocks from anywhere on the planet that I choose to be.
If it is a business of flipping cars, houses, garage sale items, or anything else the time to begin preparing is now. That means less time on social media and more time exploring options that can provide a real option to the dangers which lie ahead.
If it is a business of flipping caI am not known as a fear inducing kind of guy but the reaction of people during the pandemic made it clear to me that when we have our next financial storm the masses will look to the government to provide more resources and comfort. That is all well if the government has the necessary resources, but it does not and those in control will look at the crisis as an opportunity to acquire more power than ever before.s, houses, garage sale items, or anything else the time to begin preparing is now. That means less time on social media and more time exploring options that can provide a real option to the dangers which lie ahead.
I started this saying we are not prepared in any way for what happens next, but we can be, and it is all up to us to decide. Do we blindly follow others who say they have our best interest at heart, or do we work hard to make sure we have a degree of control?
For me, I am doing all I can now even if it means a few less social media hours.
How fast are your students making money? July 8, 2024
Living in the world of instant gratification, to many a one-year online Day Trading class seems like an eternity. However, for those who are looking to completely transform their entire future, there is a price of time which needs to be paid. Many try to take on Wall Street armed with the knowledge gleaned from the latest Day Trading book or a two-hour seminar…and most of the time get absolutely creamed when they try. In fact, reports suggest that 90% of the people who try to Day Trade fail and fail in a spectacular fashion.
Our students though, are the exception to the rule.
When our twelve-month class begins, students spend the first 3-4 weeks learning to use the Day Trading tools and trading platforms, intra-day stock screeners, ticker symbols as well as being able to apply the exchange specific criteria to the stocks which are identified as possible revenue generators.
By week 5 the practice trades begin and once students achieve an 80% success rate, recommended trades of $500 per security begin. As students realize the same success ratio, the recommended amounts per security increase to $1,000, $1,500, and more. It’s a very specific path and one that has proven effective for our students.
When students start seeing actual profits hit their account, the fun really begins! As a group, we celebrate when students reach milestones such as their first day of profits, $500 for the day and $1,000 for the day. During the training portion, students regularly report profits of $500 to $1,000 being generated and the one-day record (achieved last month) was a student in California netting more than $8,000 in one day!
So is every student a spectacular success, then?
No. Some students (especially those who have traded in the past) still try, at times, to integrate past trading techniques into the system we have developed. As a result, their results are tainted, and they earn far less than they would have had they simply followed the clear-cut guidelines. For those students who follow the guidelines presented, profits are theirs to enjoy!
When one considers the uncertainty of our economy, having a revenue machine which can consistently generate profits is incredible. Many of our students used to worry about retirement and now see they can use the stock market to generate revenue consistentl and from any location they choose to be.
It’s an incredibly exciting journey and one we invite you to join!
“I want your life.” June 3, 2024
These four words I have heard many times over the last 30 years, as many comment on the life I have been blessed with. Yet, I respond each time by stating anyone can achieve what I have in using Wall Street as a Business.
If my wife tells me she wants to visit Chicago, Boston or New York in the near future, I have no boss to ask. Instead of asking which city she would like to see, we simply plan to visit them all. A quick drive to Chicago for a few days and then off to Boston and end the road trip in the Big Apple. Since I can work from anywhere we happen to be, it is not a problem.
Most people wait until retirement to achieve freedom in life and my position is, “Why wait that long? Take control of your future now.”
The idea of waiting until retirement to do what you want is tragic to me. I see people living lives without passion every day, as they continue to go through life like a zombie with a countdown of “15 more years” until they can retire and (finally) have the freedom to do what they want. When some reach retirement though, health issues have forced them t accept a life of limited mobility and they can no longer do what they want, when they want.
Perhaps they arrive at retirement with less savings than expected and they are limited in what they can do, as the need for stretching out their savings is the primary worry. They want to do a great deal, but circumstances prevent it.
We only have one life, why not strive to make the most of it?
It has been my professional crusade over the past twenty years to proclaim to the world that Wall Street can be used as a spare, part, or full time business. I know it sounds crazy, and that is what keeps most from considering it, but I know from experience that the stock market can be used for ongoing gains – if you follow a proven system.
Within the Video Tutorials on the Day Trade Fun website, one segment is on the mistakes made by those who try to flip stocks on Wall Street. They blindly charge into the stock market and expect their “good decision-making skills” will carry them to incredible profits. Instead, they discover they were unprepared, and it costs them money and (worst of all) their future financial freedom.
Anyone can use Wall Street for profits
In the fourth quarter of 2018, when the markets were in a dive, we used 109 stocks and saw a 55% profit/increase in our portfolio. Not every stock trade was a winner, but 83 of the 109 stocks used did provide a profit and a very respectable batting average of 76% was seen.
The bottom line is we can do the things everyone else is doing and we can expect the same results. If your goal in life is to be exactly like those around you, then doing the same thing day after day and week after week and month after month and year after year will get you there. However, if you want a different future, you need to take a different road now.
Become a student of the stock market and learn as much as you can. Dismiss the notion that you know it all and accept that there is room for improvement and carefully and slowly progress as you look for ways to flip stocks for gains. Paper (practice) trade for month until you achieve a 75% or better batting average and then (and only then) begin to use $500 a trade for an additional 3-4 months to make sure that batting average remains strong. Use the free training videos on our website and refer to the Success Blog and, over time, you can learn a great deal.
If you prefer the faster approach to learning, contact us and we will do everything we can enroll you in an upcoming class start and you could be making live trades within 6-8 weeks!
Either way, make the most of the life you have and never settle for less than the best.
For Day Traders, “retirement” has been redefined. May 6, 2024
How many people do you know who fear retirement? How many today say they are not financially prepared for their retirement? How many have been forced to push back their retirement by decades because they can no longer afford to retire?
Retirement has become a moving target, and, for most, it is a target that is getting harder and harder to hit. Couples have been forced to postpone their long-awaited retirement due to the changing financial landscape of their lives.
Companies today file for bankruptcy, change their retirement packages and tell their former employees “Good luck.” Other companies fire senior employees before they can reach the next level, saving on retirement costs. All of this, at the expense of the employees who gave their professional lives to a company who now discards them like yesterday's newspaper.
It is a crime to see so many people forced into situations they were not prepared for. Many in their 70’s and 80’s, who should be enjoying the fruits of their professional lives, are now forced to work minimum wage jobs, just to survive - to say nothing of enjoying their retirement years.
That is one of the reasons so many people contact me, because they are trying to prepare for an uncertain future. We can no longer count on a company to take care of us, that responsibility is now ours. As a Day Trader, I am my boss and I no longer look to others to take care of my family. I can trade from anywhere I choose to be and can enjoy life unlike any other time in my life. The markets are open 33 hours a week, so even if I traded on a full-time basis, it is still half of the hours I used to work when I was trying to make someone else happy. It is my life, and I can use it (finally) in a way that is as rewarding as it is incredible. At 60 years of age, I give absolutely no thought to retirement because I can trade for the rest of my life, making incredible sums of money. I no longer have worries about an uncertain future.
Day Trading is not easy to master, but it can be done. In my online 12-month class, I stress the need for taking it slow, deliberate path towards learning how the markets work, what to look for, and then how to capitalize on the opportunities which pop up each day. That is why I work with my students each hour the market is open for an entire year, so we can proceed at a slow and methodical pace. For those who are willing to work hard, stay focused and follow the system I spent more than ten years developing, success can be achieved.
Yes Jay, but my brother-in-law says you cannot make money Day Trading.
I hear this often and when I read emails or hear comments, I normally respond with, “Who cares? Who gives a rip about what other people think?” I understand that may be unusually candid for you, but my reply is with a clear understanding of how Wall Street operates when it comes to Day Trading. Wall Street executives, much as caring but completely wrong family members, view Day Traders as a real threat to their profits. The big firms on Wall Street make their money by acting as the go-between for their customers and Day Traders bypass these firms - creating wealth apart from these large firms who make billions a year at the expense of their customers.
That is one of the reasons we see so many articles in financial magazines about how Day Trading is of the devil. No one in their right mind Day Trades…according to the so called “experts.” They take every single opportunity possible to discourage people from taking their trading into their own hands because if more people did so, the money Wall Street would earn would be reduced considerably. Who do you think pays for these articles? When you see who sponsored these anti-Day Trading pieces, it is not hard to see how the Wall Street firms are growing more worried by the day. My favorite was an article written by some college professor w! ho said you could make more working at a fast-food restaurant than through Day Trading.
Really? I generated $200,000 in Day Trading in a year…is that the going wage for burger flippers? Do not think so, Mr. College Professor.
One thing we can agree on is how the idea of retiring is changing, and it is not changing for the better. Millions are scrambling to find a vehicle they can use to make their retirement dreams come true and for some of them, Day Trading is the answer.
It remains my privilege and honor to work with those who are serious about using Day Trading to make their future dreams a reality.
5 Day Trading Secrets: From Venice, Italy! April 2, 2024
Greetings from Venice, Italy!
As my family cruises through the Mediterranean (13 days), I cannot help but be reminded of those who told me Day Trading was not a viable way for me to make a living. “If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it.”
During this time, I was living in a motel room at the Travelodge at the Dayton International Airport. I lived in that room for more than ten years as I tried to develop an exchangespecific Day Trading system that I could use to provide a consistent income for my family. Well, judging by the view from my junior suite aboard Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, I would say I was able to do just that! (Sure beats Room 121 at the Travelodge I must say.)
I crafted this incredible lifestyle for my family & so can you!
Listed below are the five items you need to be successful at Day Trading. These secrets allow me to have a daily revenue goal of $1,000 per day, every day that the market is open. I can trade from anywhere on the planet I choose to be (except while on this vacation my wife tells me) and it is a process you can use as well.
Utilize a high-performance intra-day stock screener: Most of the online brokerage accounts offer a stock screener for their customers. However, these screeners are far from comprehensive, so the one my students and I use is provided by TMX Money. The monthly subscription is an incredibly affordable $85 and is the reason I can go after $1,000+ per day on Wall Street.
Open more than one online brokerage account: My broker of choice is E*TRADE. However, there are certain stocks they will not allow me to trade…stocks I want to trade but cannot. So, I also have a Charles Schwab account, which allows me to trade all the securities I am after without delay. Last week I wanted to chase a stock, but one broker did not allow it, but the other did and, as a result, I was able to make $1,164 because I had the back-up online account. Many of our students fund more than one account, for this exact reason.
Avoid chasing news-related stocks: Someone has a “hot tip”, and news erupts that a company is about to release a new product line. A sure buy, right? Wrong. Our students are always running in the opposite direction of news-related stocks because most of the time they are losers. I cannot count the number of times these “hot picks” turn out to be a Pump & Dump scam that cheats investors out of millions. One of the first rules my students learn is how we leave these news-related stocks alone.
Don’t buy securities after 2:30pm: Buying a stock is easy, selling it for a profit though can be the trick. We spend the morning hours buying securities and then spend the afternoon selling them for a profit. Buying securities late in the day reduces the amount of time we must sell them for a profit and holding stocks over only increases the risk to our money - so we avoid buying stocks late in the day!
Day Trade using a proven system of 75% or better: When I spent all those years laboring in that motel room, my goals were to develop a system that could pick stocks 75% of the time or better and one that would provide me the chance to earn $1,000 per day.
I have done just that.
If you are looking at Day Trading to supplement or replace your current income, well done and congratulations! However, before you proceed, please remember that over 90% of the people who enter the waters of Day Trading lose money and that is because they do not have a proven system to follow.
Our students start slowly and learn as much as possible before they begin their practice trades. When those practice trades are hitting a 75% or more success ratio, we move into the live trades using only $500 per security as we use the system in a live mode. When the required success ratio is maintained, then we increase the dollar amount to higher levels…but slowly. It is a highly methodical approach that is designed to take the guess work out of chasing stocks. There is no guess work or gut -feeling which is needed…it is all spelled out with exchange-specific (because each exchange requires a modified approach) criteria which clearly shows the entry and exit points for each security.
It is my hope that we have the chance to work together as you make your dream of Day Trading a reality! If you are serious about changing your future and are willing to follow my system exactly as laid out, success is waiting for us.
All my best for continued success from the incredible city of Venice, Italy!
(Originally posted July of 2012)
Would You Pick up a Dollar? March 1, 2024
Last week my wife and I were walking on the Boardwalk property at Disney (as I can work from anywhere) and I looked down and noticed a folded one-dollar bill. I stopped to pick it up and as I passed it along to a local street performer, I could not help but notice a glaring fact.
Dozens of people walked over that money without stopping to pick it up
I was struck by the obvious comparison to our stock trading program on how so many look at trading stocks. Those on the Boardwalk must have concluded a dollar bill was simply not worth the effort of stopping to retrieve it and there are many who have the same outlook when it comes to trading stocks. If they cannot hit a grand slam on a stock, they will leave it alone.
They allow dollar bills to pass by as they wait for larger bills to appear. Over 20 years ago, when I began developing my stock trading philosophy, I had two main objectives in mind. The first was to place my money into the market for the shortest span of time possible, thereby reducing my overall risk. (Today the average hold time for many of our securities is less than 20 minutes.) The second component was to take whatever profits the market gave me on the stock I had purchased. To me, gains of $200 were thrilling, where others looked at the same profit in distain…thinking they needed more of a profit than that to capture their attention. As a result, these stock traders were leaving a tremendous amount of money on the Boardwalk.
Many of our students report a batting average well over 80% and I reviewed the stocks we have used over the past days wondering how many others saw the same securities, but opted not to chase them because the gains were “too low.”
TRXC: $219 profit
YECO: $336
PXS: $536
REI: $287
PETZ: $236
EARS: $361
SNDX: $1,228
LQDA: $470
ESEA: $375
SGYP: $1,666
IPAS: $278
APHB: $331
BLNK: $349
CHNR: $299
SYRS: $421
SDPI: $1,786
AMRH: $529
Of these 17 recent stocks, most investors would only be interested in the three that provided a daily return of more than $1,000. Yet for me, I am far more excited over the other 14 that provided smaller gains, as they are the ones that most often appear on Wall Street. Yet most traders spend their entire day looking for the “three,” while ignoring the rest.
I would quickly agree that the three stocks listed would be worthy of my attention (with a profit of $4,680), but I would just as quickly mention that the other 14 stocks are just as worthy, as their combined profit for us was $5,027. So, why not use both?
This approach is one of the many reasons our comprehensive Day Trade Fun stock trading system remains one of the most sought-after courses in the world. Yes, it is far from the cheapest course available, but that is because the goal for our students is to learn how to identify, track and engage these high percentage revenue stocks for daily gains and this system generates massive and consistent gains – when the rules are followed.
It is okay that so many traders on Wall Street leave the smaller profits alone, because that creates even more opportunities for the Day Trade Fun students!
Why not join us?
(Originally released November 5, 2018)
Why do I succeed when so many others fail? February 1, 2024
“If it were so easy, everyone would be doing it.”
When my position as a General Manager for Northwest Airlines was eliminated, I knew it was time to take my part-time passion for Day Trading to a full-time level. Friends, family, and colleagues thought I was crazy for pursuing something as “unpredictable” as Day Trading and more than a few tried to talk me out of it.
I moved into a motel room to save money, thinking I would be there for only a few short months. Little did I know I would be living in that small room for more than ten years as I tried to develop a system that would work on a consistent basis. The chorus of those not supporting my decision increased to a near deafening level.
By 2003 I began to see some repeatable patterns I could use, taking $2,100 (all I had) and using it to generate more than $35,000 in eight months, but there was more work to be done. Stocks which traded on the NYSE reacted differently than those traded as NASDAQ securities and AMEX stocks had different patterns than those traded as OTC securities, so considerable time was needed to create an exchange-specific set of rules which would allow me to easily and quickly identify specific entry and exit points for all kinds of stocks. Trading on hunches and using “expert advice” on when to buy and sell was not something I was comfortable with, and my goal was to succeed 85% of the time - so it was back to my stock laboratory for more work and research.
Another four years were needed before I was able to see significant returns, allowing me to have a daily revenue goal of $1,000 a day! The goal of $1,000 a day was one I set during those lonely, depressing and challenging days in Room 121 of the Travelodge Motel at the Dayton Airport. By September of 2008 my system was firing on all cylinders and in the final four months of that year I generated (in profits) $104,536 and then in 2009 realized $196,455 or nearly $301,000 in profits over a 16-month span of time!
As my friends, family and colleagues began to see evidence of my success, the same comment would be thrown at me, “If it were so easy, Jay - everyone would be doing it.” In other words, we do not believe you because other people are way smarter than you are.
To that I plead guilty, with no hesitation. However, I was also perplexed because I was seeing a level of success which was far from common among Day Traders. How was I succeeding when so many others were failing in such a spectacular fashion? What made me so much better than the majority? As many as 250,000 people are Day Trading on somewhat of a regular basis and reports suggest as many as 90% are losing money.
What makes me and the approach I developed so much different?
There are still days when I use small amounts of my cash portfolio and exit the day with $1,000 or $1,500 in profits and shake my head. If it weren’t happening to me and those I train, even I would have a hard time believing it. Whether the market is going up, down or is stuck in a sideways current for a while, there are always opportunities to consider. My system is not based on overall market or sector conditions, rather it is based on individual stock movement and by using my exchange-specific criteria, there are always stocks flying across my screen that are possible revenue generators.
I don’t need to use tens of thousands of dollars and dozens of trades a day to make my goal. Many a time I have placed $1,500 into the market for a short span of time to see $500 or more generated, allowing me to reach the halfway point in my daily goal. With thousands upon thousands of stocks being traded each day, I use my intra-day stock screener to look for those which fit my criteria and then act accordingly.
Why I succeed and so many others fail is a question I cannot answer. I know I failed a thousand times over the last 10 years and with each failure I tried to learn, looking for warning signals that might have prevented me from making the mistake I did. As I learned, my success batting average increased, allowing me to place the smallest amount of money into the market for the shortest span of time, while generating the highest possible return.
I ignore all of the experts and I do not (as a general rule) chase stocks with news. I search for those stocks which others are ignoring and use them for my Day Trading revenue and, as a result, my students and I are reaping the rewards of my motel research days.
It’s an incredible journey for all of us and it’s one I invite you to join!
Are you excited over the New Year? January 2, 2024
At the start of each new year, I have one feeling: excitement!
The arrival of a fresh new year is our chance to be a better person, get in shape, do more for others, or serves as a reminder that life is passing quickly, and future affairs need to be placed in order.
Our January and February class starts are always popular as many look for ways to generate income. The pandemic taught some, and surprisingly not all, that a back-up revenue stream is needed in the event something happens to our primary income. Whether it is a job providing manual labor, consulting, or building crafts to be sold at a garage sale or the local flea market – we need a secondary source of income.
My professional life is devoted to teaching the world how Wall Street can be used as a business. Unlike other business opportunities this one involves no customers, inventory or any of the other headaches that accompany a business venture. The best part is this stock trading business can be portable and allows a person to be anywhere in the world they choose to be while quickly flipping stocks for gains.
In late December as we approached the holidays, I found a stock early one morning (in the 8:00am hour, prior to the opening bell) and used it for less than one hundred seconds. My profit was $1,860 and the day was over as I used Wall Street as a business.
My students will use their business spare time, trying to generate $25,000 a year or part-time where amounts of $50,000 to $100,000 can be realized. Others prefer using Wall Street as a full-time business, which for us is 32.5 hours a week, and have goals of $150,000 to $200,000+ a year by simply following an exchange-specific checklist as they flip stocks for quick profits.
Most of my students never traded a stock before Day Trade Fun.
The sad part for me is how few seem to take control of their life. Their existence is defined by where the wind of life blows them and the amount of money they earn is totally dependent on someone else. They have no control whatsoever.
Each week my voice is heard by millions of people across the country and that generates a considerable number of incoming emails. My heart breaks when I receive an email of desperation from someone who just discovered their job was gone. They showed up for work as they had done for years only to be told they are no longer needed or wanted.
I hate Corporate America because I have seen for over 40 years how the system chews up talented people and simply tosses them to the side without a second thought. Whether it is a sudden job loss or the retirement news that the company has filed for bankruptcy and the retirement packages are being slashed or eliminated – it is a cruel world that can crush the person or family that is unprepared.
Day Trade Fun provides an opportunity to learn a lifelong skill that provides a back-up plan. For many it becomes their primary revenue stream, and they no longer are worried about losing their job or retirement plan. In fact, when we use a small amount of money (diversified to better protect ourselves against the risk of Wall Street) we can actually provide the money we need during retirement. That means the fear and/or uncertainty of outliving our savings is no longer an issue.
Life was meant to be an exciting adventure, so make this year a different kind of year by taking control over your financial future.
U.S. National Debt is now $34 Trillion December 11, 2023
The U.S. National Debt is $34 trillion (about $100,000 per person in the US), and few news organizations even stopped to notice. Debt has become a non-news story.
Perhaps the numbers are too high to understand, such as the $800 billion (about $2,500 per person in the US) that has been spent this year on our debt interest. Can you imagine how much $800 billion a year could go towards programs designed to help those in dire need in our country?
We now spend more money on interest payments each day than we spend on national defense and that still does not raise the alarms for the citizens of this great country. How much more is needed to grab the attention of the press and public on this ticking time bomb?
When President Bush took office in 2001 the debt was $3.4 trillion (about $10,000 per person in the US). As President Obama took office it had grown to $12 Trillion and when President Trump took office that amount exploded to $30 Trillion and it has done nothing but grown since. In the last three years another five trillion has been added and regardless of politician promises (from both sides of the aisle) this rampant course of spending more than we have continues.
Some will argue that debt is not bad, and it has been the way of life for decades and there is little to be concerned with here. The idea of spending more than we have is okay because we have done so in the past without any real issues so the pattern can continue in the future.
I cannot believe how fiscally ignorant these so-called experts are.
In the next ten years a shift will take place, for the first time, where we will have more people retired (drawing from social security) than those contributing and that means a raise in taxes for one group or a reduction in benefits for the other. In short, less income will be flowing into the coffers than what we had before and at a time when the national debt continues to climb.
If the national debt is a disaster now, what will happen when the above scenario occurs? We know it is coming and yet neither side of the aisle in Washington DC seems courageous enough to tackle the problem – so they simply wait and play politics as usual.
Eventually the ticking time bomb will explode, and America will scramble to pick up the pieces. Just as we had with the pandemic Americans will be caught off guard (even though we can see this coming from ten miles away) and will look to the government for help. The government will have few resources to devote so the expected aid will be far less than what is required to address the emergency.
Why wait until then?
Fortunately, we can see now how what is taking place and we can get our financial house in order. For me that means using a small portion of my money to use Wall Street as a business, quickly flipping stocks for gain.
We can see the smoke on the horizon and prepare or we can hope things will work out as we place our trust in those who have failed us (miserably) in the past. For me, the choice is clear as I will use Wall Street as a business to help control my retirement free from hope that some elected official will suddenly start doing the job they were sent to Washington to do.
Whether or not you choose to use Wall Street to protect yourself I strongly encourage everyone to prepare in whatever way they can because the financial future of this country is in peril, and we need to act while we still can.
My Cyber Monday “Shopping” November 27, 2023
The Monday after Thanksgiving is known for online shopping. So much so that businesses see a drastic drop in productivity as employees spend more time surfing for deals than they do working.
My Cyber Monday was also spent shopping – with a few key differences.
I was shopping not for retail items, but stocks. For the last quarter of a century, I have looked to Wall Street as a business knowing there are revenue opportunities that appear nearly every day. Once you know what to look for, they are easy to spot and incredibly easy to use.
Most of my students have never traded a stock in their life and that is the way I prefer it to be. In short order I teach my students how the stock market works and how most approach it using the buy, hold, and pray approach. This approach increases the risk to the money used because it is exposed to market conditions and news 24/7 and that places any money in the market at risk for that period of time. It is not an approach we use because of the increased risk.
When you flip stocks for quick gains as we do the risk is minimized. Less time in the market means less risk that the money is exposed to, and these are the days when less risk exposure is the way to go.
The opening bell rang at 9:30am eastern time and by 10:10am I had used one stock for twenty-two minutes and had generated a profit of $1,272. My daily revenue goal of $1,000 had been reached before my morning cup of coffee cooled and once again, I protected my portfolio by exposing a portion of it to risk for a short span of time – just as I have done for the last 28 years.
On our Cyber Monday there were five revenue stocks in the first hour alone and I just used one to reach my revenue goal. Several of my students generated much more revenue than I did with one reporting his November batting average is 34/41 meaning he has used 41 stocks this month and 34 have generated gains. Not a bad batting average for a student in training!
Unlike other Cyber Monday shoppers, our workday ended within 45 minutes today and those students were free to spend their day as they like. A nice four-day weekend is followed by a forty-five-minute Monday “workday.”
I love what we do.
The time to get the financial house in order is now September 18, 2023
With the national debt more than $33 trillion (about $100,000 per person in the US), credit card debt escalating, and the looming regional bank crisis it is time for all of us to get our financial house in order – and fast.
The ticking time bomb of social security is still more than a decade away but when that is factored into some of the more pressing (current) financial concerns the need for taking quick and corrective action is now.
The pandemic hit our country with no notice and most Americans were caught off guard and looked to others to assist them. Many were powerless and fearful about what the future might hold. The times were anxious and generated a great deal of stress and mental hardships along the way.
Had you been informed of a possible pandemic a year in advance, would you have been better prepared? I think the answer would be a resounding yes for most Americans and that is why I am confused why more are not placing their financial house in order given all the economic warning signs we have today.
Having an emergency fund of three to six months' income in savings is no longer an option, it is necessary and is the best first step in making sure we are prepared for any coming financial storm.
The next series of steps is to become debt free while also increasing the savings. Most people will target 100% towards debt reduction and while that is certainly an admirable task, we should not ignore the need for additional savings. If a family, using an emergency approach to their budget, can shave $300 a month off their expenses, a portion of that money should go to savings and the other to debt reduction. Paying off just the debt can make sound financial sense, but it fails to help prepare the family for any future issue that might arise. Plus, from a mental standpoint it feels good to see the debts being reduced while seeing the savings increase at the same time.
There are couples who are dedicated to paying off their low interest mortgage that are carrying large balances on their credit cards – at incredibly high interest rates. These accounts should be the priority and then move towards the lower interest loans because by doing so a great deal more money can go towards mortgage payoffs once we escape those large interest rate payments.
A dedicated approach to debt elimination and an increase in savings will take years to accomplish but now is the time to continue that journey or redouble those efforts considering the coming financial storm. I am not calling for a collapse of the American economy but there are financial problems ahead that we have never faced before and if we ignore these warning signs and do nothing, we will again be facing another pandemic-style event.
Thankfully we can all see the warning signs and have time to prepare and the time to do so is now.
Wall Street’s Total Disconnect July 24, 2023
Wall Street and the “Buzz Lightyear – to Infinity and Beyond” crowd have pushed the Dow Jones Industrial Average to more than 35,000 and it now sits at a 52- week high. The optimism continues to run high, and money continues to pour in as emotional investors allow the fear of missing out to push them into stocks.
All of this with a serious brewing storm over the horizon.
In the 31 years I have followed the stock market I have had little regard for those who push the fear button for investors. We see articles on a coming financial reset and the dollar is going to disappear and so many other tricks to create a sense of fear among investors. It is hyperbole at work and is designed to push a product or service to public that is wrapped in fear.
I tend to ignore those who pedal fear at every chance they get.
However, this storm is one I do fear, and I do not take the implications lightly. I am not looking for a market crash, but I certainly question those who have decided that now is the time to take money from the sidelines to shove into a rising stock market. The signs are clear to me and so many others, yet many investors have waited until some stocks are at all-time highs before buying them, which is the exact opposite of the approach one needs to take.
For me, the shot across the bow was earlier this year when we had several banks fail and some within a matter of hours. The ability for consumers to access and transfer their money electronically crippled many banks with limited reserves. The regional banks were not able to respond to such an event and for a few weeks the strength of the entire US financial industry was questioned.
Wall Street had a few volatile days of trading, but the fears were soon eased as big money banks stepped in and poured in the necessary funds. The regional bank crisis was quickly averted, and investors falsely concluded that the problem was fixed, and no future issue would arise.
Not so fast.
As the 2Q earnings come in for the banking sector we are seeing companies report a concern about the coming losses associated with commercial real estate. The post-pandemic commercial real estate pivot has been well documented as reports from Kastle Research and others show how less than 50% of the workforce has returned to the office. Vacated offices will lead to loan failures and then the attention turns to the companies that hold those loans leading to the question of “Will these companies be able to adequately absorb the coming losses with the resources they have?”
In the case of larger banks, I have little worry that they can weather the coming storm. However, a recent report from S&P Global Market Intelligence reveals that 576 American banks are “overexposed to commercial real estate loans” and most of these are regional banks.
If the failure of a few earlier this year could temporarily shake the foundation of Wall Street, even for the briefest of moments, what would a failure of 100 or more do to the confidence of the financial industry?
If the dominoes start to fall later this summer or early fall Wall Street’s trajectory will abruptly change as the selloff begins. Unlike the shorter selloff we saw earlier this year, such news would create fear unlike anything we have seen since the fall of 2008 during the banking crisis. That year stocks were hammered in September, October and November as the Volatility or Fear Index (which presently stands at 14) shot to more than 90.
Banks are starting to feel the pressure as $78 billion was pulled from American banks from July 5th through the 12th, according to information obtained from the Federal Reserve Economic Data.
Sadly most investors will continue to play follow the leader skipping towards Wall Street oblivious of what is coming until it is too late. These are the investors who grabbed shares of companies at all-time highs and will end up selling them for a significant loss when the market dips.
Investors such as Warren Buffett and others will wait for the stocks to go on sale and will then grab shares at a significant discount. These investors have a proven track record of remaining patient and waiting for the emotional selloff that frequently takes place to add to their wealth.
It is a shame more investors do not exercise the same patience as some impressive profits are given to those who do.
The Folly of Chasing a “Better Life” June 5, 2023
Everyone you ask seems to long for a better life and even say that “someday” they will work to make it happen. It is a dream for many, but the sad reality is few will ever move closer to that dream. The journey to “someday Isle” is a pipedream.
To say you want a better life is too vague and that is problem number one. It is like saying you want better health but the question that needs to be first addressed is how do we define better health? As such, how do we define a better life?
When someone tells me they want a better life I ask how they define it. Does that mean being debt free? Having a million dollars in the bank? Being financially independent?
Absent specifics it will never happen.
We then drop the ball by not assigning a timeline – there is no target date for success. Instead, we act as though we will live forever and if I do not make progress this year it is okay because there is always next year – or the year after. We stroll through life as though we have all the time in the world and there is no need to rush.
The family unit that says “We will pay off our credit card debt within 24 months” has a very good chance at doing so. Once the target date is established the discussion on how it can be accomplished comes next and that is when a concrete plan of action is developed.
When someone wants to tackle their financial future, we need specifics and a plan and that is why so many turn to the comprehensive Day Trade Fun stock trading program. With training programs of 12 months to five years there are specific paths to take based on the needs of the student and that is what sets this program apart from all others.
When you set your goals make sure that specifics on how to get there and a target completion goal are included. This will allow you to increase your chances of success!
Regional Banks Could Ruin 2023 for Traders May 8, 2023
If you want to add some fear into Wall Street, start messing with the financial institutions. When the stability of the U.S. banks was in question during the fall of 2008, we had skyrocketing volatility on Wall Street and stocks were plummeting.
We could be facing the same scenario once again.
Warren Buffet recently sold $13.3 billion in stock and normally that move is followed by other stocks being purchased of an equal or greater amount. Instead, Mr. Buffet only purchased $2.9 billion in new stock saying there were few bargains that interested him.
Why is he holding his money?
It could be that Warren sees what so many others are seeing and that is the weakness of the regional banking industry. When Silicon Valley Bank collapsed in 36 hours it caught many by surprise and shocked far more, but the message was the failure was an isolated event and was not indicative of other banks of approximate size. It was then that a few more banks also collapsed and needed funding to help protect their customers.
The reasons for the failures are many but one thing is clear and that is rising interest rates are making it more difficult for these regional banks to operate. What is also clear is that the corporate real estate market has been collapsing (with fewer people returning to the office) and as that market plummets we look at the companies that have made a large portion of the corporate loans.
Any guesses? Yes, the regional banks.
It is only a matter of time before the pressure of unpaid loans starts to slam upon regional banks that are over-leveraged with little room for failure. The financial stress will cause other banks to fail and that will lead to more uncertainty in the financial institutions, and we will see that fear spill over into the stock market this summer and fall.
The average investor is totally unprepared for what is coming. They listen to the confident TV commentators saying there is nothing to worry about and blindly go about their lives. They see regional bank stocks sink on a weekly basis and ignore the news thinking it will not impact them but there is a good chance it will.
I see softness in the stock market ahead and in a worst-case scenario, limits could be imposed on how much money we are allowed to withdraw from the account. This kind of move will only add panic to the discussion as the government tries to alleviate growing fears over the strength of the banking industry.
When you flip stocks for quick profits the long-term panic associated with such a state is of no concern. However, the buy, hold, and pray crowd could be looking at a very turbulent 2023.
Successful People Make Time April 17, 2023
From the age of fifteen I had the opportunity to be around Hall of Fame golfers, baseball and football players, actors, and some of the most powerful and successful CEOs in the country. As I became more acquainted with the crazy and hectic schedule of each, one question continually ran through my mind:
“How do they find time through the day to get all of it done?”
As a teenager, I would watch with amazement at how these ultrasuccessful professionals would manage their day. It seemed as though they accomplished more in a week than others could in a month. After several years it hit me like a ton of bricks:
Successful people do not find time…they make it.
This was a revolutionary concept for a kid approaching his 20’s as I then tried to duplicate that which I had observed all of those years. In my quest to join the 1984 Olympic Baseball Team, as well as through my airline career, I simply told myself that anything important meant I would make the time necessary for whatever needed to be done.
When I started studying the stock market, I wondered how a schedule as hectic as mine would allow me to learn from Wall Street. I delivered newspapers from 4:00am until 7:30am and worked building GM car seats from 5:30pm until 2:30am – allowing time for just three hours of sleep a day.
If it was important, I told myself, I would make the time. When we founded Day Trade Fun in 2009, I would hear from students every year. Their email would state “this is my year!” as they indicated they would soon have the time available to learn how to use Wall Street as a Business. For many, I receive the same email every year from the same people, and I realize that building a business through trading stocks is just not important to them. If it was, they would make the time.
I am always encouraged by the business owners and other professionals who enroll as they work at other ventures. They may only have four or five hours a week, but they use whatever time they can to learn how the stock market works and to use Wall Street to provide a spare, part- or full-time income.
They will watch stocks at 7:00am before work or will glance at the stock market in after-hours trading from 4:00pm to 8:00pm, studying the Stock Alert emails they receive each day. Their knowledge base increases drastically with each passing month and year. Even when they have a hectic day, many are trading in the pre or after-hours session and will quickly flip a stock for a profit for a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. Success has taught them you need to learn before you can earn, and it is something important enough to make time for.
Wall Street remains the greatest business opportunity going today and for those willing to make time to learn, it can provide a lifetime of earning opportunities.
It’s worth making time for.
Are you prepared for another losing year for stocks? February 1, 2023
In 2022 the markets had their worst year since 2008 and the consensus amongmany investors is 2023 will be a better year. Their expectation is markets will rebound nicely this year in part because last year the markets were down.
Such a position ignores the challenges that 2023 will face. Continual interest rateincreases by the Federal Reserve, a slowing domestic and international economy, supply chain issues, and the ongoing battle with inflation could make 2023 a harder year on stocks than the year before.
Sadly, few are prepared for that contingency.
The recent moves of the stock market show a dip followed by an extended increase in the market. This pattern has repeated itself so many times that some investors have rushed out to borrow money to place onto stocks, fully confident the markets will come roaring back. To their disappointment, this has not always been the case.
In fact, there have been periods in the history of the stock market where minor gains and losses have been realized over a period of ten years – with little overall improvement. Just because the market was down one year does not guarantee the markets will climb the following year.
The issue I have with this approach is it extends the time our money is in the market and more time means more risk. As someone who is always trying to reduce my overall risk to the stock market, I look for ways to use fast moving stocks for nice gains while only holding that stock for a period of 20 minutes or less.
Less time means less risk.
For the Day Trade Fun students, we keep our cash on the sidelines until we spot a fast-moving stock, and we use our exchange specific checklist to decide our exact entry and exit points. Using a small part of that cash we then buy and sell a stock holding it on average for less than 20 minutes and our average profit is just over 6%. It is an approach that I have used since 1995 in all kinds of market conditions – and with the same goal in mind of keeping my money in the market for the shortest span of time possible.
It also means we do not care what the markets do in 2023 because our approach is not market specific but stock specific and that means we have revenue opportunities that present themselves every day.
Will you own 2023, or will it own you? January 2, 2023
A fresh new year is normally met with reflection and a desire to see more accomplished than the year before. Yet, within a few days or weeks, those desires seem to fade, and we resume the patterns from before as we drift aimlessly through the year, absent of any meaningful direction.
For most people, this is how they spend year after year.
The saddest part for me is how no “Plan B” is established. The “just in case” plan creates an additional revenue stream in the event some life-changing situation arises. When the pandemic hit, and most of the population felt powerless, it became clear just how dangerous it was not to have something to fall back on. We all need a Plan B, and 2023 will be the year for many to develop just that.
If we make no changes now, 2023 will be exactly as the last five years. That kind of thought is either extremely exciting or frightening, depending on what has transpired over the last several years. The idea of simply showing up for life to see what happens is no longer acceptable, as we need to have a deliberate plan in place to protect ourselves in case something changes.
Each December, I hear from many people who tell me their story of walking into work only to be told their services are no longer wanted. Someone else can fill the position and do it better or cheaper, so thank you and goodbye. It is an emotional shock to our system, and for anyone who has gone through it, the range of emotions is impossible to take as you are suddenly divorced from the job you have had for years – or decades.
Make this the year a Plan B is developed. Go from having the New Year own you to owning the year ahead. It may not be trading stocks but finding something that can create an alternate revenue stream in the event the unthinkable happens. The arrogance of “that won’t happen to me” is becoming more and more commonplace, which means the time for taking control over our financial future is now.
My Plan B during my airline days was always the stock market, and I spent time learning how it worked and how I could use it for short-term “catch and release” trading as I held stocks for just a few minutes at a time. Such an approach reduced my risk and allowed me to make more money in the process. In December of 2022, this spare-time trading approach netted me more than $27,000, and that means I own the year instead of it owning me.
Many people would never take the risk of having no insurance to protect their families. Yet, when we do not have a Plan B firmly in place, we are leaving our family at risk, and that cannot continue – especially with the challenging days which lie ahead.
Stocks are our Superpower November 7, 2022
In this day of superheroes, it is nice to have a superpower that does not involve great strength, intelligence, or being born on another planet. Our superhero superpower is the knowledge to use Wall Street as a business and we use it every day.
The long-term exposure to risk for stocks held for an extended period is too much for me. I prefer to use a small portion of my portfolio where I can buy and sell a stock in a few minutes and take my 5-10% gain and leave. Less time in the market means less risk and these are the days for less risk.
Recently a stock was moving in premarket (10/24), and I was able to use a portion of my diversified portfolio to generate more than $9,700 in a few minutes. Nearly ten thousand dollars made in profit long before the opening bell ever rang and doing something that others say is impossible.
The pandemic was creating panic on Wall Street in March of 2020, and I took a portfolio of $27,000 and generated more than $42,000 in profit in a single month simply by flipping stocks for quick profits.
During the banking crisis of 2008 the markets were in a freefall from September through November. Again, I took my portfolio of $25,000 and made $100,000 in a three-month period. When the stock market is in a state of uncertainty and emotion runs unchecked, there are more revenue opportunities than ever before, and this market is providing those profit opportunities now on a regular basis
As the FED unsuccessfully battles inflation the stock market continues to see increased volatility. As the Fear Index climbs sharper market movements are ahead and that will only lead to increased emotion and more selling. The trading volume will increase as investor confidence decreases and the long term (buy, hold, and pray) investor will be in store for an extended period of serious market fluctuation.
If there is a time to have the superpower of stock trading knowledge, it is now.
Who is in control here? October 17, 2022
As inflation rages on and the economy slips further into a Recession, I receive a constant flow of emails from people (non-students) who ask what they should be doing. They are seeing their portfolio drop by 20% to 30% and feel powerless as they see their losses mount.
Obviously, a loss is not incurred unless the person sells their positions for a loss. The prevailing thought, or hope as it would be better clarified, is the markets will recover back to the breakeven point soon. However, sometimes that journey back to a net zero can take months or even years. If a person sees their portfolio drop for two years and it takes two years to recover back to their entry point, they count themselves lucky and no harm.
I could not disagree more.
If someone has a portfolio of $400,000 and sees it drop to $330,000 the paper loss is $70,000. Once the account recovers to $400,000, the investor would consider the journey a success because they did not act on panic to sell at a loss. That’s a good thing even if it took more than three years to realize. The one thing this investor fails to realize is the opportunity cost for having no control over the portfolio for that three year period of time.
I can take the same $400,000 portfolio and use just $50,000 of that for flipping stocks for quick profits. The remaining $350,000 remains untouched as I use the $50,000 for my day trading and over the course of a year, I can generate at least $75,000 using that sum of money. I have taken portfolios of $27,000 and made $42,000 in a month so a $75,000 profit in a year is more than possible.
At $75,000 a year for three years $225,000 is generated using that $50,000 each year and no more. At the end of the three year drop and recovery period for the previous investor he stands at $400,000 and my total is a much more impressive $625,000!
Control versus non-control. Which would you prefer?
It was more than 20 years ago I discovered how much more money could be made by utilizing a catch-and-release approach. If your target profit is 5% to 10% and no more, you can quickly jump into and out of a stock holding it for (on average) less than 20 minutes. No positions are held overnight so no added risk by keeping my money into stocks that could see a drop over company or sector news.
As I approach my “retirement” years it is not lost on me how incredible it is to be able to use Wall Street as a business while using a small part of my retirement savings. No longer do I worry about outliving my savings as I use a small part of the money on hand flipping stocks for quick profits.
Many times, my day at the office is nothing more than an hour or less, making day trading the greatest business opportunity going as I reduce my risk to Wall Street by reducing the amount of time my money remains in the market.
How to Survive a Stock Market Correction May 23, 2022
Unlike the Buzz Lightyear (To Infinity & Beyond!) crowd, I fully expect a stock market correction in the very near future. A stock market correction is not new and, dating back to WWII, we have seen a correction, on average, every five years or so, meaning we are seriously overdue for our next correction encounter.
Fortunately, we can learn from history on what to do before a correction occurs and what to do during the event.
Increase Your Available Cash: A stock market correction will bring about several stock opportunities, but if you do not have the cash available it could be an opportunity missed. Consider selling off a few of your high-end profit stocks, to increase the amount of capital you have on hand. Warren Buffett is known for keeping $20 billion in reserves, as he waits for stocks to go on sale and it was recently reported he now has $109 billion on the sidelines! Obviously, he is also convinced we will have a sale on stocks quite soon.
Go Shopping Now: Do not wait until the frenzied environment of a stock market correction to decide which stocks are of interest. Instead, do your homework now, by selecting those stocks you like…if they drop enough for you. For each stock, identify a very clear entry point, saying “if this stock reaches this point, I will spend X-amount.” Make your entry point and the amount of cash you are using very specific, which will help you to ride out the emotional wave as the stock price comes crashing down. Far too many times investors will pick a price range and when the stock starts falling they change their entry price and back off, to a lower price, which never comes and they miss out on a perfect revenue opportunity.
Ignore the Experts: When stocks start to go on sale, look out. Every TV and radio analyst will be buying into the fear and will act as though they’ve never seen a stock market correction. Speculation will be flying from all corners, as investors lose their minds in the absence of any clarity from those they have come to trust. Instead, do as Warren Buffett and other big money investors do by having a clear cut plan of attack and then stick to that plan as the stock drops in your direction. Forget what the paid analyst says and trust your predetermined plan of attack.
Think Long Term: Investors pride themselves on catching a stock at/near the low price of the correction. They strive to be perfect and more often than not, it costs them because perfection is overrated.
If you like stock ABC at $32 a share, down 20% from its current price of $40 a share, then plant your flag there. If a market correction begins and you see the price of your stock plummeting, stick to your plan and avoid the overwhelming temptation to back off to a lower price. Instead of changing your buy order a dozen times, keep your original order in place. Even if the stock drops to $30, you only missed the low by 6.7% and on a stock dropping this far that kind of percentage is an easy thing to accept.
Know Your Exit Points: Just as you know your entry points, know exactly where you will be selling. If you are after a 20% gain, then set your sell order accordingly and leave it alone. The same way that second guessing a buy order as the stock is dropping can work against you, so can changing a standing sell order if the stock shoots up to your desired exit price. Yes, the security may go higher after you sell, but recognize your hard work has just provided a nice 20% return during a time when all other investors are praying for a return to their break-even price.
One of the biggest mistakes made by investors today is not having a clearly defined entry or exit price.
Continue to Diversify: Make certain you allocate only a percentage of your available cash to any one security. There is a temptation, when a stock drops during a correction, to use more than the normal amount, but I strongly encourage you to stick with the time-proven principle of keeping your money diversified.
There is a tremendous amount of money that can be generated through a stock correction, whether you do it daily as our students do or once every few years as you ride out a stock market drop and recovery. Whichever way you proceed, make certain you prepare in advance so you can react, free from emotion, when the time comes. You may not be Warren Buffett, but you can certainly trade as he does!
Do Naysayers dictate your decisions? April 18, 2022
I see people living the only life they will ever be given and the decisions they make are, for the most part, decided by other people. If they have a dream and someone says it cannot be done, they back away and lose out on a chance to make the world a better place.
What a sad way to live.
In 1992 when I decided to study the stock market in depth to see if it could be used as a business there were naysayers in my life and a lot of them. People would go out of their way to tell me that I was wasting my time and trying to learn how to Day Trade was a “dangerous” thing and was irresponsible. Some friends called it gambling and tried at every turn to discourage me. There were times the onslaught caused me to doubt my convictions but thankfully those times did not last for long.
When I created Day Trade Fun in 2009 there were people who reached out to me for training and decided not to apply for a class start because they had friends that said flipping stocks for quick gains was not possible. As a result of those comments, they walked away, and the class slot was awarded to another and I often wonder if these people allow their friends to dictate all areas of their life like what kind of car to drive, what type of work to pursue, and what kind of spouse would be best for them. Instead of steering their way through life they willingly turn the controls over to others to make the decisions for them.
For those of us who have dreams the idea that someone else can tell us what to do and dictate how we live is nauseating. Had I listened to the naysayers in my life the millions of dollars the stock market has created would have not happened. I have traveled the world, taking my laptop office with me, as people look at the life I enjoy thinking how nice it would be. None of this would have happened if I took the path recommended by others.
Two years ago, I took my day trading profits and purchased a second home on the water outside of Savannah. My wife and I now spend two or three weeks in Georgia and then return for a few weeks in Ohio and as we travel back and forth enjoying both homes, I often reflect on how the naysayers in my life came close to wrecking this lifestyle for me and my family.
I would agree the headlines in many stories suggest that day trading is not a wise choice. What these stories do not disclose is these people tried to take on the stock market without a proven system and paid the price. The idea of sitting down at a computer and saying, “Hold my beer and watch this” is a recipe for disaster and far too often families pay the price for this kind of reckless behavior.
When naysayers tell me it can’t be done, I recognize it is really them telling me that they could not do it. They want me to give up on my dreams because they were incapable of making their dreams come true.
As for my students, monthly gains of $10,000 and more are being generated while they are still in training and that is the beauty of using Wall Street as a business.
Life is too short to allow others to dictate your future, so ignore the naysayers in your life.
Catch-and-Release During Volatile Times March 14, 2022
During times of increased volatility, I am often asked how I fared, given the wild swings that were taking place on Wall Street. Each time I respond that it is business as usual.
I have traded through the bubble, the attacks of 9/11, the banking crisis of 2008 and every crisis since and each time my catch-and-release approach has served me well. In fact, during times of increased volatility holding stocks for shorter periods of time can help to generate much more cash.
Those who Day Trade, or buy and sell in a single day, are trying to use stocks for shorter periods of time to generate their profits. For our students, the average hold time is less than five minutes, and our average profit is 6.5% and with a batting or success average near 80% it does not take long for the profits to build.
During the time period of February 15, 2022, to March 9, 2022, I used 38 stocks, flipping them quickly for gains, and generated $22,556 in just 16 trading days. That is a daily average of more than $1,400 using the stock market for a few hours a day and from whatever location I choose.
In February and March I split my time between Savannah and Cincinnati and since my office is my computer and it travels with me – the ease and flexibility of having a portable business is life changing.
No one knows what the future holds and for long term (buy, hold, and pray investors) there is a growing concern over what the world events will do to the global and domestic economies. Having money in the stock market 24/7 means the funds are at constant risk and any domestic or global event could cause the markets to drop quickly. When you do not hold stocks over, as is our continuing approach, there are no such worries as only a small part of our money is exposed to risk at any one time and remains in the market for minutes and not weeks or months.
When you do the math, holding stocks for quick 5% gains adds up quickly and with the added benefit of less stress because of the time that money remains in the markets.
Less time, less risk and more money generated.
Limited Time Means More Cash February 23, 2022
When I first started studying the market in the 1990’s it did not take long for me to start making money. I would place a good amount of money into a stock I trusted, and over the course of the year, I would see gains of 30%. I felt like the greatest investor in the world.
Yet, the idea of keeping my money in the market for extended periods of time bothered me. I do not like risk at all, and I knew the longer I kept my money in the stock market, the more risk it was subjected to. Bad news from the company, a sector hit, or an overall drop in the stock market could send my portfolio down by 10% or more.
I wanted less risk, but the only way to make money is to place it into the market so it could work for you. How could I make money with less risk?
Over the course of a decade, I studied the movement of tens of thousands of stocks daily and discovered, much to my surprise, a repeatable pattern in many of the stocks I observed. I started practice (or paper) trading and found ways to detect, track, and then use these stocks for smaller daily gains.
Since I did not know these companies as well as I knew the ones I used before, I would place only a percentage of my portfolio into any given stock and was pleased to see gains averaging 5% each. I was thrilled to see my exposure to risk greatly reduced, as I would hold each stock for only a matter of minutes.
Fast forward 25 years, and today I teach others how to spot and use these repeatable patterns. I understand there is a chorus of doubters who still contend such actions are impossible, and I take great pleasure in proving them wrong daily. (Is that bad?)
As I prepare this, I am reviewing my trade data for the last six trading days. As an instructor, I have very little time to trade as I did before, but I still look for ways to get involved with a few stocks that we encounter. If I was able to trade full time, the number of stocks I could use would be much higher.
In the last six days of trading, I have used 14 stocks and 12 of those for gains. That means a 12 for 14 streak or 86%, and during that period, my profit or revenue generated is $14,128. As an added note, the average hold time for each security is less than 20 minutes. This means I have the best of both worlds in that I can still use the stock market for impressive gains, and my money is exposed to risk for far less time. As a person who likes to crunch the numbers, I also know the money I can generate from flipping stocks is far greater than the money my portfolio could generate if I had it in a traditional (well-diversified) stock portfolio. That means my approach of less time in the market generates more money than a typical approach and with far less risk.
My retirement has been redefined.
I can use Wall Street as a business, from wherever I choose to be, and can use that business from 4:00am until 8:00pm. No longer am I concerned about outliving my retirement savings because I now can generate cash using my stock portfolio without touching the savings I have set aside. And generating $2,354 a day, on average this past week, means I am not required to downgrade my standard of living to do so.
Less time means more cash and a lot of it – with a lot less risk attached.
It is time to ditch the rear-view mirror January 10, 2022
I am quite certain among the New Year resolutions for 2022 few, if any, opted to ditch their rear-view mirror.
I was asked about my recent trading results, and I replied that from December 20, 2021 to January 7, 2022, I had used 17 stocks during the 14 days of trading and had realized a profit on 15 of those. My 88% success rate had also generated a three-week profit of $10,687. Yet, when I share these results the replies I get are similar, “Oh, I could never do that.”
The reason? They are basing their answer on past experiences.
I further explain my profits are generated using the stock market in a spare time effort, as most of my time is dedicated to training my students and many are making far more than I do. Yet again, as they look back on their life, the conclusion remains the same.
Most people on the planet seem to live their life looking back and not looking forward. If there was a race between two opponents and one lined up to race facing backwards, while the other was pointed ahead – what would the reaction from onlookers be? They would tell the man running backwards to turn around because too many bad things can happen in a race running backwards.
In life though, we do the same thing.
That is why I encourage people to ditch the rear-view mirror. I do not care what they have or have not done in the past because none of that should affect how the future time is invested. We learn, we advance, and we improve – at least, that is how it should be. Instead, we seem to live, look back, and then repeat many of the past mistakes we have made before. The kicker is when we then complain because each year is a repeat of the years before.
What did you think was going to happen, absent of any meaningful changes?
In 1992 I decided to begin studying the stock market and by 2003 I had developed a security engagement checklist that would soon make me millions of dollars. My life changed forever and now I have the honor of teaching others how to use this proven system to spot, track and then engage stocks for quick profits while holding them (on average) less than 20 minutes.
You are welcome to apply for an upcoming class, just if you promise not to bring your rear-view mirror along.
Are the markets poised for a serious correction? December 13, 2021
A stock market correction is defined by a dip of 10% but not as much as 20% and anything 20% or more is considered a stock market “crash.” As the worries over inflation continue to mount many are predicting the markets are preparing for a fall.
When I am asked about my personal feeling about a stock market correction or crash, I simply shrug my shoulders. Since the money in my portfolio is used on a short-term basis and is not exposed to the long term buy, hold, and pray approach a correction or crash does not affect me.
I have used my approach to trading stocks for more than 25 years and have seen the markets in a state of correction and crash and for me it is simply business as usual. Spot the stock, track the stock, and then determine my exact entry and exit point and if the orders trigger, I can see a 5% to 10% profit in less than 20 minutes on average.
Since most investors do not approach the market as I do, I am forced to provide an alternative answer that speaks to these worried individuals. My first point is always that these drops and corrections are a normal part of the market movement. They always have been and will always continue to be the case. As such, it is best to not be overly worried – but you can prepare to take advantage of opportunities through this anxious time of trading.
The key is to do your research before any market correction or crash. Identify the top stocks you like and then select a bargain basement price that you would like to buy the shares at. It might be a 15%, 20% or even a 30% or more drop under the current price. You have conducted your due diligence and have determined, prior to any adverse market reaction, what you would do. This is the exact same approach that Warren Buffet uses, and it has made him one of the richest men in the world.
If you are not sure which companies are the most attractive, I suggest you look up the list prepared by the Wall Street Journal on December 13, 2021. They listed the top 250 companies by management, customer service, financial responsibility, and other factors. You can see this exhaustive list at
Once your wish list is prepared you need to make sure to have ample cash to place the orders inf the stocks fall quickly in your direction. Mr. Buffett keeps hundreds of millions of dollars on the sidelines for just the right moment and while we do not have that kind of cash to throw around, we can still be ready.
The next two parts are the hardest and is where most drop the ball.
We need to then patiently wait for the stocks to begin falling and avoid the temptation of jumping in at a much higher price, fearing the security will never reach our predetermined entry point.
The next step, and it can be a hard one, is to pull the trigger once the stock reaches your predetermined price point. This one is tough because you have just witnessed the stock of your dreams drop 20% or 30% and the overriding fear is the stock will keep going down and you should wait. After all, it could keep going and there is no harm in being a little more patient – right?
Most investors refuse to place the limit buy order and continue to wait until the stock sees a sharp decline (they were right!) and then starts to see a price recovery just as fast. Before the shocked investors know what happened the stock that was within buying range has now risen in price and is 8% higher than where the stock would have been purchased. Thinking the stock will return this timid investor backs off and waits for it to dip once again and it never does.
A perfect revenue opportunity lost.
When a stock is falling fear takes over and most investors are unable to follow their predetermined plan of action. Instead of realizing they are getting a high-value stock at a discounted price they try to be perfect. They keep backing off as the stock drops until some “perfect” time to buy shares and in the end they miss out and are helpless to watch the stock recover over the next several weeks and months without buying one share.
A perfect plan, but horrible execution.
If you want to be successful using the stock market you need to act like those who use it well. Warren Buffett sits on the sidelines holding his cash watching overanxious investors buy overvalued stocks at highly inflated prices. These investors have a fear of being left out and will simply play follow the leader buying stocks they are told to buy.
Then, as the market experiences a normal correction or even crash, these same investors will dump their shares at insane prices – far below where they purchased them thinking the stocks will continue dropping. In other words, and this is worth pointing out, these investors bought high and sold low which is the exact opposite of what they should have been doing.
Savvy investors are planning for the next market dip and are ready with their predetermined plans on how to proceed once it happens. As the market dips they will follow their predetermined and non-emotional checklist and they will come out on the other side in much better financial shape than before.
It is all about preparation and the time to prepare is now.
October: The scariest month of trading October 11, 2021
There is no doubt investors are more cautious and nervous about trading in the month of October, than any other month of the year.
Historically, when one looks at the Top 20 list of the biggest percentage drops in the history of the stock market, nine of those have taken place in the month of October. The top 12 of all time have occurred in the final quarter of the year.
Cue the Halloween music, because it is appropriate. This year the Michael Myers concern is even more of an issue because this October comes at a time when the country is facing a multitude of challenges. Rampant government spending coupled with the absence of workers is forcing companies to do more with less and that is leading to higher prices. As those prices climb, so do the worries over inflation and some are saying the possibility of hyper-inflation.
Speculation on what comes next is just that, a guess. However, when we understand the upcoming time of year is normally when a large number of seasonal workers are hired it could get even worse if those people fail to come forward. The September Jobs Report was released Friday and as analysts were confident 500,000 or more jobs would be created, the actual report arrived with a thud with only 194,000 jobs created.
If enough bad news arrives at once this fall it could push the DOW under 30,000 and that could trigger a new round of selling unlike anything we have seen in a while. This is one of the reasons I continue to educate the country about the benefits of limiting risk to the stock market by limiting the amount of time our money remains there.
Some of my Day Trading students are reporting monthly gains of $20,000 to $30,000 as they use the comprehensive stock trading program from Day Trade Fun to create a future that is isolated from any wild swings Wall Street makes. Since we do not hold stocks over and our average hold time for a security is 20 minutes or less, we have no concerns over what might take place.
Even if it is October.
My Day Trading Freedoms on July 4 July 4, 2021
Freedoms I now have thanks to Day Trading:
Toll Roads
Rush hour traffic
Looking for a decent parking place
Moody bosses
Bad weather driving
Begging for a day off to care for my sick child
A dress code
Maintaining a professional/business wardrobe
Office politics
Cranky co-workers
Dictated lunch hours (now I eat when I am hungry)
Mandatory overtime (a one to three hour workday is fine with me)
Working holidays
A pre-determined pay scale
Being expected to work more when downsizing occurs
Limited, if any, upward mobility through promotions
Worry about losing my job & providing for my family
Time clocks
Wasting time looking for the cheapest gas station
The stress of constantly trying to please others
This past week we held stocks for two minutes, four minutes, twenty-two minutes, and one for less than a minute – all of which produced profits.
The Day Trade Fun approach is simple: Reduce your risk to Wall Street by limiting the amount of time your (diversified) cash is in the stock market. With reported gains in June from our students in excess of $20,000 and $40,000 – it works!
See how it is done in our Video Tutorial library!
The Week of GameStop January 27, 2021
Rarely do we see a $4 stock cause such an uproar, that is unless that stock sees a 1500% increase in less than ten days and on no news to support the rapid ascent to a higher price – and higher it went.
People who had never traded a stock in their life or could pick out a stock ticker symbol was hearing and seeing the news reports of this runaway stock and the confusion and speculation was running wild.
Warren Buffett says you cannot make money flipping stocks and I quickly reply that yes we can. Just because he cannot find a way to make it happen does not mean it is impossible, because my students and I prove it every single day that the markets are open.
As a quick overview, here were the closing prices for GME: January 12: $19.95 January 19: $39.12 January 25: $76.79 January 26: $147.98 January 27: $347.51
During the pre-market trading on the 28th the stock reached a high of $512 before the price dropped back as the opening bell rang and trading proceeded.
My phone and email inbox exploded as media outlets across the country wanted to know what in the world was going on. How could a stock like this come from nowhere and instantly become “the talk” of the entire financial world? How did it happen and where will the stock go from here were the other questions I attempted to address in what time I had during these radio appearances.
The speculation that this was a coordinated attack against a huge hedge fund company was, to me, a reach. The result of the action of the trading did have a significant and adverse impact on the company but the idea that tens of thousands of traders united to “stick it” to the large company seemed unlikely. These men and women of all ages were after one thing – a profit where they could sell their stock for a much higher price than they purchased the shares.
Since the pandemic of last year we have seen more than 11 million online brokerage accounts created as millions of people decided to take the extra time they had been afforded to take a run at day trading stocks. The numbers increased at such a historic pace the Wall Street Journal had an article entitled “Everyone is a Day Trader Now” that appeared on July 25, 2020. The article detailed just how popular the craze was for people to trade stocks at a pace we have never seen before.
Unfortunately those who began saw a number of early failures as they ran into the emotion-drive stock market where little seemed to make sense. These new traders were prepared to make logical decisions that was certainly going to lead to a string of profitable trades.
They quickly found out the flood of emotion often takes control.
In the case of GameStop and several other securities it was emotion overload or what I frequently called “follow the leader on steroids.” Here there was little due diligence but more of a follow the leader pack mentality that caused people to buy shares of a stock because the prevailing thought was they should do so. Even though the stock was valued by Wall Street analysts at $17 a share they had no hesitation grabbing shares at $300 and higher. Some were so excited over the “sure thing” they grabbed shares on margin or borrowed money as they complicated the first mistake with another.
Most of these new traders are convinced the stock will continue to rise and the sky is the limit. Most are completely unprepared for the horrific reality of what is about to occur as the share price for GameStop meets reality.
I have watched the stock market for 25 years and I have seen these types of stocks on a regular basis as they rise inexplicably only to fall days later leaving a trail of traders who are trying to cope with what just happened. They believed the email, text or tweet that said this stock would increase in price for weeks to come and now their shares are worth 20% of the price they paid.
Most of these traders panic when the stock first starts to drop and they will average down, or buy additional shares at a lower price. They still believe the stock price will recover big and using additional purchases at lower prices they are convinced their profits will be even higher after the stock returns to those loftier levels.
Yet, the stock continues to fall and fall big as those who remain realize they are the few who are holding a stock that has little value. Their losses are staggering and lives are destroyed as a result and all because they chose to trust another and play follow the leader.
In this case the stock should change the name from GameStop to Game Over because for many that is exactly what is about to happen.
The New Norm: Working from home September 14, 2020
The COVID19 crisis of 2020 has changed the way businesses operate. At first the move to have employees working from home was temporary, but now for some companies that is becoming permanent.
The good news for employees is they can now work from the comfort of their own home. The bad news is they are still working for someone else.
Why work to make someone else rich?
Those who contact Day Trade Fun are men and women who are tired of working for Corporate America and want their own business. They want to work from home or from wherever they choose to be, using a portable business where stocks can be flipped for quick gains.
In August of 2020 I reviewed 54 of our student trade summaries and 87% of them reported a profit and some were able to see gains in excess of $10,000 to $12,000 in a single month. Not bad when you are working for yourself and are able to keep all of the profits!
During my 2,000 radio and TV appearances a year I always strive to remind the audience that they do not need Day Trade Fun or any other company to learn how to successfully trade stocks. If you watch the markets long enough you can spot the intraday repeatable profit patterns that appear on a daily basis.
In time you will see that greater profits can be realized using the market for shorter spans of time. Instead of the buy, hold, and pray approach you can greatly reduce your overall risk by decreasing the amount of time your money remains in the market.
In 2020 we have seen months where profits of more than $40,000 in a month have been realized and that is made possible by flipping stocks for quick gains – taking advantage of the daily revenue patterns that the stock market provides.
For those who want to work from home using Wall Street is the perfect approach. Also, making yourself rich is far better than working hard to make someone else rich!
It is Time for Warren Buffett to Shut Up July 13, 2020
The words “shut up” are not a part of my regular vocabulary, but on this occasion they fit perfectly as it is time for “The Oracle of Omaha” to shut up and stop speaking on matters of Day Trading.
His recent rants attacking those who choose to flip stocks for gains, also known as Day Traders, does not sit well with me because had I listened to the likes of Mr. Buffett 28 years ago I would not own my life as I do now. (It is a shame most people do not own their professional life, as they instead simply rent it out to the highest bidder.)
Warren Buffett says you cannot make money flipping stocks and I quickly reply that yes we can. Just because he cannot find a way to make it happen does not mean it is impossible, because my students and I prove it every single day that the markets are open.
I am reminded of the Chinese Proverb: “The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.”
When I hear Mr. Buffett and others scream that flipping stocks for gains is reckless, stupid, and impossible I hear another unintended message. They have tried and failed and since they were not able to succeed there is no way anyone else can either. They are smarter than everyone else (in their eyes) and if they could not succeed no one else can. This arrogance is nauseating.
I beg to differ and I have documentation (not just words) on my side.
I could offer the trade summaries from the fall of 2008, as the financial crisis rocked Wall Street and investors. My $25,000 portfolio generated $91,555 in profits in September, October, and November of that year.
Perhaps the $200,000 generated in 2009 could support my position or the 420% that my portfolio is up in 2020? My spare time trading in June of this year generated $18,219 and my day trading in March generated $41,320.
Don’t tell me that it is impossible to flip stocks for quick gains.
My students provide their trading summaries on a monthly basis as I critique them to provide needed adjustments through their training. Seeing students, who are just starting to learn how to use Wall Street, earn $3,000 and $4,000 a month is thrilling and when they start to hit $10,000 and more as they proceed it only gets better.
With apologies to the “experts” we have found a way to be financially free.
The “experts” say to get a job with a good company and retire with benefits and sadly many people later find their beloved company has filed for bankruptcy and is unable to provide as promised.
We are told to trust the government for our social security benefits, although now we are being told in 15 years there could be a 20% reduction in benefits since far fewer workers will be contributing to the program.
Today we are told to leave stock trading in the hands of experts, such as a Warren Buffett which is strange since 43% of his Berkshire holdings is made up of one stock (Apple). Aren’t we told the best approach to use in investing is proper diversification? Not the case here obviously.
My frustration is not a personal one against Mr. Buffett or the others who say flipping stocks cannot be done. I admire many of these men and women for their professional accomplishments and their example should be used as a blueprint for future generations. However, when these people utter opinions that suggest trading stocks as a day trader is not possible I know those words could discourage others from trying and that infuriates me, because they do not know what they are talking about.
I went from living for ten years in a motel room to traveling the world, all because I was able to find a way to successfully flips stocks for gains. My sons were given high school graduation presents with two-week family trips to Italy and China because of that success and my wife and I travel the world, because I refused to listen to the so-called experts who said profitable day trading was not possible.
I would be remiss in my responsibilities if I did not at least acknowledge where these misguided opinions originate. We have all read the horror stories of some anxious new day trader who jumps into trading without a clue as to what they are doing and within a short span of time they have lost a considerable percentage of their portfolio. This is reckless and ill-advised because no one should approach Wall Street without a proven track record of 75% or more in successfully picking the correct stocks at the correct entry positions.
Over the last decade, I have repeated the message that aspiring traders do not need to hire me to learn how to trade, as anyone can learn on their own if they take the necessary time to do so.
Simply watch the markets for an extended period of time and you will begin to see the intraday price movements of stocks. In time you can determine the best entry and exit points for daily gains.
The next step is to practice trade (with no money) for a period of at least six months and if your batting average is 75% or better you can begin live trading with a small amount of $500 or so for an additional three months to make sure your batting average remains above 75%. If so, you can begin to slowly increase the amount of money used and can watch your profits grow accordingly.
The unfortunate truth is 99% of traders are so utterly impatient that they refuse to devote the necessary time in study and learning – before they start trading. They jump in completely unprepared and get plastered by the stock market and walk away a short time later convinced “it can’t be done.”
Anything meaningful in life requires a price to be paid and sadly few seem willing to pay it. Even with the very financial future of their life in the balance, many will refuse to devote the time and energy required and will leave their future to chance.
Corporate America: Any Day could be Your Last June 8, 2020
Your services are no longer needed, thank you and goodbye.
Those few words can change a person’s life forever. The job they loved and sacrificed for has ended, as the company decides to eliminate the position or give it to an employee at a lower rate of pay.
Through the COVID19 crisis, many people were given the news that their job was gone, and they had absolutely no time to prepare. They arrive for work like it is any other day, and during a quick one-minute meeting, they are thanked for their service and sacrifice and are shown the door.
Many of my friends in the airline and radio industries received the news, and millions more were told they would no longer be needed at work recently. For some, the jobs will return and, for others, their position is forever lost.
Any day in Corporate America could be your last.
We all know this could be the case, but we do nothing to prepare. We blindly go to and from work thinking that our job will always be there. In our minds, we do an incredible job, and we are appreciated and the idea that we could be let go is ridiculous. At least, until it happens.
During my career in the airline industry, I was honored with award after award and was always told I was among the “up and comers.” I was the future of the company and, eventually, my hard work would pay off and the entire time I knew it was a bunch of bull. Yes, it could happen, but I knew how Corporate America worked and, sure enough, one April 17th, two executives walked into my office at Northwest Airlines to say, “Your services are no longer needed, thank you.” In less than three minutes, I was escorted to the door.
This time I was prepared because I had studied the stock market for years, and I swore to myself that I would never again be dependent on the whims of a company or a boss. I would be the person in charge, calling the shots, as to where and when I would work and at what rate of pay. I was tired of making other people rich and knew it was my time, and I put Plan B into action and was eventually making four-times what Northwest Airlines was paying me simply by flipping stocks.
Through the Coronavirus crisis I heard from so many people who were lost, they had no idea what to do. They had no back-up plan and were simply waiting for someone to bail them out of the mess they were in. Their entire professional life was in limbo, as they waited for some outside force to move them towards another low paying job.
I say enough.
One of the reasons my passion levels have remained so high over the last 10+ years during my radio and TV interviews (and 18 hour days) is to educate as many people as I can about how the stock market can be used for spare, part, or full-time revenue – whether they choose to use Day Trade Fun or not.
Many of our students are earning $3,000 to $10,000 a month as they are learning how to use Wall Street as a business. Many of these are still working for someone else as they learn their lifetime skill. Some are four years or longer away from retirement and they are investing time now to learn a skill that serves as their Plan B.
During the month of Ma,y I had students making as much as $35,000 in the month flipping stocks for quick gains and as they are still learning! We have many who have a stock portfolio that is up 100% and more through the first five months of 2020 – as they prepare to have a back-up plan that they can implement whenever they are told “Thanks…” by Corporate America.
After all, any day there could be your last.
Coronavirus Crisis: Few were prepared April 13, 2020
The year of 2020 started with unbridled optimism and a roaring economy. Yet, in a few short weeks the approaching Coronavirus crisis changed our world and our country in a way no one expected.
And few were prepared.
For the last 25 years I have advocated that we all have a Plan B in place, just in case the unforeseen happens. We never know when the position at our workplace will be reduced or eliminated and we never know when a national crisis will shut down the majority of our economy. We did not not see this crisis coming until it was too late, but hopefully we can take the lessons learned and prepare for the next time the unknown overtakes us.
My Plan B was to use the stock market to make a living, as my backup in case something happened. This would allow me to be portable and flexible, using my laptop from wherever I chose to be and to work at whatever times I chose between the 7:00am and 8:00pm trading times. I made the decision to prepare as many of our students have done over the last 10+ years, as they no longer depend on Corporate America.
During March, when so many people were ordered to remain at home and unable to work, our group was busy using the stock market to create profits of $10,000 to more than $40,000 in a single month alone! Our preparation allowed us to weather the storm and to provide for our families.
Trading stocks may not be your choice, but I strongly urge you to develop your Plan B. Have something in place that can allow you to generate revenue from home or wherever you choose to be. Do your homework and prepare now, regardless of how long it might take, so the next time a national crisis overtakes us, you can respond in a positive fashion instead of being forced to wait it out…hoping things will improve.
Your future deserves the time it takes to prepare now.
March 2020 Trade Results!
Portfolio used: $27,000 Profits: $41,319.96 74 for 89: 83%
March of 2020 will go down in history as one of the most volatile months ever, with the Volatility or Fear Index spiking to 85. Being a long term investor during this month was difficult indeed. The first quarter of 2020 was the worst quarter in the history of the market and the month of March caught most investors completely by surprise as they had no response to what was taking place.
By contrast, we had the perfect response.
The Day Trade Fun approach is to limit the amount of risk our money is exposed to by limiting the amount of time our money remains in the market. Our average hold time is 20 minutes and if there was a month to utilize the catch-and-release approach it was March of 2020.
I took a portfolio of $27,000 and engaged (purchased) 89 stocks and made money on 74 of them and netted a profit for the month of $41,319.96. My portfolio increase for the month of March was 153% and during a time when most stock portfolios were quickly moving in the opposite direction.
The comprehensive Day Trade Fun stock approach can be used if the markets are going up, down or sideways since our approach is stock-specific. I have used this approach since 1992 and recall during the banking crisis (October of 2008) I used a cash portfolio of $25,000 and generated $41,637 during that month also.
Stocks were simply purchased and sold, with no option contracts used. The advantage of our approach is the diversified portfolio was used for small increments of time, which allowed us to greatly limit the level of risk that portion of money was exposed to.
Flipping stocks for quick profits remains the perfect approach to this market.
Earn As You Learn February 3, 2020
In high school and college, learning comes before earning. Yet, in our world, we do both at the same time.
Most students who enroll in the 12-month online Day Trade Fun comprehensive stock training program have never before traded a stock. They have no idea how any of it works, but are intrigued at the idea of using Wall Street as their portable business. They are amazed at how much they learn and at how fast the pace of that learning is.
A student in our November 2019 class, at 82 years young, sent us an email saying he has learned more about using the stock market successfully in the first few weeks of our program than he has learned in the past four decades. His “part time” earnings through mid-January were $2,895!
Our program is a 12-month course, but our students are making live trades within a few short weeks. They start slow and gradually build upon their successes, but in time find they can earn as much in their part time job than many earn in a full time job in Corporate America!
Our students learn how to trade stocks anywhere from 7:00am until 8:00pm ET. When they trade and for how long is completely up to them. It is a portable business, so we have students learning and earning, as they quickly flip stocks for profits on average in twenty minutes or less, from every state in America, Europe, Asia, and in New Zealand. The program has been used for profits for more than 20 years and for those accepted into our program, it can be a life changing experience. After all, learning how to take $25,000 and generate as much as $100,000 or more a year can allow us to navigate the wonderful waters of retirement without the nagging worry over outliving our savings.
We generate money as we choose, from wherever we choose to be.
I am frequently asked about the “here today and gone tomorrow” people touting various trading techniques on social media. It seems they are everywhere and my reply today, as it has been for years, is to ask how their students are doing.
Yes, I can hear a claim from some guru which says they generated $22,000 last month, but how much did they lose in the process? If someone made $22,000 and, at the same time, lost $30,000, they ended the month at a deficit of $8,000. Yet their claim of making $22,000 would still be (legally) accurate.
I personally took $25,000 and generated more than $300,000 in a 24 month span (net), but I am far more pleased and proud of the performance of my students – as they learn to use the stock market.
Through the first three weeks of January, or some 16 trading days, some of our students have net profits of:
$4,353 $2,895 $2,625 $2,499 $7,237 $1,587
Of just this small sampling, if you took the combined earning average of $3,533 after three weeks, the 52 week total would be $61,200! When you consider this is money created, while still learning how to use the stock market, can you imagine when the student is firing on all cylinders?
We only take a limited number of students per year, but if you are interested in earning while you are learning, contact us today so you too can learn how to use Wall Street as a Business.
The Year for 200+ Paychecks! January 6, 2020
I love getting paid every day I work.
When I am asked how often I get paid, I enjoy saying as many as 250 times a year. The response from those I am talking with makes it clear they have no idea how anyone could see that many paychecks in a year. I know, because it is an ongoing way of life.
We can begin our trading day as early as 7:00 am eastern time, in premarket trading. The pace picks up considerably at 9:30 am, and that regular session continues until 4:00 pm, and there is an after-hours session that runs until 8:00 pm. All in all, there are as many as 13 hours in a day to use Wall Street.
One of our students, who has a $12,000 portfolio and trades spare time, shoots for $1,000 a week or $52,000 a year. Enjoying the current full time job, the spare time business of flipping stocks is a nice way to generate additional cash for the year, and who can argue with a $50,000+ spare time job?
After the first full week of trading for her, five stocks were engaged, and four generated a profit, and the week ended with a profit of $1,269.69. The batting average here for the first full week was 80%.
Another, who uses a $25,000 portfolio, used eight stocks, seven of them for gains, and generated $4,241.52, and he has a weekly goal of $2,000 to $3,000. The batting average here was a sweet 88%!
Sadly, for some, 2020 is going to be just another year. However, for those who are learning how to flip stocks for quick gains, a lifetime skill is being learned that can create ongoing revenue for decades.
The Ability To Create Time December 9, 2019
One of my goals in learning how to flip stocks was to create time.
Life is normally defined by our years of education, followed by the decades of working in our profession, followed by a few short years of retirement when we are supposed to “enjoy life and take it easy.”
Why is the fun part relegated to a few short years?
When I worked for Northwest Airlines I was paid $200 a day for my work and some of my weeks were as long as 50 to 60 hours. I was thankful to have a job, but I knew that I was working for someone else the entire time. They told me when to work, what to wear, when I could take a day off and ultimately how much I would be living on.
When I learned how to flip stocks for quick profits, my entire world changed and in a way I could have never before imagined. Now I would spend 15 minutes making $750 and I could take the rest of the day off or even take two days off, if I so chose. I had days where the system I had developed would generate $1,000 to $4,000 in a day, giving me the freedom to use my days and weeks as I decided. I no longer relied on someone else and I was finally free to spend my time as I decided.
The money I was generating created time for me to do whatever I wanted.
The freedom of being able to take my laptop office anywhere I wanted was also a huge benefit to my new life. I could work on the beach or in the mountains or from a hospital room, if that is where I needed to be. Learning how to flip stocks for quick gains also allowed me to look forward to my “retirement” years free from worry. I no longer had to concern myself with outliving my savings, because I learned a way to create cash for the rest of my life.
When you can use the majority of your time doing what you choose to do, you have succeeded in creating more time to do the things you desire to do.
Life was meant to be enjoyed, doing what we want to do!
"I Want Your Life" July 8, 2019
These four words I have heard many times over the last 20 years, as many comment on the life I have been blessed with. Yet, I respond each time by stating anyone can achieve what I have in using Wall Street as a Business.
If my wife tells me she wants to visit Chicago, Boston or New York in the near future, I have no boss to ask. Instead of asking which city she would like to see, we simply plan to visit them all. A quick drive to Chicago for a few days and then off to Boston and end the road trip in the Big Apple. Since I can work from anywhere we happen to be, it is not a problem.
Most people wait until retirement to achieve freedom in life and my position is, “Why wait that long? Take control of your future now.”
The idea of waiting until retirement to do what you want is tragic to me. I see people living lives without passion every day, as they continue to go through life like a zombie with a countdown of “15 more years” until they can retire and (finally) have the freedom to do what they want. When some reach retirement though, health issues have forced them to accept a life of limited mobility and they can no longer do what they want, when they want.
Perhaps they arrive at retirement with less savings than expected and they are limited in what they can do, as the need for stretching out their savings is the primary worry. They want to do a great deal, but circumstances prevent it.
We only have one life, why not strive to make the most of it?
It has been my professional crusade over the past twenty years to proclaim to the world that Wall Street can be used as a spare, part, or full time business. I know it sounds crazy, and that is what keeps most from considering it, but I know from experience that the stock market can be used for ongoing gains – as long as you follow a proven system.
Within the Video Tutorials on the Day Trade Fun website, one segment is on the mistakes made by those who try to flip stocks on Wall Street. They blindly charge into the stock market and expect their “good decision making skills” will carry them to incredible profits. Instead, they discover they were unprepared and it costs them money and (worst of all) their future financial freedom.
Anyone can use Wall Street for profits.
In the fourth quarter of 2018, when the markets were in a dive, we used 109 stocks and saw a 55% profit/increase in our portfolio. Not every stock trade was a winner, but 83 of the 109 stocks used did provide a profit and a very respectable batting average of 76% was seen.
The bottom line is we can do the things everyone else is doing and we can expect the same results. If your goal in life is to be exactly like those around you, then doing the same thing day after day and week after week and month after month and year after year will get you there. However, if you want a different future, you need to take a different road now.
Become a student of the stock market and learn as much as you can. Dismiss the notion that you know it all and accept that there is room for improvement and carefully and slowly progress as you look for ways to flip stocks for gains. Paper (practice) trade for months until you achieve a 75% or better batting average and then (and only then) begin to use $500 a trade for an additional 3-4 months to make sure that batting average remains strong. Use the free training videos on our website and refer to the Success Blog and, over time, you can lean a great deal.
If you prefer the faster approach to learning, contact us and we will do everything we can enroll you in an upcoming class start and you could be making live trades within 6-8 weeks!
Either way, make the most of the life you have and never settle for less than the best.
Successful People Make Time June 10, 2019
From the age of fifteen I had the opportunity to be around Hall of Fame golfers, baseball and football players, actors, and some of the most powerful and successful CEOs in the country. As I became more acquainted with the crazy and hectic schedule of each, one question continually ran through my mind:
“How do they find time through the day to get all of it done?”
As a teenager, I would watch with amazement at how these ultra-successful professionals would manage their day. It seemed as though they accomplished more in a week, than others could in a month! After several years it hit me like a ton of bricks:
Successful people do not find time…they make it.
This was a revolutionary concept for a kid approaching his 20’s as I then tried to duplicate that which I had observed all of those years. In my quest to join the 1984 Olympic Baseball Team, as well as through my airline career, I simply told myself that anything important meant I would make the time necessary for whatever needed to be done.
When I started studying the stock market I wondered how a schedule as hectic as mine would allow me to learn from Wall Street. I delivered newspapers from 4:00am until 7:30am and worked building GM car seats from 5:30pm until 2:30am – allowing time for just three hours of sleep a day.
If it was important, I told myself, I would make the time.
When we founded Day Trade Fun in 2009, I would hear from students every year. Their email would state “this is my year!” as they indicated they would soon have the time available to learn how to use Wall Street as a Business. For many, I receive the same email every year from the same people and I realize that building a business through trading stocks is just not important to them. If it was, they would make the time.
I am always encouraged by the business owners and other professionals who enroll as they work at other ventures. They may only have four or five hours a week, but they use whatever time they can to learn how the stock market works and to use Wall Street to provide a spare, part or full time income.
They will watch stocks at 7:00am before work or will glance at the stock market in after hours trading from 4:00pm to 8:00pm, studying the Stock Alert emails they receive each day. Their knowledge base increases drastically with each passing month and year. Even when they have a hectic day, many are trading in the pre or after hours session and will quickly flip a stock for a profit for a few hundred or a few thousand dollars. Success has taught them you need to learn before you can earn and it is something important enough to make time for.
Last week we had someone buy a stock at 8:00am using $6,600 and sold their shares at 9:51am for more than $15,000, giving them a profit of more than $9,400 in less than two hours! They made the time to learn and are at the point where they can earn and earn a great deal, with minimal effort.
Wall Street remains the greatest business opportunity going today and for those willing to make time to learn, it can provide a lifetime of earning opportunities.
It’s worth making time for.
Two Quarters: 77% Portfolio Increase March 25, 2019
In the 4Q of 2018 and the 1Q of 2019, our portfolio is up more than 77%.
When I started trading stocks in the mid 1990’s, I had a small army of skeptics who continued to tell me that Wall Street could not be used as business. Yes, some were making money as the markets soared, but those times were brief and those same people lost money as the markets fell. The skeptics had a compelling argument, but I decided to push on anyway.
By May of 2003 my improved system of flipping stocks allowed me to jump in and out of Wall Street in a matter of minutes. This limited exposure would thereby limit my risk and that appealed very much to me. Friends had seen their portfolio drop by more than 10-20% during significant downturns of the market and always assured me that it was okay – because the market would come back. Oh, it might take several years to fully recover, but it was okay.
For me, from a purely business objective, that approach seem flawed. If you used stocks on a short term basis there would be no down-time, or waiting for stocks to recapture previous share prices. No wasted time where revenue production was on hold. The opportunity cost of waiting was not an option for me. Instead, my objective was to use the market in any condition whether the market was going up, down or was in a prolonged stall and in 2003 I perfected that approach.
When my stock trading (no options or margin trading) started generating more than $100,000 using a cash portfolio of just $25,000 there were a ton of skeptics. I would show them my trade summaries and even copies of the checks TD Ameritrade would send me (no ACH transfer available then) and still they would shake their head in disbelief. I became so frustrated at the prospect of someone calling me a liar I even showed them my IRS tax returns when my yearly gains approached $200,000 and again they would refuse to believe it.
In time I began to understand where these people were coming from and I learned not to take the attacks against my character personally. They were not really stating they could not believe me, but rather they would not because that would mean I was doing something they had tried desperately to do – and failed. Many of these people have the mental mindset that if they could not figure out a way to use the stock market successfully, no one could…especially not some general manager from Northwest Airlines. Once the revelation hit me it was far easier to brush aside the attacks which come on a (too) regular basis.
So how it it possible to see a 77% increase in just six months?
When I started studying the stock market in 1992 I was fascinated with the one year patterns of various stock prices. Some went straight up, others down while others bounced between a narrow price pattern for most of the year. I spent thousands of hours studying these patterns and expanded my research into six-month price patterns and then compared those to the 12-month ones and the differences were striking in so many ways.
After several more years I narrowed the scope from stocks on a six month basis to a one month basis, as my original plan was to use stocks on a short term basis of no longer than a month at a time. Early on I identified the obvious risk associated with trading on the stock market, so the clear path to take was the one that reduced the amount of time my money was in the market and that would lead to a reduced level of risk. (Key point)
As I applied my stock selection process to stocks I was tracking, I was more than pleased with my success and I was seeing sustained success. It was at this time a thought it hit me that change my world:
“Could stocks see this kind of revenue profit pattern on a daily basis?”
In other words, could stocks move in a day as I was seeing from a six and twelve month price movements? I quickly started examining stocks as they traded through the day to see if there were any similarities and was astounded that the same rolling or channeling patterns existed here as well. I was in shock and felt like the prospector who unearthed the biggest diamond reserve ever.
In time I was paper trading (practice) for months to see if I could use stocks on a daily basis and still see a 70% or better batting average and that is exactly what was taking place. I was in shock. The patterns were so clear to me that I was amazed no one else (or very few) were using them.
I would buy a stock at $3 a share and would quickly sell it at $3.23 for a nice 8% gain, only to see limit buy orders for $50,000 roll in at $3.35 and $3.40 a share as investors were trying to buy 15,000 shares at a time and at a much higher price than my $3 purchase price. Where were all of these people when the price was 13% under the price they were trying to buy shares at?
To this day that concept of being early to the party amazes me, but also reinforces the fact that the exchange-specific stock approach I have developed is beyond the scope of many investors and traders. It is not that I am smarter, I just know what to look for and I use that to my advantage on a daily basis and I also have the privilege of teaching that to approximately 40 students a year through our 12-month online course.
As you can see, I never started out to be a person who was a “Day Trader.” Rather, it was the end-process to my quest for reducing the amount of overall risk that my money was exposed to. Long term investing carries with it 24/7 risk that we cannot predict, as anything can happen. Yet, if you can find a way to reduce that risk by reducing the amount of time your money remains in the market…mission accomplished!
A 77% profit increase over six months seems to support that conclusion.
The Harsh Reality: 85%+ Hate Their Job February 11, 2019
“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
When American writer Henry David Thoreau penned those words more than 150 years ago, it was almost as though he was looking into the future at today. A recent Gallup poll on employee satisfaction found the percentage of disgruntled employees has reached the point where nearly 9 out of 10 workers worldwide hate their job. In the United States the number is more than 70%.
It certainly sounds like desperation to me.
When you break it down, most workers are unhappy in their job because they do not feel challenged or appreciated. Their contribution is lost in the ocean of others and it is only when they mess up that attention comes their way and that is the kind we prefer not to have. As workers we went from enjoying our work to enduring it and the emotional side-effects are growing at an alarming rate.
Being unsatisfied at work means the place where we spend most of our waking time is a place of misery. This is why most employees are on a countdown clock towards each day, weekend, holiday and vacation as it allows them to briefly step aside from the reality of the moment. Sadly, soon thereafter they are forced to return to their workhouse and the countdown resumes towards the next brief interruption to their misery.
What if you could instead live a life which was exciting and free? What if you could own a portable business, that you could run from the comfort of your laptop and from anywhere you chose to be? What if that business allowed you the flexibility of working anytime between 7:00am and 8:00pm (ET) and only during those times you felt like working? What would it be like to be paid what you are worth, versus the scraps thrown to you by your employer?
Being the boss of your own life is indeed a great thing.
The problem though is such success requires a price tag and most people are simply unwilling to pay it. To learn a lifelong skill that can be used for decades requires a dedicated effort to expand your knowledge, beyond anything learned before.
That is where the team at Day Trade Fun comes in.
If you are serious about learning a lifelong skill, learning to use Wall Street as a Business, you are invited to apply for an upcoming class start. Our comprehensive (one-on-one) training allows you unfettered access to one of the most comprehensive stock trading programs available today. The success of the program, which has been used for more than 20 years, lies in our ability to limit the amount of time our money remains in the stock market.
Candidly speaking, we do not trust this market long term.
Therefore, the key for us is to place our money into the market for the shortest span of time possible, which limits the risk associated with flipping stocks for quick profits. On a February in early February (8th) we used two stocks, holding one for 19 minutes and the other for 8 minutes and we walked away with a profit of $912! Less time means less risk and it also demonstrates how Wall Street can be used as a spare, part of even full time business.
The days of quiet desperation are over for those who choose to build a business which provides them control of their own destiny. Why not join the (Day Trade) Fun?
The Cruel Game Called Retirement January 7, 2019
It almost seems unfair.
Couples spend an entire professional career, working 30 to 40 years, sacrificing to save enough to comfortably retire. Years of sacrifice carefully designed to provide years of stress free retirement.
Yet, when retirement arrives the couple finds themselves afraid to spend much of what they have saved, fearful they might outlive their retirement nest egg. Retirement, it would appear, is anything but stress free.
It does not have to be this way.
During the 1990’s I was a General Manager for Northwest Airlines and I recognized (even as one in my 30’s) that a more secure retirement plan was needed and that is when I turned to studying the stock market. My plan was to create a business that would allow income to be generated during my retirement years, apart from the savings I had compiled. It took far longer to develop my trading system than I originally planned, but once in place my entire financial future radically changed.
The stock market is, and has always been, about managing risk and I learned early the longer my money was in the market the more risk it was exposed to. Therefore, it made perfect sense to reduce that risk by reducing the amount of time my money remained in the market, by flipping stocks for quick gains versus taking the long term buy, hold and pray approach.
In 2008 and 2009 my cash portfolio of just $25,000 created profits of $150,000 and $200,000 in a year simply by trading stocks. No options or margin trading, just the process of spotting, tracking and engaging revenue opportunities as I looked for the highest possible gains in the shortest span of time possible. Many times I was making hundreds and thousands of dollars in less than 20 minutes.
Today we are told to trust employers and to trust our pensions and candidly speaking, I do not. For me, the safest course of action is to develop a revenue vehicle that can be used to generate cash on an ongoing basis, with the added flexibility of being able to take that business anywhere I chose to be. A portable and lucrative business that could be used, as I desired, during my retirement years.
I had found a better way.
In 2009 I decided to build a company with the sole purpose of teaching others how Wall Street could be used as a business. Regardless of whether or not a person decided to enroll in the online class, the idea of educating the masses on how stocks could be used as a business was, and remains, my passion in life. Men and women from all over the world, from all walks of life, enrolled in the twelve-month online course and learned a lifelong skill that radically changed their financial future.
We have entered a time when the stock market has returned to its normal volatility pattern (which was present prior to the Fed-induced lethargic pattern brought about by three rounds of quantitative easing and years of historically low interest rates). Investors who have seen more than a decade of a Bull Market are starting to worry. Many can still recall the 49% drop in the S&P 500 over thirty months in 2000 to 2002 or the 56% drop in just 17 months in 2007.
Long term investors are concerned, we are not.
The stock trading approach our students use is not market-based, but is stock-specific. This means we could care less if the market is up, down or moving sideways as there are always stocks during the day which provide a possible revenue opportunity for us. In fact, most days we will see as many as ten and only need a few to reach our daily revenue goals. In late December one student used $10 on a stock and sold the shares back that day for nearly $600 and two other stock opportunities turned $400 into more than $2,000 – as we continued the process of flipping stocks for quick gains.
Having a portable business that can run on a smaller portfolio means income can be created (using a conservative trading approach) without the main retirement fund being touched. One of the many examples we had in the 4Q of this year had 95 stocks used, 73 of them for gains, and a portfolio increase of 56%. In specific terms here, the portfolio was $35,000 and a total of $19,673 was generated and the batting average for the stocks used was just three months of trading.
For those who know how to properly use Wall Street, retirement is no longer a cruel game.
The Tale of Two Faces December 3, 2018
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”
The opening line from Charles Dickens’ work (Tale of Two Cities) can best describe the transformation which seems to take place over the span of approximately nine hours. For some, the transformation is considerable!
Many times I am running errands in the morning, prior to the stock market opening bell, and I will glance at fellow drivers and, almost without exception, they look miserable. Their faces are long and they stare off into the distance like a commuting zombie as they drive to their individual workhouses. If there was an emotion to be attached to what I see it would definitely be “Dread.”
Yet, some nine hours later many of these same people can be seen driving with big smiles across their face, even singing as their day of forced labor is over. They are happy, as the day has mercifully come to an end. Although the day began with dread, it has ended with a degree of relief and in some cases joy.
More than 99% of the population lives for the end of their shift and the end of the week, for only then is there relief from their life of monotony. But does it have to be this way? Is there nothing that can be done?
When Day Trade Fun was launched in 2010 the corporate focus was to introduce as many people as possible to the wonders of Wall Street. Specifically, to show how Wall Street can be used as a business flipping stocks for quick gains, while also maintaining a success average of more than 70%. If you adopt a conservative approach and follow the DTF guidelines as provided, some incredible profits can be generated.
In 2008 and 2009 I used my portfolio of $30,000 and generated more than $325,000 in the course of 24 months and that is what allowed me to continue a life of living free from the control of others.
No longer would someone have the power over me to: - tell me when to work - tell me what to wear - tell me how to act - force me to work weekends and holidays - cut my pay by 20% because of management mistakes - cut my retirement benefits - refuse my request to visit a family member in the hospital - limit how much money I could make - dictate where I worked
Corporate America has zero loyalty to their workforce, yet the workers seem to have incredible loyalty to their employers. Probably a better word to use here would be “dependence” because we seem dependent on the company we work for to provide what we need, hoping that a few more crumbs will fall off the table so we can make 2% more this year than five years ago. It is a life of settling for what comes our way, versus trying to make things better for our families.
Yet, there is a better way.
You can learn a lifetime skill that can allow you to break free from the life of perpetual boredom and limited opportunities, by learning how to use the stock market as a business. The beauty of the comprehensive Day Trade Fun online approach is you learn slowly over time, even while you are being paid by another! Many of our students have full-time responsibilities and we create a training program that fits their hectic schedule. They learn how to spot, track and then use stocks of interest and quickly learn where these stocks are to be purchased and sold. Nothing is left to chance, as our exchange-specific checklists make the entire process easy to follow.
Since we can trade stocks with a portfolio of just $2,000, many will start small and will allow their portfolio to grow as they train. Since they have a full-time job, there is no pressure and they can proceed at the pace their schedule allows and with each passing day, week and month there is an excitement that builds. After all, using the stock market is a skill that can be used for the rest of your life and from any location you choose and (best yet) you are paid what you are worth! We have students who are generating as much as $1,000 and $2,000 in a day, quickly flipping stocks for gains and they are still in training! The markets can be used from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm, which further opens up revenue opportunities.
Ultimately the choice is yours. You can passively accept the course your life is on or you can work to make a change. We have individuals who contacted us in January of 2010 stating they were nearly ready to make the decision to change their life! Yet today, many of those same people are still waiting for the “right time” to make the change and I suspect that day will never arrive. It is far easier to postpone a life changing decision than it is to tackle it now because there is a certain amount of fear when it comes to change and a new direction.
Our team takes most of that fear away as we work with you each day as you learn how the stock market works and how it can be used for short term revenue opportunities. From a tuition standpoint, we offer five tuition payment options to make the process even easier and the 21-day money back guarantee is designed to help reduce that stress level even more.
Isn’t it time for you to experience “the best of times?”
Would You Pick up a Dollar? November 5, 2018
Last week my wife and I were walking the Boardwalk property at Disney (as I can work from anywhere) and I looked down and noticed a folded one-dollar bill. I stopped to pick it up and as I passed it along to a local street performer I could not help but notice a glaring fact.
Dozens of people walked over that money without stopping to pick it up.
I was struck by the obvious comparison to our stock trading program on how so many look at trading stocks. Those on the Boardwalk must have concluded a dollar bill was simply not worth the effort of stopping to retrieve it and there are many who have the same outlook when it comes to trading stocks. If they can’t hit a grand slam on a stock, they will leave it alone.
They allow dollar bills to pass by as they wait for larger bills to appear.
Over 20 years ago, when I began developing my stock trading philosophy, I had a two main objectives in mind. The first was to place my money into the market for the shortest span of time possible, thereby reducing my overall risk. (Today the average hold time for many of our securities is less than 20 minutes.) The second component was to take whatever profits the market gave me on the stock I had purchased. To me, gains of $200 were thrilling, where others looked at the same profit in distain…thinking they needed more of a profit than that to capture their attention. As a result, these stock traders were leaving a tremendous amount of money on the Boardwalk.
Many of our students report a batting average well over 80% and I reviewed the stocks we have used over the past days wondering how many others saw the same securities, but opted not to chase them because the gains were “too low.”
Of these 17 recent stocks, most investors would only be interested in the three that provided a daily return of more than $1,000. Yet for me, I am far more excited over the other 14 that provided smaller gains, as they are the ones that most often appear on Wall Street. Yet most traders spend their entire day looking for the “three,” while ignoring the rest.
I would quickly agree that the three stocks listed would be worthy of my attention (with a profit of $4,680), but I would just as quickly mention that the other 14 stocks are just as worthy, as their combined profit for us was $5,027. So, why not use both?
This approach is one of the many reasons our comprehensive Day Trade Fun stock trading system remains one of the most sought after courses in the world. Yes, it is far from the cheapest course available, but that is because the goal for our students is to learn how to identify, track and engage these high percentage revenue stocks for daily gains and this system generates massive and consistent gains – when the rules are followed.
It is okay that so many traders on Wall Street leave the smaller profits alone, because that creates even more opportunities for the Day Trade Fun students!
Why not join us?
Intra-Day Repeatable Profit Patterns October 8, 2018
I was in shock.
As I sat in Room 121 of the Travelodge at the Dayton International Airport (my home for 10 years), fighting my dial-up computer modem, I will never forget the day I first spotted an intra-day stock profit pattern. I was stunned.
When it first happened, I remember pushing back away from my desk in utter disbelief. I could not believe what I was seeing because it was happening to more than one stock and I really could not believe that others were not seeing the exact same thing – but they weren’t.
I would wait for a stock to hit an exchange-specific price/entry point of $5.15 for a 7% profit and would place my limit sell order at $5.55. The stock would begin to climb towards my desired sell price and then I would notice limit buy orders pile in for 25,000 shares of the stock at $5.40, $5.50, and even $5.60. Investors or firms were placing as much as $130,000 on a stock nearly 10% above where I spotted and used the security.
Where were these people when I was using the exact same stock and at a much lower price?
I was shocked and amazed at what I observed day after day in that motel room and part of me was convinced there was no way it could be true. After all, if I could see it…why couldn’t others?
In 2008 and 2009 I took my small cash portfolio of $25,000 and began using my refined trading system with the singular goal of spotting and using these intraday stock profit patterns and over the course of the next 24 months I generated more than $320,000 in profits – still amazed that I was seeing and using stocks at price points that others were missing!
It sounds so simplistic, but it is true in that if you know what to look for in the price movement of a stock it becomes far easier to successfully use it. In 2010 when Day Trade Fun was created and I began teaching my system to a select few students a year, many would ask the same questions that I did:
“Is this all there is? It seems too easy!” “Why aren’t others using this same approach?”
To this day I still cannot answer the second question, but after watching the market now for 25 years I can say my approach is unique to what others are teaching and is the main reason many of our students enjoy a batting or success average of more than 80%!
My dedication to the Day Trade Fun students is the primary reason why I am the only teacher. Yes, we could make five times more money if I had a team of trainers working for me, but the quality of the training would not be as high and students would not be enjoying the same success.
If you wish to be considered for a future class, please contact our office soon as future class slots are quickly taken. You are invited to join the fun associated with having a portable business that can be used from anywhere you choose to be and at anytime you choose to work. It is, in my humble opinion, the best business opportunity going today.
After all, why should we have all the fun?
Back to School! September 10, 2018
Late August and early September are all about getting back to school. After enjoying a lazy summer session, the brain cells are recharged and fire up for another year of academic exercises.
But how much do we really learn?
When I talk with people from around the world I am amazed at how much time, money and effort is devoted to the pursuit of a diploma when so little of what is being taught is actually being used in the real world.
I enjoyed (somewhat) my pursuit of a Bachelors Degree in Organizational Management, but were my classes on Music Appreciation of the Classical Era really necessary? We are told we “need” the classes and we blindly follow along, trusting the knowledge we acquire will translate into well paying jobs and a lifetime of continuing professional opportunities.
Sometime well after graduation it hits us that we are not exactly as prepared for life’s professional path as we had hoped and we begin another round of education as we try to catch up to others who are around us. As if that is not bad enough, we are then forced to repay our student loans for years as a constant reminder that the classes we took then are having little benefit to us now.
When students apply for and are accepted into a Day Trade Fun class the journey is all about acquiring useful hands-on experience on how to use the stock market as a business. During the 12-month comprehensive online course, students are taught how the market works and how to spot, track and then use potential revenue stocks. It’s far more than learning a craft than in building a business that can be used for a lifetime and from anywhere one chooses to be.
I have traded stocks for over twenty years and the freedom and flexibility of using Wall Street as a business has never been better. As more and more people are looking for a way to finally regain some control over their professional future, it is nice to make this course available.
If you are looking for a way out of the professional circus known as Corporate America, I invite you to check us out and perhaps you will see that you have what it takes to be a Day Trade Fun student!
Dependence on Experts Alarming August 6, 2018
We have more people than ever who are relying on “experts” to keep their financial future headed in the right direction.
News Flash: Experts can be wrong or have ulterior motives.
A few years ago a stock was trading at $18 a share and dipped to $13 and more than a few experts were all over television touting what a great company it was and how the stock was certain to recover to $18 and move much higher. Within three weeks the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and the stock price plummeted to under $1 a share.
Great call.
A number of years ago shares of Proctor & Gamble dropped big, to nearly $40 a share. My parents had a rather large portfolio of P&G stock, so they consulted with their expert to see what was the best course of action. The agent, hungry for a commission, advised my parents to unload their shares before the stock dropped even more. They sold just above $40 a share and within three months the stock was back over $80 a share.
Again, a great call.
I see so many people betting their financial future on the advice of others and some times it can wreck their retirement. This is one of the reasons so many are turning to our company, as they are looking for a way to learn how to take control over a small portion of their financial future. Many of our students will take portfolios of as little as $10,000 and will generate $1,000+ in a week as a way to subsidize their revenue stream.
Last week we had someone take their portfolio of $4,800 and generate $1,656 in profits using seven stocks. Of those seven, six were money makers and the seventh had a loss of ($17.59) meaning a nice 6/7 = 86% batting average as her portfolio increased by 35%!
It is okay to seek counsel from several experts, just avoid giving them complete access to the controls of your financial future. There are no do-overs in life and if someone you trust makes a bad call, it will be you and your family that suffer as a result.
Don’t allow your financial future to be placed in jeopardy due to a “Great call.”
Learning a $1,000,000 Life Skill July 9, 2018
During the decade I spent living in a motel room, my entire focus was on creating a business where I could flip stocks for quick profits. I saw people flipping houses, cars and garage sale items for profits – why not use stocks as well?
I was developing a life skill that could generate serious cash.
As my success and profits continued to grow, I realized that I was creating a lifetime skill that could generate more than a million dollars. In fact, in 2008 and 2009 I used a portfolio of $25,000 and generated more than $300,000 in a span of two years! In 2010 the company of Day Trade Fun was founded and since then I have had the privilege of teaching others how Wall Street can be used as a business.
Learning a new skill takes time and effort, as there is much information to cover within our comprehensive stock trading course. If you are serious about changing the direction of your family’s future, it will take work over a period of time to make it happen. The good news is I have traveled that path and serve as your daily mentor and guide as we proceed. If you can follow a checklist, you can learn how to flip stocks for quick profits.
The year of 2018 is now half over and many entered this year with grand plans to change the direction of their life. Sadly, most are on the same path and in the same rut as they have been for years and without a serious decision to change, chances are they will continue working for someone else instead of creating a business of their own.
I learned long ago that true financial freedom comes through working for myself instead of working hard to make someone else rich. It is also the reason why more and more people are turning to Day Trade Fun to learn a lifetime skill, which provides the flexibility and freedom to enjoy life as never before!
Your Day: Rent or own it? June 4, 2018
Recently our students were going through their premarket checklist and noticed a stock of interest and placed their buy orders accordingly. Just after the opening bell shares of the stock were purchased at/near $3.20 a share and were sold at nearly $3.55 a share in less than ten minutes.
Their Wednesday morning workday lasted all of nine minutes.
When the Day Trade Fun comprehensive stock training program was created over a decade ago, the intent was to provide a tool where our students would be able to reclaim their lives in a way unlike anything experienced before. Instead of being told where to work, when to work and what to wear our students would have the ability to call their own shots…make their own decisions on how they want their life to be spent.
If you work for someone else, you are renting your professional life – you own nothing. If your employer wishes to pay you less or require more hours worked for the same wage, you are forced to comply or look elsewhere for employment. You are completely at their mercy, as you hope they will provide for you. Yet, the moment that bad times appear, “valued” employees are sent packing immediately. As workers, we are all interchangeable parts.
Yet, there are a few people who are looking for an alternative and are using the Day Trade Fun stock trading system to accomplish just that, taking control of their lives for the first time ever. Many more are studying the markets now, so that when their retirement day arrives in a few years they can hit the ground running using the stock market as a means to generate income on a consistent basis.
Why rent your life when you can own it?
Mentoring vs. The Assembly Line May 7, 2018
“It did not work.”
Prospective students will frequently contact me saying they spent considerable money on a stock training program that did not work for them and they then ask how my system could be any better. After all, most people who try to flip stocks for quick profits end up on the losing side of the ledger.
It stems from my desire to find someone to mentor me (for a fee) in the early 1990’s and I contacted dozens of “successful traders” who had businesses where they taught students their system. As I investigated further, I quickly found out that the creator of the system would not be working with me directly, but one of their (many) associates who possessed but a fraction of the knowledge. Clearly the intent was to create an assembly line where they could sign up as many people as possible, work with them for a few days or at most a few weeks and then move on to the next batch of students.
When I created the Day Trade Fun company in 2009, I made a promise to myself that the training program would be much different than any of those I had encountered nearly 18 years before. Instead of enrolling thousands of students a year, the Day Trade Fun enrollments were capped at no more than 50 students a year. Instead of a weekend seminar or a two-week online course, I would personally mentor each student over the course of 12 months, using Wall Street as our classroom. Instead of cramming a little bit of information into a small span of time, I would extend the training so I could teach my students how the stock market works and how we look for the best revenue opportunities using the stocks that are trading that day.
As someone who took $25,000 and created more than $300,000 in 24 months, I would be serving as a mentor for a year teaching my students how to replicate my success and (in many cases) surpassing my success. My past success in trading stocks provided me a success (batting) average of 70% and better, where many of our students report success averages in excess of 80%!
As a result of the extended mentoring our students are positioned to stand a better chance at succeeding when they tackle the stock market, since the program takes a slow and methodical approach where past lessons are continually reinforced, while new information is conveyed to the student week after week. In combining a direct one-on-one teaching method, with support audio CDs and a Daily Recap email to reinforce the day’s lessons and revenue opportunities, the Day Trade Fun approach is (in our humble opinion) the most comprehensive stock training program in the country.
If you want to learn how to trade stocks, you can easily find a shorter and less expensive program. However, if you want to get the most from your tuition and are looking for a personal trainer to work with you over a one-year period of time, consider applying for a Day Trade Fun class. In short order, you will find out why many of our new students are a result of former student referrals, as word of our success spreads across the country.
There might be occasions to cut corners, but when it comes to learning how to quickly flip stocks for consistent gains on Wall Street, you will be hard pressed to find anything close to our proven approach.
Work for Yourself or Work for Another April 23, 2018
The choice is yours; work for yourself or work for another.
In this day and age we see more than 99% of the population choosing to work for another person, making someone else rich while they eek out a meager living hoping for a few more crumbs every year or two. After 20 or 30 years of sacrifice and hard work, the promise of retirement arrives and then many times we find out that Corporate America has changed the rules and we do not have all of the promised benefits that we had counted on. In essence, we are left on our own to figure out how to survive during the “golden age” of retirement.
Over the last decade of mentoring students, I have heard such corporate horror stories and many are difficult to believe. Yet, I experienced the same thing in my professional life when Corporate America kicked me to the curb after 20 years in the airline industry. Corporate America kicked me to the curb and I kicked back, learning how I could survive and thrive on my own – apart from the the system that is designed to keep people trapped in a never ending cycle of dependence.
For those who are looking for a way to increase their knowledge and revenue opportunities, the comprehensive Day Trade Fun stock training program is a viable option. Spend time learning a skill that can be used for decades to come and a skill that can be used without being dependent on anyone else.
On April 17, 2001 I made the decision to work for myself and to stop working hard to make others rich and that decision changed my life forever. Life is too short to settle for the crumbs of life, when there is so many opportunities available for those who are willing to pay the required price of hard work.
So, the choice is yours…what will it be?
It’s Time to Divorce Your Job March 19, 2018
How many of us, at one time or another, have been locked into a bad personal relationship? During that time what do those closest around us continue to say?
Answer: Leave. Don’t settle for anything but the very best!
Yet, professionally speaking how many of us remain in a bad business relationship? We pour our hard work and loyalty into a company that, more often than not, completely ignores our contribution and sacrifice. We miss birthdays, anniversaries, holiday celebrations, events with our family and for what? A business who strives to pay us as little as they can to keep us around?
Why do we remain in a bad personal or professional relationship?
Most of the time it comes down to the fear of change. The fear of striking out on a new course is terrifying and makes it much easier for us to simply keep our head down in hopes that conditions will improve. After all, it is always possible that the person we are with or the job we have will improve over time.
Time is the issue, as we do not have an unlimited amount of time as our working career spans approximately 40-50 years and it is during that time we need to prepare for the few years of retirement that we may have coming…so we can make the most out of that chapter of our lives. Use the time now wisely so you are prepared for the next chapter of life.
Over the past decade, my 20,000+ media interviews created an avalanche of incoming emails from people who were shocked that they were suddenly dismissed from their job. They worked hard, received periodic (measly) pay increases and one day they show up to find out their job has been eliminated and they are shown the door. The company they were counting on to take care of them has just kicked them to the curb.
I know that feeling because it happened to me on Tuesday April 17, 2001 when my position at Northwest Airlines was eliminated. A career that started in October of 1981 ended with a thud after a ten-minute visit from my boss and the Director of Human Resources. But I was prepared, as I had spent the previous few years studying the stock market and I was ready for the next chapter of my life and I was able to make the most of it.
However, I seem to be (sadly) the exception to the rule as millions remain in a job they cannot stand, hoping that one day (somehow) their conditions will improve. Maybe fate has something in store for them, perhaps a chance meeting will change their life…either way they will just be patient until that hopeful day arrives.
Success in life is no secret as it comes down to a series of choices. You can choose to remain in your current situation and hope that it one day works out or you can start to learn a lifelong skill that could transform your future into one of the most exciting times of your entire life. You can take control or you can allow someone else to have complete and total control over your life and future. Everyone one of us makes a choice and I urge you to make the one that is in your best interest.
Most of our students have a full time job or business and they enroll in a Day Trade Fun class so they can slowly learn how to use the stock market over an extended period of time. The training schedule is created around their schedule and they are taught every aspect of the stock market from how it works to how we go about finding possible revenue stocks of interest. We then dive into the specifics of where to buy and sell stocks, while keeping our money in the market for the shortest span of time possible. In short order, the students are making trades during their training and are seeing profits generated!
It is during this time of training that students play a game to see if they can make more money in their limited trading time than they make during their “normal job.” The reality that they can create a financial future on their own terms is one of the most liberating feelings of their life and we are thrilled to provide the instrument where they can achieve just that.
Isn’t it time you considering divorcing your job?
Seven Resources: Learn For Free! February 5, 2018
We limit the number of students we train to 40 a year, yet millions of Americans have benefited from the information that we have provided over the last decade. Our Corporate focus remains simple: Educate as many people as possible on the ways Wall Street can be used as a business. Whether they apply for a class is not the objective, informing them about the incredible revenue opportunities of quickly flipping stocks for profits is!
There are SEVEN ways we provide this life-changing information for free:
Our Free Training CDs: We have produced over three hours of audio sessions that we provide, free of charge. One session on “Day Trading as a Business” outlines the ways you can look at using the stock market as a business. When I first started the journey in 1992, friends, family and co-workers laughed at the idea of using Wall Street as a business. By 2008, when I was making nearly $200,000 in a year, their laughter stopped and it became obvious that Wall Street could be used on a daily basis.
Training Sessions 1 & 2 of our curriculum are also available free of charge. Here we outline the Day Trade Fun curriculum and what will be required to make the journey a success. Whether the objective is to use the stock market for a few hours a week or a few hours a day, specific information is shared on how we limit our overall risk by limiting the amount of time our money remains in the market.
These CDs are a must for anyone who is serious about starting their business! Contact us immediately if you would like these CDs shipped, free of charge.
Success Blog: Since May of 2012, we have loaded a series of trading-specific blogs to our Day Trade Fun website as a means to educate aspiring stock traders on how Wall Street can be used as a business. Month after month, specific information is provided that can help those who endeavor to learn how to successfully trade stocks, by learning on their own.
The objective here is to provide information that can allow traders to reach, and exceed, a 70% success average for the stocks they engage. This Success Blog is a continuing must read for those who desire to use the stock market as a business.
Follow Us on Facebook: Many times we will post, in real time, the stocks we are tracking and using through the course of our trading day. What amazes most newcomers, is how we tend to hold our stocks for less than 20 minutes, while enjoying profits of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% and more!
For a day-by-day update, Facebook is the way to go and a simple LIKE will allow you to follow the stocks we are using!
Weekly Radio Interviews: Since 2010 more than 15,000 radio interviews have been conducted and they continue to this day. Stations such as KOA/Denver, WFLA/Tampa, WLW/Cincinnati, WTAM/Cleveland, WTVN/Columbus, WERC/Birmingham, WIOD/Miami and the Premiere Radio National Sunday evening program are just a few of the stations where investor-specific information is shared on a weekly basis.
Our most recent topics have included the Bitcoin craze, the growing marijuana stock opportunities, Hot Stocks for 2018, and the mounting concerns over the Price-to-Earnings Ratio, suggesting many securities are significantly overvalued. Contact our office for the exact schedule for the coming week.
Jay Ratliff Interviews: On the Day Trade Fun website there are a series of interviews posted, hosted by award winning TV personality Sallie Taylor. During each of these interviews specific engagement criteria was provided, allowing those trying to learn on their own to increase their knowledge base. You’ll be surprised at just how much information is conveyed during these interview sessions.
Student Testimonials: Over the last year we have loaded video testimonials of students, from class starts in 2011 to 2018. During these brief testimonials even our students provide specific information that we use when chasing stocks for profits! (See our website below to access our Student Testimonials.)
Continual Email Interaction: Many times we will provide trading-specific information for those searching for ways to use Wall Street as a business. While many are willing to spend $100,000 to $250,000 for a business franchise, others are turning to Day Trade Fun to learn a skill where incredible profits can be generated, without the common business hassles such as inventory, finding the best employees, marketing and location issues, tax and insurance considerations and working 24/7 to appease your customer base. Fortunately, our trading is a fraction of the cost of a typical franchise and many times can provide a much better financial foundation and certainly more freedom Plus, many of our workdays are less than two hours and we can leave with $1,000 or more for our efforts.!
Contact us through our website to be included on our email distribution list.
We stand ready to work with you, day by day, showing you what we have shared with millions over the last decade on how the stock market can be used as the most incredible business opportunity going today!
Let us help to make 2018 your best year ever.
The FedEx Truck January 22, 2018
A recent conversation with an executive from an online brokerage firm was telling. “How do you do this?”
His question was in response to a one month Trade Summary where a portfolio of $25,000 was used to create $10,781 in profits. Within that month, a slow December, there were 18 stocks used and 16 of them for profits…which was a nice 89% batting average. The man was amazed at our success.
It is easy when you know what to look for.
When our students first begin trading stocks within our program, early profits are always exciting and they normally ask, “Why isn’t everyone doing this? It is not a difficult process to use.” My reply has always been short and simple: If they knew what to look for, they would be doing the exact same thing.
One year I was driving to Indianapolis and the friend I was with, knowing I had spent years working at various airports, asked me what the arrows on the side of the FedEx trucks meant. He was curious if there was a meaning behind the arrows. I smirked and replied that he was mistaken, because there were no arrows on the side of the trucks.
As we entered the city we both began looking for a FedEx truck, anxious to prove the other person wrong. When we finally found one, we both pointed and exclaimed at the same time, “Told you!”
He saw the arrow and I did not.
Eventually he was able to get me to see the arrow that was brilliantly and strategically placed between the “E” and “X.” I later found out why the logo was created this way, but once Herb showed me the arrow it is now the only thing I see, even now some 20 years later.
Once you spot it, it is all you see.
As our students flip stocks for quick profits, it is the exact same principle in motion. There is a very specific way to spot possible revenue stocks of interest and a very specific way to plot an intercept course where the stock would be purchased and exactly where it would be sold. No guesswork, just a simple checklist that takes no more than 20-30 seconds to execute. When you know what to look for, it becomes a very easy process to follow.
During the ten years I spent in a Travelodge motel room I will never forget the moment I first spotted these intraday stock recovery patterns. I immediately sat back in shock, doubting what I saw, thinking there is no way it could be that simple. After all, if it was why was not everyone using this?
Just like the FedEx truck, stock revenue opportunities are there and we show our students how to spot and use them. Incredible success, contrary to popular thought, does not need to be difficult. We prove it each and every day.
The Single Best Investment of 2018 January 8, 2018
As I finish out the year with nearly 2,000 media interviews, the question of “What’s hot in 2018?” continues to arise. Some point to crypto currencies, while others point to the transportation sector and some might continue to search for their next golden opportunity within the online retail stores.
Sadly, most do not get it.
I recall when the marijuana craze was sweeping the investment world, as everyone was looking for the hottest “pot stock” to add to their portfolio. Just as we are seeing today with the Bitcoin craze, companies are changing their name to reflect involvement with the latest craze…without changing their business model. It’s simply a name change and investors are buying up shares as quickly as they can get them. Eventually reality catches up with the excitement and there is a mass sell off of the stock, with investors losing out yet again.
Investors are looking for the next hot stock, many times following the crowd into some horrible security and one that will cost them money. Even if the stock turns out to be a winner, it is a temporary victory and one that needs to be repeated time and time again, in order to maintain sustained success. That is why when I respond to the question of the single greatest investment opportunity of the New year, I receive looks of bewilderment.
The single greatest investment in 2018 is YOU.
Many will roll their eyes at such a statement, but I can prove it to be true. When our students begin their training, our entire objective is to educate them about how the stock market works and how we can use that movement to generate some impressive gains. Further, we take the approach that long term exposure to the stock market is not the best move for us, so we look for revenue opportunities which allow us to keep our money in the market for the shortest span of time possible – many times buying and selling the security in less than 20 minutes.
Through 2017 our student body (kept to approximately 40 students or less each year) worked to understand the market, then began to spot revenue opportunities and then started the process of actually buying and selling stocks learning and earning as they went. Instead of looking for some hot investment to propel them into a higher income level, they took it on their own to develop a skill that they can use for the rest of their life and from anywhere they choose to be.
In December we had some who used the stock market in a spare time fashion, as they were able to watch the market for an hour or two a day. During that time 12 stocks were used (11 for gains) and it created a spare time income in excess of $7,000! Using 11 of 12 stocks for gains means their batting average for the month was 92%.
I agree it is easier to buy a stock and hope it works out, as compared to the work required to learn a new skill. Yet, there is something incredibly liberating about learning a new skill that can be used as a business and from anywhere you choose to be. To me, using Wall Street as a money maker is the greatest business opportunity going.
The reality of the situation is many will go into 2018 the exact same way they entered 2017, going with the flow. They take the position that their job and industry is secure and that they are “safe.” Without notice though for hundreds of thousands this year, they will be told their services are no longer needed. It will be a certain kick to the gut and at that time many will wish that they had invested more in themselves, learning a new skill or trade to serve as an insurance policy against this moment. Sadly, most do not and are left to accept whatever comes their way, instead of plotting their own course through life.
It is my sincere prayer that you use the time you are given in the New Year to widen your education in a way that you can begin to take control of your financial future and the endless opportunities which await. Whether you apply for one of our online classes or go back to college attending night classes, make this year count!
A Spare Time Income of $50,000 December 4, 2017
“Jay, I finally have my life back!”
In 2003, during my ten years at the Travelodge Motel, my system on quickly flipping stocks for profits was achieving the 70%+ result I was after. In that year my $2,300 portfolio generated nearly $40,000 and by 2008/2009 my portfolio of $30,000 was creating more than $150,000 in a year. Using the stock market as a business allowed me generate consistent income.
In 2010 we launched the Day Trade Fun company, where the same system could be taught to a small number of students across the country (currently capped at 40 per year). At the time I fully expected to see students use the market full time, as they pursued yearly profits of $100,000, $150,000, $200,000 and more. Instead, I observed a growing number of students who simply used the stock market on a spare time basis.
These students were using the market to regain control of their lives.
The feedback we received from students was unmistakable. For decades they had been told when to report to work, what to wear, when to eat and which few days they were allowed to take off each year. Every aspect of their professional life was controlled by another person. Now, these same people had a vehicle in their hands which gave them complete control of their lives and many for the first time ever. They use one or two stocks a week, in a spare time fashion, to generate their goal of $1,000 or more and then take the rest of the week off to pursue other interests. They now have the time to use their life as they see fit, instead of waiting for permission from another.
In November we had someone who generated $4,604, trading less than two hours a day. This kind of result means a ten-hour work week created $460 an hour! When you then realize that the market is open for 32.5 hours a week, it becomes clear what a full time effort could (and does) generate.
Yet, for many of our students it is not about how much they can generate, but how much free time they can create. If they wish to take a day off, they can. If they choose to work one day a week, they can. If they desire to trade stocks on a beach or in the Rocky Mountains, they can – because it is their business and they can decide how to best spend their time.
Isn’t it time to get your life back?
How to Survive a Stock Market Correction November 13, 2017
Unlike the Buzz Lightyear (To Infinity & Beyond!) crowd, I fully expect a stock market correction in the very near future. A stock market correction is not new and, dating back to WWII, we have seen a correction, on average, every five years or so, meaning we are seriously overdue for our next correction encounter.
Fortunately, we can learn from history on what to do before a correction occurs and what to do during the event.
Increase Your Available Cash: A stock market correction will bring about several stock opportunities, but if you do not have the cash available it could be an opportunity missed. Consider selling off a few of your high-end profit stocks, to increase the amount of capital you have on hand. Warren Buffett is known for keeping $20 billion in reserves, as he waits for stocks to go on sale and it was recently reported he now has $109 billion on the sidelines! Obviously, he is also convinced we will have a sale on stocks quite soon.
Go Shopping Now: Do not wait until the frenzied environment of a stock market correction to decide which stocks are of interest. Instead, do your homework now, by selecting those stocks you like…if they drop enough for you. For each stock, identify a very clear entry point, saying “if this stock reaches this point, I will spend X-amount.” Make your entry point and the amount of cash you are using very specific, which will help you to ride out the emotional wave as the stock price comes crashing down. Far too many times investors will pick a price range and when the stock starts falling they change their entry price and back off, to a lower price, which never comes and they miss out on a perfect revenue opportunity.
Ignore the Experts: When stocks start to go on sale, look out. Every TV and radio analyst will be buying into the fear and will act as though they’ve never seen a stock market correction. Speculation will be flying from all corners, as investors loose their minds in the absence of any clarity from those they have come to trust. Instead, do as Warren Buffett and other big money investors do by having a clear cut plan of attack and then stick to that plan as the stock drops in your direction. Forget what the paid analyst says and trust your predetermined plan of attack.
Think Long Term: Investors pride themselves on catching a stock at/near the low price of the correction. They strive to be perfect and more often than not, it costs them because perfection is overrated.
If you like stock ABC at $32 a share, down 20% from its current price of $40 a share, then plant your flag there. If a market correction begins and you see the price of your stock plummeting, stick to your plan and avoid the overwhelming temptation to back off to a lower price. Instead of changing your buy order a dozen times, keep your original order in place. Even if the stock drops to $30, you only missed the low by 6.7% and on a stock dropping this far that kind of percentage is an easy thing to accept.
Know Your Exit Points: Just as you know your entry points, know exactly where you will be selling. If you are after a 20% gain, then set your sell order accordingly and leave it alone. The same way that second guessing a buy order as the stock is dropping can work against you, so can changing a standing sell order if the stock shoots up to your desired exit price. Yes, the security may go higher after you sell, but recognize your hard work has just provided a nice 20% return during a time when all other investors are praying for a return to their break-even price.
One of the biggest mistakes made by investors today is not having a clearly defined entry or exit price.
Continue to Diversify: Make certain you allocate only a percentage of your available cash to any one security. There is a temptation, when a stock drops during a correction, to use more than the normal amount, but I strongly encourage you to stick with the time-proven principle of keeping your money diversified.
There is a tremendous amount of money that can be generated through a stock correction, whether you do it daily as our students do or once every few years as you ride out a stock market drop and recovery. Whichever way you proceed, make certain you prepare in advance so you can react, free from emotion, when the time comes. You may not be Warren Buffett, but you can certainly trade as he does!
We Measure Profits in Minutes October 9, 2017
During the ten years I spent living in a motel room at the Dayton International Airport, I carefully studied the stock market and realized the only way I could reduce my overall exposure to risk was to limit the amount of time my money remained in the market.
With that single objective I went about researching thousands of stocks in 1995 looking for a daily repeatable pattern that would allow me place my money into the market for the shortest span of time possible. By 2003 I developed a system that would allow me to do exactly that and by 2008 I was making more than $150,000 in a year flipping stocks for quick profits.
When I launched Day Trade Fun in 2010 I began teaching my students the exact same approach; limit the amount of time your money remains in the market. Today I had students emailing me that they had realized a 5% return using one stock for two minutes and another security created a 20% return in just under four minutes! There are many days that we hold our stocks for an average of just ten minutes.
Yes, Jay – but does every stock make you money?
Of course not, but many of our students are able to enjoy a batting average of more than 70% and some students report monthly success rates in excess of 90%! What’s more, there are times when we will buy a stock with a predetermined timeline in mind and if the stock does not respond as quickly as we expect, we will sell it where we purchased it so we can move along to another stock. Many times it is these securities that count in the 30% “loss column,” even though we sold at cost and only had to pay the small trade commission cost.
When I talk with people who are hoping to realize as much as 10% in their investment portfolio this year I cringe, knowing that their portfolio will be subjected to risk 24/7 and any event could send the market or that security on a downward spiral.
In 2008 and 2009 I used a cash portfolio of $30,000 and generated more than $300,000 in the next 24 months, simply by flipping stocks for quick profits. No long-term exposure to risk and no worries if the market experienced a sudden correction. For me, generating profits in minutes is a much better way for me to protect my cash portfolio against the multitude of uncertainties that could arise.
Plus, it’s a great feeling when you can use Wall Street for a few minutes and walk away with a profit in excess of $750!
$30 Billion Pulled From Markets September 5, 2017
Will the market continue soaring or is a correction imminent?
On one hand, we have a large number of analysts who maintain the U.S. economy is strong and getting stronger and the DOW could climb from 22,000 to 25,000 and beyond. One recent article even touted a DOW at 50,000.
Yet, if that is true, why is so much money leaving the U.S. market?
Over the last ten weeks more than $30 Billion has been removed from the U.S. stock market, with much of that money going into European and Japanese stocks. The obvious conclusion is investors feel as though some (if not most) U.S. stocks are overvalued and there is a better chance of a sustained return in overseas markets. Not since 2004 have we seen this kind of cash moving away from U.S. markets.
In the 25+ years I have been following the markets, I have learned to observe and learn from what is going on as money moves into and out of the stock market and when I see this much cash leaving I grow concerned. I am not saying that a market correction or crash is imminent, but I am saying those with larger sums of cash are taking protective measures just in case.
Mega-investors such as Warren Buffett and George Soros understand how the market moves and part of their success is having cash available for when “stocks go on sale.” When there is a stock market correction, the prices of stocks can drop dramatically as emotional investors dump their shares out of panic and that is when many will swoop in and grab shares at a highly discounted price. The panic soon subsides and eventually the stock market starts climbing again, allowing these savvy investors to realize incredible gains because they were prepared. It is quite possible that the money movement over the last ten weeks is an indication of investors getting ready for the next “sale” on stocks, as they position their cash accordingly.
If you are one who follows money, proceed with caution.
Market Complacency: A Dangerous Game August 7, 2017
The market continues to rise and investors continue to flock into the market, bringing with them as much cash as they can carry in order to get in on the recent movement of the stock market.
I just do not get it.
When the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 22,000 it set off a frenzy of buying that we have not seen in a while, as investors rushed in to get in on the action. Unfortunately many are looking at the stock market as a “sure thing” and that is a dangerous game to play.
Two years ago the Chinese stock market was soaring and we had investors so anxious to get in on the market they were trading with margin (borrow money), certain that the profits they were about to reap would easily offset the interest rates charged. The market was a sure thing, or so they thought, and they could not wait to join the masses who were making a ton of money investing in the stock market.
In June of 2015 the Chinese market stalled and then starting falling and within one month it lost 30% of its value and investors, especially those late to the party, were financially devastated. They acted as though the markets were a sure thing and were stunned at the massive losses they incurred.
I am seeing the same sort of “Buzz Lightyear” mentality now, as investors are all but certain the market will continue to rise. Yet, even a brief review of history will show any investor that the markets always go through a series of ups and downs over the years and the U.S. is long overdue for a stock market correction.
It will happen, just as it has so many times before, and American investors will freak out when it does. Stock prices will fall, people will sell in a panic, and that is when the big time investors such as Warren Buffett walk in and scoop up shares that are on sale.
That is my recommendation to investors who have a pile of cash on the sidelines…be patient and wait. In another other aspects of life these same individuals look for their cars, houses, clothes and recreational vehicles to go on sale before buying – why aren’t stocks looked at the same way?
Patience pays off big, for those with the discipline to wait.
The $1,000,000 Challenge July 10, 2017
Which would you prefer?
If you were given $1,000,000 to invest for a calendar year and $50,000 of that was to be used for the purpose of flipping stocks for quick gains (Day Trading) and the remaining $950,000 would be placed in typical blue chip stock investments…which would generate the most money over the course of 12 months?
For 99% of the people asked, the larger amount of money would, by far, be the preferred choice since a sum of $950,000 (with a 3% return) would see $28,500 created in profit over the course of 12 months. However, I would quickly and eagerly take the $50,000 convinced that much more could be made using it than the larger pile of cash.
During my years of full time trading I have taken a cash portfolio of less than $50,000 and generated as much as $150,000 and nearly $200,000 in one year, meaning I could make 6-7x times using the smaller sum of money than what the larger portfolio would generate, using a typical investment strategy.
I like exposing my investment money to risk on a short term basis, often buying and selling stocks in less than 10 minutes, Limited exposure to the market means limited overall exposure and given the current market conditions I want to limit that risk exposure as much as possible. After all, a 10% market correction (and we are certainly due for one now) means the $950,000 will see a $95,000 drop in value that could take months or years to recover from.
So which would I prefer? I’ll take the smaller amount every time.
Retire? Why Should I? June 5, 2017
Put simply, I never (ever) want to retire.
I see people around me who work in jobs they cannot stand, longing for the day they can do exactly what they want. No boss, no schedule and no one controlling the day to day routine. Retirement is a distant land where dreams come true and real freedom exists
The reality is once retirement is reached the income stops flowing and the emphasis shifts to not outliving the money you have saved. It seems one challenge is replaced with another challenge!
Recent studies conclude that the average life span after retirement is a mere 15 years. Work all that time just to enjoy 15 years of doing what you want to do and during a time a declining health?
For me, the wonders of using the stock market to quickly flip stocks for profits means I can work for the rest of my life. I say “work,” but it is anything but. This past week I used three stocks, holding each for approximately 10 minutes, and made more than $820 on each security! That means, at 53 years of age, I can have the freedom to go where I want, do what I want and not have the worries associated with a declining savings account.
Retire? Why would I when I have the ability to earn a living from wherever I choose to be, working when I want and never needing to ask a boss for permission…for anything.
I invite you to consider using the stock market as we are doing!
Another Reminder: Perfection is Overrated May 10, 2017
As we enjoyed another winning day on Wall Street, two particular items of note.
First: This comprehensive program not only tells us which stocks are of interest, they also tell us which stocks to avoid. Today a stock (PME) was trading around $3.50 and our indicators told us to back off and it is a good thing we did because the stock continued to fall to $2.31 a share!
Second: One of our students in training emailed to say he is batting 76%, using 72 out of the last 95 engaged for a profit. This means he has engaged 95 stocks and 23 were a loss or break-even and 72 were money makers. You do not need to be perfect to make incredible gains from Wall Street...and it still amazes me the number of people who think one must be "perfect" to make money flipping stocks for quick profits.
We were also reminded of the perils of long term investing as one bank stock (FNBC) lost 95% of its stock value and other stocks saw a continued decline in the price of their stock. A few months ago our students spotted Hertz (HTZ) at $19 a share and many traders grabbed shares and sold as the stock passed $24, for a nice 25%+ gain. We knew the best approach in using the stock was to flip it for a quick profit, instead of holding on to the shares. Fast forward a few months and now we see Hertz trading at $12 a share, which is yet another reminder of the perils of the buy, hold and pray approach to investing.
The bottom line is any time our money is in the stock market it is exposed to risk and the only way to reduce that inherent risk is to reduce the amount of time that money remains in the market. Thus, flipping stocks for quick gains is the less-risky approach and is one we use each day the opening bell rings!
Work: By Choice or Necessity? April 3, 2017
Whenever I spot a person in their 70’s or 80’s working, I immediately wonder if they are working because they want to or because they are forced to.
If the individual is working to stay active and engaged, it’s great. However, I know the vast majority of senior citizens who are working are doing so because they are forced to do so and it’s a sad situation. These men and women did what they were told to do…work hard for a company and retire with benefits. Live the dream of retirement doing things they want to do.
After decades of working a person retires, only to find the company they gave their professional life to has fallen on hard times. As a result, benefits are reduced and the expenses for the retiree (who is now on a fixed income) increase and at the worst possible time. There are few options here and the retired worker is now forced to return to the workplace in order to survive.
This is one of the reasons I paid the price of living in a motel room for 10 years developing a system that would allow me to use the stock market as a business. I knew I could not trust a company or the government to take care of my future, as it was all up to me. When I started earning $1,000 in a day flipping stocks I knew I was free from the pressure of worrying about what the future held, knowing I would not be forced to return to work because of circumstances beyond my control.
Day Trading allows me to stay in control and it is the greatest feeling ever!
Why are there so many stock market horror stories? March 6, 2017
I was recently asked why there are so many horror stories regarding those who have tried to day trade and failed and it comes down to one word: Patience (or a lack thereof).
The journey begins with someone excited about the possibility of flipping stocks for quick profits and their first step (always) needs to be a round of practice/paper trades. In other words, see if what you have planned will work. This practice stage should last for at least six months and live trading of stocks should not occur until a minimum batting average of 70% has been reached. Then, and only then, should the live trading portion begin where smaller amounts of money are used to confirm that a 70% minimum can be maintained. It’s a slower process, but a necessary one for those who are looking to Wall Street for revenue.
This is the process our students go through and several report batting averages of more than 85% and 90%, as they have perfected their process to the point that nearly 9 out of 10 stocks are money makers for them. It is not the norm for sure, but the reason our students achieve higher levels of success is because we take a slower path and it makes all of the difference.
Unfortunately for others no such process is used and large sums of money are used to buy stocks and when those stock purchases do not work out as planned, even more money is used on another round of stocks as the person tries to recoup previous losses and that only makes the situation worse. Before long, large sums of money have been lost and yet another stock market horror story is born.
You can make money using the stock market and if you work with the market long enough you will begin to see regular (daily) repeating patterns that can be used for incredible gains. It is a slower process, but anyone can do it and if a former airline general manager can take $25,000 and create more than $300,000 in 24 months flipping stocks for profits…anyone can!
The Joy of "Getting It!" February 6, 2017
This past week one of our Florida students sent me email advising he was finally “getting it” and proudly reported a weekly gain of $6,000.
What he meant by the email was his past practice of trying to do it his way was now being replaced by our exchange-specific checklists. Checklists that clearly show our entry and exit points for dozens of stocks each and every day the stock market is open. Some of those reach our specified entry (purchase) levels and some do not. All we need is one or two a day to generate hundreds to thousands of dollars in profits and most of the time we are finished trading before lunch!
In the month of January we approved 10 applications, meaning our remaining 2017 class slots are going faster than ever before. The number of student referrals we receive is increasing and that is the best thank you our company can receive, when our existing students think highly enough of our training to recommend it to others.
One of the aspects of training that many students find shocking is the short length of time required to hold a stock for an impressive profit. In today’s trading session one student held a NASDAQ security for six minutes and walked away with an 11%+ gain. One of the ways we reduce our exposure to risk is to reduce the time our money remains in the market and we do it each and every day.
The Most Amazing Year Ever! January 16, 2017
Many of our students will experience their most amazing year ever in 2017!
Our student body includes doctors, nurses, pharmacists, insurance agents, truck drivers, sales managers, attorneys, commercial airline pilots, members of the military, retired business owners, IT specialists, bankers, gourmet chefs, farmers, teachers, college professors, stay at home parents and many more who look forward to 2017 being their best year ever.
Most of our students have never traded a stock before, yet when they are equipped with our easy to follow (exchange-specific) checklists they quickly see that anyone can look for stocks to use for quick profits on Wall Street. Our program has changed their lives and they are on their way to a financial future that they control, instead of laboring to make money for someone else.
Last week we had students who engaged (purchased) 14 stocks, making money on 13 of them for a revenue batting average of 93%!
Our approach is not a get-rich-quick endeavor, but is a comprehensive program that teaches how to spot, track and then use a stock for impressive profits. Our exchange-specific checklists allow us to know exactly where to engage (buy) a stock and then exactly where we will sell it. If you can follow a checklist, you can learn to flip stocks for quick profits!
Class space is limited and fills quickly, so if there is a class you are interest in applying for please contact us at once.
This 86% loss teaches a great lesson. December 12, 2016
Monday (December 12th) was the worst day ever for many investors.
Ophthotech (OPHT) started the year as an $80 stock and was one of the darling stocks of Wall Street. Yet on Monday, this stock dropped more than 86% and closed the day at $5.29 a share because of negative news that was released by the company.
Many investors and firms found they were overly exposed to the stock, as many had the majority of their portfolio in one stock and on Monday they paid the price for having all/most of their eggs in one basket. Retirement and education funds were crushed in just one day because of a failure to follow one of the basic rules of investing: Diversification.
When I talk with people who invest heavily in one or two stocks I cringe, knowing they are playing with fire. There is no such thing as “the perfect stock” and we need to protect ourselves because anything can happen and most would agree that diversification is the best fiscal approach to take.
Yet, I see people making the same mistake when it comes to their job.
It’s the perfect job. It will last forever. I do not need to look for income diversification, because life is good right now. I am okay and have nothing to worry about. It’s the other guy who will be affected, not me.
People who contact us are individuals who have an income diversification goal. They know their current job, even though it is one they love, is not guaranteed and they need to do what they can now to prepare for the unthinkable. Instead of waiting for that horrible Monday when everything implodes, they want to learn a skill in advance so that they have something to fall back on…just in case.
We diversify in our investing, because it is the prudent thing to do. Why not take the same approach when it comes to our income stream?
We can create a training program that fits your hectic schedule and we can create a tuition payment option that allows you to extend your training from 12 months to 24 or even 36 months. Believe me when I say we will do whatever we can to help you succeed!
Wall Street: Impact of the 2016 Election November 21, 2016
You have to love Wall Street, because it is 90% emotion and 10% logic.
In my 25 years of following the stock market, I have never seen the markets drop and recover, as they did on the evening of the U.S. elections. To go from 900+ points down overnight (in overnight trading) to 200+ some 16 hours later was one of the most stunning turnarounds in the history of Wall Street.
What happened?
Leading up the the election, everything was pointing towards a Clinton victory, which meant a continuation (for the most part) of some of the policies that had been imposed on our country for the previous decade. Clinton was the known factor and Trump was the maverick, the “Tasmanian Devil” who was the wildcard in the race. A Clinton presidency had a certain direction it would go, while a Trump presidency could go in any of six directions and maybe all at one time. Since Wall Street hates uncertainty, it was Clinton who received most of the financial backing and candidate Trump received very little.
When it became clear Trump would emerge the winner, a closer look (for the first time for many) was taken into the specific policies a Trump presidency might enact and “surprisingly” many were pro-business. That revelation lite a fire on Wall Street that we have not seen for decades as stocks, viewed as companies who would benefit from a Trump presidency, skyrocketed – and I mean big time!
For example, NASDAQ security DRYS (Dry Ships) was trading around $5 before the election and in the days following the stock soared to over $100 a share! Did the company do anything that warranted a stock price increasing twenty times? No, but the euphoria took over and the stock climbed and eventually came tearing down nearly as fast and today is trading right around that same $5 mark.
Wall Street is a place where emotion rules and when you are looking to make serious money, trying to apply the laws of logic routinely ends in a disaster. You need to understand that emotion is what drives the markets and then learn how to use that as an advantage when you spot, track and engage stocks for gains.
Our approach is simple: Keep your money in the market for the shortest span of time possible, which helps limit our exposure to risk. Today as I typed this a student (who is a commercial airline pilot) told me he made $408 in four minutes this morning, in between flights!
To us, the buy, hold and pray approach (even with markets such as this) is a thing of the past and those who follow that are simply on a path headed for the next severe market downturn, which could take place at the worst possible time in ones life.
This run of the market is great to see, but the reality of the situation is none of it is based on anything more than excitement and a dose of optimism that is not supported by one company earnings statement. It’s okay to get excited, just be careful because emotions can quickly change!
Is a Market Crash Coming? October 24, 2016
A sell-off is coming and it could be severe.
This is the ongoing message we have seen for the past several weeks, including an alert sent to HSBC clients on October 12th saying the market is nearing a “severe fall.” Goldman Sachs has told their clients the same, citing concerns over sluggish economic growth and overpriced stocks.
But is any of this true, is a market crash coming?
No one knows for sure and to predict a date where such a severe correction might occur is foolish. Yet, there are signs we can look for as we try to determine the likelihood of such an event and it starts with the three separate rounds of Quantitative Easing forced on us by the FED. In a desperate move to ignite the U.S. economy the FED followed the lead of other countries who had tried the same desperate move. It did not work in other countries, so why did we think it would work here?
Because those in charge act like economic morons.
Once it became clear that the QE measures were not working, a move was then made to keep interest rates at historic lows – certainly this will bolster the economy and we will be off to the races! Wrong, once again.
In 2015 we were told to expect 3 to 4 interest rate hikes in 2016, but not to worry as they would be gradual in nature. As they year began and continued no such interest rate hikes occurred and now we are being told we may see one in December – which I still believe will not take place as investors are becoming more and more concerned over stocks that are now clearly overpriced and an economic policy than has failed to stimulate any measurable economic growth.
Investors are very worried, but they have not started selling – yet.
It is very possible in the coming weeks we could see investors heed the advice of HSBC and Goldman Sachs and begin selling off various stocks as a way to lock in profits or to prevent future losses. Once the wide sell-off begins it could continue for sometime as the reality of what is going on in America catches up with the perception that “things are going very well.” Even with the recently reported strong GDP growth and corporate earnings, much of that came through a series of budget cuts – how many times can you play that card?
Rising debt, non-existent (real) corporate growth and earnings, continued policies that make it nearly impossible for small business development and growth combined with a decade of failed economic experiments by the FED have helped set the stage for one of the most pronounced market corrections of all time. The fragile house of cards will tumble and the mess it creates will take considerable time to repair.
So while we are not sure “when” the severe market correction is coming, all of the warning signs are there which is one of the many reasons investors are looking for ways to limit their exposure to the risk associated with long term positions by limiting the amount of time their money remains in the market. This explains why our comprehensive stock trading program is in such demand and is why, for the 7th consecutive year, we have experienced a record year.
We never advocate using an entire portfolio to flip stocks for quick gains, as that would be ill-advised and fiscally irresponsible. Instead, use a small portion of your available cash ($25,000 or so) for chasing stocks for quick gains and try to generate more cash with that small amount than the rest of your portfolio can create during the same time.
I used a smaller cash portfolio to generate more than $325,000 in 24 months, by simply buying and selling stocks (no options or margin), limiting my exposure to risk by limiting the amount of time my money remained in the market. If there was ever a time to consider such an approach, it would be now.
The True Price of Success October 5, 2016
As I speak at various conferences, I am often asked “What does it really take to become successful?”
I have always felt as though I have a rather unique perspective on the price of success because I know what it is like to live in a motel room for ten years trying to get a business going and I also know what it is like to be paid $18,000 a week and more than $41,000 in a month through my Day Trading.
The first point I try to make is almost everyone wants to be successful, but very few are willing to work hard enough to really make it happen. Oh, they talk about wanting to succeed and might even develop a great looking plan to make it happen, but when it comes down to the time to make the necessary calls or to take action they make a conscious choice to do nothing. That choice condemns them to a life of limited opportunities.
If someone approaches me and says they are determined to make their business a huge success I will ask, “What if it takes you six times as long to succeed, will you stick it out?” If they hesitate any at all, I conclude that they will quit long before that necessary price of success has been paid. That is one of the reasons why many businesses never celebrate a second anniversary – the people in charge quit before they began to really succeed.
If you are serious about success, realize immediately that it will take longer than you expect. Period. Also come to the point where you recognize that not everyone will share your enthusiasm about your business, in fact many will go out of their way to discourage you. If you succeed, it will be a reminder to those on how they gave up on their dream and they would prefer you remaining with them, instead of achieving great levels of success.
Constantly review your progress and make necessary adjustments as you go. Make lifelong learning an everyday component of your business life and make sure you schedule down time so you can relax and recharge your batteries (at least an hour a day).
Can you succeed? Yes you can, but only if you are prepared to pay the ugly (but necessary) true price of success!
Different Ways to Generate Cash Using Wall Street! September 2, 2016
During the 20+ years I have been studying the stock market, I have noticed several intraday price movements with securities that occur repeatedly. I was amazed at how predictable many of these movements were!
I found there were several ways to generate cash from Wall Street, by using: - NYSE securities - NASDAQ securities - OTCBB securities - Pink Sheet stocks - Stocks with news - Stocks with no news - ETF/ETNs - IPOs - Stock Splits - Pre-market: 7:00am-9:30am EST - Regular session: 9:30am-4:00pm - After-Hours session: 4:00pm-8:00pm
These movements were not dependent on how the market or sectors were moving, as each approach was security-specific, meaning I could make money on days when the stock market was up, down or moving sideways.
Our program is not a get-rich-quick approach, as a great deal of information needs to be introduced, reinforced and then used repeatedly as we engage stocks on a daily basis. Even though the program is 12 months, we have students start the “Live Trading” portion of their curriculum in less than two months.
The fall is a perfect time to begin learning a skill that can be used for the rest of your life! Contact us today for the latest in class availability.
Daily Revenue Windows July 25, 2016
This year our comprehensive stock trading program has been more in demand than ever and one of the reasons for our year-over-year record setting accomplishments is the flexibility of time, as you can use the market whenever your hectic schedule allows.
We teach our students how to engage the market during each of these three revenue sessions and for business owners or those with full time jobs, having the flexibility to use the markets as early as 7:00am or as late as 8:00pm means they too can get in on the Day Trade Fun!
Pre-Market Window: 7:00am-9:30am 10% of our monthly trades will take place in pre-market trading. The pre-market session is a different animal than the regular session and certain modifications need to be put into place if you are looking to engage stocks during this period of time. Several of our students will use stocks in pre-market and will hit their daily revenue goal and will be finished working…long before the opening bell rings at 9:30am!
Regular Trading Session: 9:30am-4:00pm Everyone is acquainted with the “Ding, Ding, Ding” of the opening bell and for our students it is a sound we love to hear, because the opportunity to use stocks on Wall Street for quick gains is upon us. Here we make 85% of our trades for the month, with daily revenue goals of $250, $500, $750, $1,000 and more! When you consider the tens of thousands of stocks that trade each day, the concept of using just a few of those for quick profits is an exciting way to reduce the risk associated with long term investing (where money is exposed to risk 24/7).
After-Market Session: 4:00pm-8:00pm This is the slower of the three revenue windows for us, but there are still many opportunities a month where we can spot, track and then use stocks for quick profits. In all, approximately 5% of our trades for the month are executed in this session, but the profits can be incredible. Recently there was one stock we used and the profits generated were in excess of $1,500 and we only had to hold the security for 20 minutes!
When you combine the power of our stock trading program with a market that can be used 13 hours a day, it becomes easy to see why our training is in more demand now than ever before. Whether you trade with $5,000 or $200,000 this system can help you to identify revenue opportunities that can be used to change your financial future.
Why not join the (Day Trade) Fun?
Negative Interest Rate Policy: It’s Coming June 20, 2016
In 2008 the FED was concerned over the state of the economy and made the decision to initiate a Quantitative Easing program, where billions of dollars would be thrown into the stock market as a way to artificially support the economy. The decision was a controversial one, since QE had long been regarded as an ineffective way to support a struggling economy.
As the years past, and the reality that the QE program was not working, the FED opted to initiate a second and then third round of Quantitative Easing in hopes of supporting a sagging economy. That also failed, causing the FED to make the decision to keep interest rates at historically low levels. Certainly that would help the struggling U.S. economy to get rolling.
Wrong once again.
Now on the horizon we are seeing the FED “consider” using a Negative Interest Rate Policy, where investors and business are actually penalized for keeping their cash on the sidelines (safely tucked away in the bank). The thinking is this would certainly cause those with money to push their wealth into the markets and economy. It sounds like a good thing until you realize that Japan, Demark, Sweden and Switzerland have already tried this approach and it has failed miserably.
What makes the FED think that such a result would not be inevitable in the U.S., if a NIRP was attempted? The obvious (to me) reason for such a drastic move is they have tried everything within their power and nothing has worked. Therefore, a last-stitch measure such as NIRP must be considered. If they take us down this road, there will be no turning back and the U.S. and global economies will be wrecked for years (perhaps decades) to come.
Instead of allowing the markets to go through the natural ebb and flow, the FED tried to intervene and that decision has led us to a decade of failed fiscal policies and to the literal cliff’s edge of a deep recession (or far worse).
Let’s hope that we never see a Negative Interest Rate Policy put into place, because if it is the adverse impact to our economy could be severe.
Death of the Full Time Job May 9, 2016
A few decades ago the dream of owning a home and working for the same company until retirement was alive and well. Then 20+ years ago there was a shift in Corporate America where companies made a move to replace a full time worker with two part time employees – a move that saved big money on benefits.
The added blow was many workers, once reaching 50 years of age, were deemed too expensive to keep and were informed their services were no longer needed. Thanks for the 20 years of dedicated service, but you are no longer needed…goodbye.
“What am I to do now?”
That trend continues today and unlike the generation before, we can see it coming and we have time to prepare. Instead of working hard to build another’s dream, Americans are looking for ways to take control over their own financial destiny – which is one of the reasons so many are studying the stock market and are learning how to flip stocks quickly for profit and is the reason we are enrolling more students than ever into our program.
The beauty of the Stock Market is anyone can trade from as early as 7:00am until 8:00pm (EST), meaning even the person with the most demanding schedule can find time to learn from the stock market. If a former General Manager for Northwest Airlines can learn to make money daily from the intra-day movements of the stock market, anyone can!
While Corporate America schemes to take even more away from the American worker, now is the time to begin the process of learning from the stock market. With the increasing U.S. Debt, international concerns, and the unknowns associated with terrorism around the world, there has never been a better time to use the Stock Market for daily profits!
Perfection Is Overrated April 15, 2016
During a recent interview with Sallie Taylor the topic of perfection arose, as I maintained that perfection is overrated – and it is.
The perception exists that the only way someone can make money trading stocks is if they buy at the absolute low price of the day and sell at the high price. Nothing could be further from the truth, but I do understand why those opposed to individuals trading on their own would work so hard to communicate that message: They do not want the average investor to make decisions on their own. The fat cats on Wall Street want everything to flow through them, which allows them to amass an incredible amount of money.
The idea that trading stocks is like gambling or that you need to be perfect to make any consistent money are put into place to discourage individuals from learning how to use Wall Street as a money machine. Also, they will look for a horror story about someone who recklessly started trading without a proven system, losing everything and will quickly point out the need to “stick with the professionals” as a way to protect your financial freedom.
If a person looks to a bank to get wealthy, what will happen? The bank will use the investor’s money for decades, making millions, and will return a very small portion of the profits…pennies on the dollar. That same reality exists when we look to the financial advisors who look to benefit from assisting us, instead of always acting in their client’s best interest (there are some good ones, not many).
To me, the choice is a clear one. Either we take matters into our own hands and build a solid financial future or we listen to those who try to discourage us.
More than 20 years ago I decided to ignore the advice of those so-called experts and developed a system to flip stocks for profits and my life has changed forever and now our students are realizing that same freedom! Why not join the fun?
What does it take to become a successful Day Trader? March 1, 2016
“How can I succeed at Day Trading?”
If there is one question I receive more than others, it would be this. After all, millions of people have taken a stab at Day Trading, because they want to enjoy the freedom of generating cash from wherever they happen to be. Sadly, most lose money and even sadder, they give up on their dream.
Yet, our students make money and quickly, with limited exposure to risk in the market. Recently I purchased a stock at $8 and made a $738 profit in eleven minutes. I grabbed my shares at 9:59am and sold it at 10:10am, making a very nice profit after only a few minutes.
Why are we successful when so many others fail?
One reason is real-time research. I began studying the market in 1992 and over the next 10 years certain repeatable patterns became evident. Some of these patterns were yearly patterns, some every six months, others monthly and weekly…but several exhibited a daily pattern. I was looking for a way to limit my exposure to risk by limiting the amount of time in the market. Therefore, using stocks for a few minutes a day would greatly limit my exposure to the risk of Wall Street, where any news on the company, sector or even country could cause the position to drop 20%, if not more.
After thousands of hours of study I began testing various trading strategies to see what would work best. My goal was to be accurate more than 70% of the time and as the years rolled along, my batting average increased. I moved into a motel room to save as much money as I could and by 2003 my system started showing consistent returns. By 2008 and 2009 (using a portfolio of $25,000) I was generating $150,000-$200,000 in a year, simply by trading stocks (no options) and limiting the time my money remained in the stock market.
My success proved that anyone can learn to Day Trade, because during those 10 years in Room 121 of the Travelodge, I made more mistakes than any one person could. I think I even invented a few along the way! If I can learn to Day Trade, anyone can and here are a few rules to consider if you are looking to use Wall Street as your own personal ATM.
Anyone can learn to Day Trade. Please understand that the “Big Boys” on Wall Street do not want you executing trades on your own. Rather, they would prefer the entire process (and the mountain of money that it generates) to flow through them. As such, they will do everything within their power to discourage people from Day Trading.
If a General Manager from Northwest Airlines can learn to Day Trade, anyone can and the information that follows will help you along that journey! Do not allow the opinions of others to dictate the course of your life. Our world is a better place when people follow their dreams and try to change their life, which allows them to positively affect the lives of others.
Ignore those who say it cannot be done. Yes, I know there are a million articles on why Day Trading is of the devil. Self-proclaimed financial “experts” on TV and Radio go out of their way to call Day Trading “stupid” and compare it to gambling. In my early years I almost listened to this group, thinking they were far more intelligent than I was and maybe they were right and I was wrong. However, I decided to keep going and I continued to see improvements to my batting average.
I am thankful that I did not stop, because I was very close to quitting. Yet, soon thereafter I found myself walking the streets of Venice with my wife, thinking how glad I was that I did not listen to those “experts.” If anything was “stupid,” it was the advice they were giving to others. Whether I am driving through the countryside of Greece, marveling at the wonders of Vatican City, or lying around on a sunny Caribbean beach for the day, I know that Day Trading for profits is possible and those who say otherwise are simply wrong.
Day Trading is not gambling, it is a business. When you have an exchange-specific criteria that has worked for the last 20 years and know exactly when to buy and then sell a security, it removes much of the risk from the equation. Where a gambler has little control over the outcome of what happens to his/her cash, Day Traders have control over when and where their money is used and do so only when a revenue opportunity presents itself. With thousands of stocks flying around each and every day of trading, there are always stocks to consider using for short spans of time.
Give yourself time to learn how to Day Trade. If you rush the learning process on Day Trading, you will get creamed – mark my words. Nearly every student we accept into our program has some idea of how long it will take them to be successful and the problem here is that having some preconceived idea on how long it will take to be successful can severely limit your progress…when that timeline is not achieved. When you are learning something new, it will take time and when you are looking to engage Wall Street, there is a great deal to learn.
So, one of the early steps you can take that will greatly enhance your odds at succeeding is to tell yourself over and over that you will continue for as long as it takes. If it takes weeks, months or even years to learn on your own – it is worth it!
Start small and keep detailed records. After a while of studying the market you will begin to see repeatable patterns that might be used for generating profit. Once you spot these, begin a series of paper (practice) trades and test your theory. Write down where you would buy the stock and where your exit position will be and test your system. Once you are able to achieve a 70% or better batting average, begin your trading by first using a smaller amount of cash on each stock. Our students are encouraged to begin by using no more than $500 per security as we test their approach and once they are hitting 70% or better we slowly begin the process of increasing the amount of cash that is used on each security.
Take your time and start slow and proceed even slower, constantly measuring your success quarter by quarter (not day by day or even week by week).
Once success begins, live beneath your means. If you take your portfolio of $10,000 and generate $2,000 in your first month of live trading, do not celebrate by buying some extravagant gift for yourself. Keep your head down, keep your cash in your portfolio and work hard the next month to repeat the process.
During my motel room years I would see months where $7,000 and $8,000 were being generated on my dial-up computer and I was determined to keep that money in the market. I was not interested in spending it, but saving that money to further increase my earnings. Learn to live beneath your means now and in the long run you will achieve a level of success you never thought possible!
The movement of the market does not dictate our success. Recently some stock market TV hosts were interviewing a former Playboy Playmate who turned to Day Trading and she astounded them with reports of making a good deal of money – as a beginner. One of the hosts, at the end of the interview, made the statement that her success was good to see, but the market would not remain in this position for long. In other words, glad you are making money, but when the market changes direction…look out. I remember seeing that interview and thinking the host on TV has absolutely no clue.
The movement of the market does not dictate our success.
I recall playing golf during my motel room days, teeing off around 11:00am and the people I was teamed up with asked what I did. When I informed them I was Day Trading they would make statements such as, “Wow, bet you were creamed today! Better luck tomorrow.” The statement was made because the markets were seeing a rough day of selling and they were down a good deal. The positon of the person was clearly that you can only make money when the markets are going up. I was playing golf at 11:00am because I had made my $1,000 revenue goal within 45 minutes (starting at 9:30am and was finished by 10:15am)!
Where do these people get their information? As successful Day Traders we are simply looking for a few stocks that exhibit a specific profit pattern in order to nail our $1,000 a day goal. When you consider that thousands upon thousands of stocks trade each day it becomes even easier to spot a possible stock of interest. The markets may be soaring, plummeting or moving sideways…we do not care. There are always stocks to consider during any day on the market.
A rather large number of people in our database are studying the stock market as they develop their own approach. It is my hope that these few words will aid you in that quest and continue to work hard and stop looking at the calendar…work for as long as it takes to be successful!
This is not a time to look towards history for answers February 1, 2016
Not since 1897 have markets seen such a drop to begin a year.
The loss of trillions of dollars off global stocks, in early January, left investors scrambling for answers. The growing surplus of oil, a global economic slowdown and the pending FED rate hikes are creating a volatile situation (as I predicted several weeks ago) and investors are desperate for answers. As such, they turn to history in hopes of looking for answers as to when this latest volatile storm might pass.
The problem with looking backward is that our world today is unlike anything we have ever seen before. Exploding national debt, countries that try to intervene with the markets (using stimulus programs) and a decreasing demand for oil will make the next several months challenging for investors. In fact, many I have spoke with indicated their 2016 goal is to end the year with as much as they started with. In other words, they will be happy with a 0% year.
I agree that the markets are lining up for more of a correction and this could be the year when breaking even is an accepted option, but there is a better way and that way is through Day Trading. I am not advocating the use of 100% of your money to Day Trade with, but using a portion of the available cash to use on a short term basis. Someone may have $500,000 in their portfolio and wish to Day Trade and my advice remains that they use the vast majority of their cash on long-term positions (based on their position in life) and use a smaller amount…say $40,000 or so…to Day Trade with.
It is my position that someone using the Day Trade Fun comprehensive Day Trading system can earn more money using a $40,000 portfolio than what the remaining $460,000 will earn over a 12-month span of time. Where the larger portfolio might earn 5% or $23,000, the smaller Day Trading portfolio could see a profit of $75,000-$100,000 within the same 12-month period of time. When you consider the Day Trading monies, diversified and used for shorter spans of time, are not held overnight and the larger portfolio is exposed to risk 24/7 and 365 days a week, it becomes clear that there is less risk-exposure to the Day Trading money than the larger, long term portfolio.
It is far too early to predict what the entire year of 2016 will hold, but one thing is certain: investors will be relying on external factors. They will spend 2016 as a year of hope, hoping the markets improve and their portfolios increase. The buy-hold-and pray approach is one that many adopt because they simply know of no other way to prepare for their future.
The 14 students who were accepted into our program in January are not looking for instant riches, rather they are looking to learn a skill that can generate considerable cash on a spare, part or full-time basis, for the rest of their lives. We have airline pilots who train and trade between flights, doctors between patients and attorneys between court room appearances. Some trade and train before work, while others will do so after work – and many who will spend an extended lunch break reviewing the market activity for the day.
Our comprehensive and proven Day Trading program has been recognized for years as a program that can teach students how to use the stock market for consistent gains. Part-time students can earn hundreds of dollars a week and our full-time students report thousands generated in a week of trading and the best part is we are not relying on external factors to positively affect our portfolios…we are taking matters into our own hands. The days of allowing someone else (the “experts”) to determine the course of our financial future are over and now is the time to begin learning how to create a new financial future.
Why not join the (Day Trade) Fun?
Beware: The Volatile Waters of 2016 December 15, 2015
Hold on, the ride gets bumpy from here.
For the first time in nearly a decade, the stock market and U.S. economy will be forced to deal with a rise in interest rates and at a time when the global glut of oil continues to weigh heavy on the worldwide economy.
Talk about a perfect storm for volatility and wild swings on Wall Street!
Many doubt my conclusions, but one recent development last month went almost unnoticed. The NYSE and NASDAQ will, effective February of 2016, no longer accept Stop Loss Orders from investors. Something that has been in place for more than 100 years is being discarded…just after 2016 begins. Any wonder why?
A Stop Loss Order is a common trading tool for investors as a way to protect their portfolio. For example, if an investor has shares of a stock trading at $99 and is shooting for a 10% long range return a SELL order for $1.10 is placed. However, the investor also wants to protect himself if the stock price declines suddenly, so a Stop Loss Order at $90 is also placed. Basically this means if the stock price drops suddenly there is a chance the investor can escape at/near $90. Since 99% of investors cannot dedicate a portion of every day to watch their portfolio, the Stop Loss Order has been a constant companion for investors – at least until February of next year.
During normal times, having a trading tool like this in place is a sound strategy for the long term, buy-hold-and pray investor. However, when you see market volatility as we briefly experienced in late August of this year, having a Stop Loss Order in place can be costly. During late August we had days where the market dropped 1,000 points, wiping out a tremendous number of stop orders and the poor investor never knew what hit him. His $99 stock ended the day at $97.50 and his mild concern turns into shock when he notices that he no longer holds any shares and his Stop Loss Order (at 25% below the current value) was triggered during one volatile day and he no longer owns the shares and is facing a big time loss.
So why would the NASDAQ and NYSE decide to toss the Stop Loss Orders out the window, after 100 years? To me the obvious answer is that the exchange expects far more days of volatile trading and is trying to protect the investor from costly losses. Yet to me, the much bigger question is the reason for the volatility and the overall impact such volatility will have on the value of stocks. During times of heightened volatility, the overall markets have the tendency to drop and sometimes…drop big.
One of the key foundations of the Day Trade Fun approach to using stocks is to reduce the overall risk by limiting the amount of time our money is in the market. I have friends who have $1,000,000 invested in today’s stock market (diversified, as they should) and are looking for a 5% overall return or $50,000 in proceeds. I, on the other hand, have a portfolio of just $30,000 and have a goal of using that money (diversified among many stocks) to generate more than $100,000 in proceeds! I am using a portfolio 33 times smaller and am looking to generate 2-3x the profits that my friend is after. My money is exposed to the risk of the stock market for brief amounts of time, while his money is exposed to risk 24/7 and some 365 days a year.
Our students will use the volatility of 2016 for some amazing profits, why not join us?
The Perils of “Someday I’ll…” October 26, 2015
Recently I received an email from a person who first contacted us five years ago and the email was along the lines of “I cannot believe I’ve not yet enrolled, but someday I will…soon!”
I sent a reply thanking him for his interest but realized that he probably would never take that first step, because few people do.
It still amazes me that we live in the greatest country on the planet where opportunities for success are everywhere, yet we have a population of people convinced that they cannot achieve anything spectacular. People from other countries fight to get to get here so they can take advantage of America’s opportunities, but Americans seem convinced they are unable to succeed big time.
During the ten years I lived in a motel room, trying to develop a successful Day Trading approach, I heard from these people constantly. “If it were easy everyone would be doing it” and the very popular “Just get a job with a good company.” Many times these naysayers would wear me down and often I would doubt whether or not my dreams were possible, but one thought continued racing through my mind:
At the end of life, will you be glad you did or instead wish you had?
In life there are no do-overs and we are all responsible for the life we have been given. Life has enough regrets as it is and the last thing I wanted was to not try and then at the end my life look back and lament the fact that I didn’t try harder to make my business work.
I am not saying that everyone should learn how to Day Trade or even just look to us for help, rather I am concerned how few people today are really following their dreams. Our country is filled with people who seem miserable because the life they have is not turning out as they had planned. They once had grand dreams and incredible expectations, but instead they are now being told to “accept the reality” that life just doesn’t turn out like we plan sometimes.
Certainly there are times when medical conditions and factors outside of our control prevent us from reaching our initial goals and dreams, but in the vast majority of cases I see people who have just given up. Okay life, you win I’ll just stand in this corner for a while.
When I speak at conferences I continue to reiterate that we can achieve our dreams, but we need to do so passionately and with resolve. When someone comes to me with their “one year action plan” that shows how they will progress from one achieved goal to another I caution them…look out. Anytime we place predetermined dates to our success and then find out that we are not reaching them as quickly as we first imagined, we get discouraged and most people quit. I don’t care if it is a business plan or a diet plan, anytime we decide how long it is going to take to get from Point A to B we run the risk of getting discouraged when we do not hit those objectives in the time prescribed.
When I moved into Room 121 at the Travelodge in Vandalia, Ohio do you think I really believed I would live there for ten years? No way. My plan had me there for a few months and then I would move on. Wrong. Life happens and months slowly turned into years.
As I was delivering newspapers at 3:30am through the snow, ice, driving rainstorms or 10-degree below weather, I was constantly bombarded with thoughts of “What are you doing? This is insane!” On the morning an owl flew threw my opened car window (past my head) I actually found myself wondering if that was a sign to quit! The doubts and discouragements were constant, but I fought on and kept fighting until I found a way to succeed.
So can you.
Yes, I hope more people look to Wall Street as a way to generate consistent cash for their life and yes…it would be nice to train many on their journey. But the message here that needs to be conveyed is to never, ever give up. If your one year plan takes three or even five years, so be it. If your five year plan requires ten years of work, then do it and change your life and the lives of those around you.
It is my prayer that more people refuse to “stand in the corner” and take real ownership of their lives and set an example for others to follow. Yes, life happens, but it is how we respond to those events that defines us and it is my sincere hope you deviate from “Someday I’ll” to taking that first step today!
Our success does not depend on how the market moves September 14, 2015
As the world continues to wait on word of what the Federal Reserve will be doing in regards to raising interest rates, our students simply continue…business as usual. We do not spend time dwelling on such matters, because the number of daily opportunities does not depend on how the market is moving.
In my early days I would hit my daily revenue goal of $1,000 and would be on the golf course by 11:00am and when the topic of Day Trading arose I would invariably be peppered with comments such as “Ouch, you must have had a bad day yesterday.” I would always pause before replying, because I would not want to offend the person I was talking to, but it was clear they had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.
The world’s perception is that when the market is soaring those Day Trading can be successful. However, when the markets are dropping there are fewer opportunities and Day Traders struggle. In fact, just this week articles along these lines have appeared around the world and I simply shake my head in disappointment each time I review one.
It does not matter what the market is doing…period.
In 2008 and 2009, when the markets were struggling, I made hundreds of thousands of dollars. When the markets were soaring in the late 1990’s, just before the Tech Bubble crash, I was also making money using the system I had developed. Why? Because our success is not dependent on how the market is performing.
The system I developed is not market-dependent, it is stock dependent. What I mean by that is our day is spent looking for stocks that overreact in the course of a session and with the thousands and thousands of stocks which trade each day, there are always stocks we can look to engage throughout a trading session.
These overreactions occur on days when the market is soaring, plummeting or simply moving sideways and as long as we abide by our exchange-specific criteria, we can position ourselves to take advantage of the opportunities presented and can generate a considerable sum of money.
One of our students recently emailed me saying his August 2015 revenue goal was $5,000 and yet his actual earnings were over $11,703 for the month! While that pleased me and made me proud for his efforts, I was not surprised because the stock market, if properly used, can generate an incredible amount of money and the fact we can make our money and then remove our money from the market before the closing bell helps us to reduce our risk levels by limiting the amount of time our money remains in the market.
I cannot imagine my success being directly related to how the market performs on a day-to-day basis. One of the many thrills we experience is each time the opening bell rings, some 225+ days a year, we have a chance to look for and use numerous stocks which fit our criteria…regardless of how the market is moving.
BBB Review of Day Trade Fun August 3, 2015
It’s all fun & games until you start quoting revenue figures, then look out!
A few weeks ago we added an interview on our website and during the interview I mentioned the monthly revenue figures that my $25,000 portfolio generated. Some of these months had profits of:
$26,360 and so on.
During the interview I also mentioned using a portfolio of just $1,000 and generating $8,349 in just 90 days.
Within days of this release we were contacted by various BBB bureaus (including the one where our Home Office is located in Cincinnati). The Marketing Investigators cited the interview, saying that making such claims needed to be substantiated, because they were hard to believe and these upstanding organizations were asking us for documentation, proving that our claims were in fact accurate.
In each case we supplied the required documentation and in each and every case the response we received was, “We have reviewed the information you provided and found that it does substantiate your claim. We’ve closed the case as resolved. You can consider the matter closed.”
These agencies received complaints from the group who maintains that “it can’t be done!!” and the BBB agencies responded accordingly and asked for documentation, allowing us the opportunity to prove our revenue claims.
In the end there is really only one question to be answered and that is whether or not you want to take advantage of a proven course to change the direction of your financial life. I was a trainer in the travel industry for more than two decades and know how to convey information in an easy to follow and effective manner. The 12 month online curriculum is one that is highly effective and has our students making live trades in a matter of weeks!
If you are serious about using the stock market as a revenue machine, then follow someone who has a proven track record – not someone who just talks a good game. Talk remains cheap and anyone can say they are successful, yet we consistently prove our success and have for years. I’ve watched the markets since 1992 and I bring my experience to our students on a daily basis and we engage the stock market with clearly defined entry and exit points, which takes the guesswork completely out of the equation.
Twenty years ago a popular phrase was bouncing about and it is as true as it gets: “Build your own dream or someone else will hire you to build theirs.”
It’s time to stop working on the dreams of others and build your own!
Day Trading & Taxes: Just how complicated is it? April 13, 2015
Of the many questions I field on a regular basis from the media, this one must rank in the top 5: “How much of a nightmare is it to prepare your taxes, after a year of Day Trading?”
I’ve learned not to answer until I first ask the interviewer, “How bad do you think it is?” Over the years the perception that people have about Day Trading and the taxes associated with trading has fascinated me, which is why I rarely pass up an opportunity to ask my question.
After all, they explain, you use thousands of trades a year for gains (and a few losses) and the mountain of paperwork that must generate is enormous! Then, to go through each trade and calculate the gains and losses to the exact penny must be a nearly-overwhelming task.
My questions continue when I ask if the interviewer has ever worked a job as a contract employee and most laugh and say, “All the time.” To which my reply is, “I bet your tax preparation was a nightmare then.” This is followed by another laugh and they state a 1099 was provided by the employer and that was simply added to their income for the year.
Ta-da. That explains just how “complicated” our taxes are: a simple 1099.
There is a need by so many people to make everything associated with Day Trading ultra-complicated. From the charts, graphs, colors, news, volume, sector and business presentations, it all reeks of being far too complicated for the average person to understand. In fact, it is many times my assertion that Day Trading is often presented this way as a means to keep more people away from Day Trading, by those who profit big time from handling all of our trades and portfolios.
My students, around the 5 week mark, will ask the same question: “Jay, is this all there is to it? My goodness, this is so easy….why isn’t everyone doing this??”
That is a question I have no answer for, one of the many in fact. Our group will track a $10 stock and once it reaches $9.25 we will load up, allow it to return to $10 and will sell for a nice 8% gain. We then see a mountain of buyers come in and start buying from $10 to nearly $10.75 a share and we ask, “Where were all of these buyers when the stock was on sale at $9.25 just a few minutes ago??”
Again, I have no answer except to say our group is normally early to the party and, time after time, we seem to enjoy buying stocks at a great discount…which leads to incredible gains.
Thousands have contacted us over the years, trying to figure out our “angle” or look for ways we outsmart Wall Street. The idea that it is simple a series of exchange-specific checklists that lead our students through the stock market each day is simply something they cannot believe. It must be more complicated! Again, it is not.
So, when it comes to the question of taxes and Day Trading, each online broker provides a 1099 by mid-February that we then use for our taxes. While the tax situation for each and every Day Trader will vary, depending on their own individual situation, the idea that we can consolidate an entire year of Day Trading into one 1099 is most reassuring.
The year of 2015 has turned out to be our most demanding year ever, as students continue to apply each week for an opening and they are filling fast. At this writing, there is only 1opening left for the year and our 2016 slots will begin disappearing within the next few weeks.
There has never been a better time to learn how to Day Trade and you will forgive us if we take the non-complicated approach to using the stock market! It seems to serve us well!
One of the Secrets to our Success! March 2, 2015
No way, Jay.
I am told almost daily that there is “no way” we are able to generate profits from Wall Street. Of course, there is the always popular, “If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it!” It amazes me that there is such passionate resistance to our students succeeding as Day Traders. Many of our students, like one who generated $14,000 in January while in training, would certainly disagree with the critics!
What makes our program so much different from the others? Why do our students make money while so many other programs fail to deliver on their promises?
During the ten years of living in the Travelodge Motel, I attended more stock market seminars than I can count and almost all of them involved high degrees of risk – some even bragged on a 55-60% batting average. I am a very conservative person and I wanted a success batting average of 75% at least, so these seminars and the mountain of books I reviewed were a waste of time and is the reason I decided to develop my own program.
Like a scientist in a lab, I watched the market for years and looked for repeating stock patterns that I could use in any kind of market condition. I wanted something that would provide consistent results if the market was soaring, plummeting or if it was stalled at the same level for an extended period of time. After several years, I was able to develop a success checklist for NASDAQ/NYSE/AMEX stocks, another one for OTCBB securities and even one for the wild and whacky world of Pink Sheet stocks.
There is one secret I will share with you that sets us apart from the crowd when it comes to successful Day Trading. It’s the reason people contact us from around the world, as they look for a system that will really work as advertised. This secret took me years to identify and utilize, but it is one of the main reasons I was able to generate as much as $100,000 to $200,000 in a single year, simply though the buying and selling of stocks (no margin or options).
We have an exchange-specific checklist that allows us to identify key entry points for stocks that are moving in our direction. There is no guess work or gut-feeling, but a simple checklist to follow. If we like a NYSE security that is trading at $26 a share, we will buy it early in the session and will have a 10% exit price identified, or $28.60. However, let’s say we buy the stock and it falls a bit further to $25 a share, where we missed the low price of the day by 4%...what then? We simply adjust our exit price and reduce it 4% and now will be selling at $27.56 for a 6% return. Even when we miss the exact entry point, we are still generating a profit!
This is one of the reasons I insist on having students that are coachable and will follow our rules to the letter. In the above example, we need to adjust our exit price, per the rules, and it increases our odds for success considerably. We jump in to the stock, check the low price of the day, and then adjust our sell price accordingly, allowing us to get in/out of the stock quickly for a 6% return on our money. Even when things do not go according to plan, we still create cash.
We follow thousands of stocks a day and all we need is a few to generate massive profits and this system is designed to help students do just that. So many have contacted us over the years and say, “One day….I’ll jump in one day!” Yet, year after year they remain on the sidelines and each year there is no change to their life and they will one day see that “One day Isle” never arrives – it’s a distant place where our dream lives and most never take a step in that direction.
We have helped hundreds and we want to help you as well. Premarket trading begins at 7:00am EST and many students, who have hectic schedules, are only able to watch the market for a few hours a week. If they are serious about making Day Trading a part of their future, we will find a way to help make it happen – but it begins with you. One student in California used the premarket session only, because of his law practice schedule, and paid off his student loans in one year!
Yes, our tuition is the price of a decent car – I get that. But I also understand that the car you could buy might last 5-8 years and then you’ll need another one. Our vehicle is a financial one that you can use for 10 years, 20 years, or 40 years and it could change the direction of your entire future. Don’t forget, it is also a business that you could pass on to your children or grandchildren and change their lives forever as well. Talk about a legacy to leave behind!
The decision is yours, but it is my hope that you take the first step and decide to take that step forward. Either apply for the remaining March opening we have or place a deposit on a late 2015/early 2016 class, so you can commit to a future date and begin the exciting countdown to the day when everything changes.
All you need to do is take that first step and our staff will do the rest!
I wanted to make sure you were legit. February 15, 2015
Last week one of our seven enrollments told me that he waited more than three years to enroll (and I quote), “I wanted to make sure you were legit.”
I hear it all of the time and it never bothers me, because I would do the same.
For students who enroll as a referral from an existing student, there is much less trepidation. However, for others the thought of “What if?” can be paralyzing. So many want their own business and the idea of having a portable business is appealing, but to enroll in a Day Trading class is one giant leap of faith.
The fact that we work with our students for a full year is a calming factor to many students. It’s not some weekend seminar that charges $8,000 and releases the students to attack Wall Street. It’s not a series of books that are designed to help you wade through the complicated waters of the stock market alone. It is a one-on-one approach where you are able to progress at your pace, with a timeline customized to your specific schedule. You learn how to use an intra-day stock screener to look for possible stocks of interest, then plot an exact entry and exit point for each. You learn that there is no guess work and you can approach Wall Street with a sense of confidence.
When students enroll, there is a sense of doubt. Is this program for real? If so, will I actually be able to use it? Am I smart enough? Will I be able to understand all that is required of me?
Within 2-3 weeks newer students begin to see how the process works and their excitement builds, “WOW!” is a common response. They then start to freak out, worrying if they can catch up with all that they see…it seems to be moving so fast! It then takes a few more weeks for the student to see that yes, the opportunities are for real and yes, they can learn to use the system that has been provided for them. We then work on the speed at which they qualify our stocks of interest and as that speed picks up we begin the “Live Trading” portion of their training.
So, if you are one of the many who are trying to determine if we are legit or not, please take your time. We do not want you to apply until you are 100% ready. For those who are ready though to begin, you could not pick a better time to learn from the markets than now. Learn today and in short order you will be prepared to take on Wall Street, in search of consistent profits as you learn to flip-stocks, buying and selling within a matter of minutes or hours.
We will work to prove that you made the correct decision and it will be our pleasure to turn the statement of “I wanted to make sure you were legit” into “Why did I wait so long to begin?”
Why not make 2015 a year of change? Make the investment necessary (in tuition and time) to create a future where you are in control…not someone else!
Student Pre/After Market Profits! February 1, 2015
Our Day Trading instruction comes through even when the regular market is not open for business!
Many of our students train, while running other businesses. Some have other jobs or responsibilities that prevent them from watching the market every day from 9:30am until 4:00pm EST. This is one of the reasons our curriculum is 12 months of online training, so we can accommodate even the most demanding of schedules.
Last Friday our students used a NYSE security in the premarket trading period (7:00am until 9:30am) and generated reported one-day profits of:
$1,250 –just to name a few!
Many of our students created more money in the course of a few hours than their jobs pay for an entire week and all of this…while they are still in training! Our program is not a get-rich-quick approach to using the market and considerable time is required to learn and then master the techniques of this system, but once they are learned students can generate profits for the rest of their life and from any location they choose to be.
To us, there is no greater business opportunity than Day Trading. If you would like to use your early morning hours to learn how to Day Trade, simply submit your request through the “Contact Us” section and we will do everything possible to accommodate your request for training.
The year of 2015 will be the turning point for many of our students, why not join them?
As Falling oil Prices Crush Wall Street, Our Students Succeed! December 15, 2014
Our Day Trading instruction comes through even in times such as these!
The U.S. continues to emerge as a global player in the oil sector, while OPEC continues to resist drastic production cuts to help stabilize the price of oil in the world. Countries like Syria, Iran, Venezuela and Russia need oil prices to remain north of $100 a barrel and seeing prices dip last week to under $60 is alarming. The entire energy sector is hemorrhaging, yet our students continue to succeed.
How can our students create cash every day, while the markets are falling?
The key to our 12 month online training is to minimize our risk by limiting the amount of time our money is in the market. If we spot a stock we like and can use $5,000 for 30 minutes on a 5% return, $250 is in the bank. Use three other companies, from the tens of thousands that trade on Wall Street each day, and a $1,000 daily gain is very possible. (Some students make much more than this.)
Here is a partial list of the stocks we have used this week, for quick gains:
SSTL: $58 to $61 = 5.2%
CGA: $1.38 to $1.50 = 8.7%
IVAN:$0.48 to $0.57= 28.8%
TPLM: $3.85 to $4.20 = 9.1%
MBLX: $0.27 to $0.35 = 29.6%
AFMD:$5.50 to $6.05 = 10%
HDY: $0.76 - $0.84 = 10.5%
DSCO: $1.00 to $1.07 = 7%
DRYS: $0.81 to $0.90 = 11%
ENRJ.P: $11 to $13 = 18%
When this program started 5 years ago the skeptics lined up for miles, saying there was “no way” to make consistent returns from Wall Street. Some thought we would be in business for a few months and disappear. Then year after record-breaking year we remain and our student body grows as we are training students now from all over the world. Anyone can use the stock market, if you have a proven checklist to follow.
The skeptics can remain on the sidelines spouting away and we will continue using the stock market for some incredible gains!
Why not join us? Contact us and we will try to find a way to make it happen!
Pot Stocks and the November Election November 2014
Past performance is no guarantee of future gains, but we can look at history to see how various stocks act/react and that is certainly the case with the Marijuana industry.
Nearly a year ago “Pot Stocks” were getting a good deal of attention as the end of the year approached. The new experiment in Colorado of legalizing the sale and use of marijuana, outside of medical use, was anyone’s guess, but the wild speculation which followed saw stocks that were once trading for pennies soar by 400% to 800%. The Wild West had returned as investors were scrambling to get in in the action.
The first quarter for many of these stocks saw off the chart gains and yet investors continued to pour in. The famed investor Warren Buffet often says that the time to buy is when everyone else is selling and the time to sell is when everyone else is buying…apparently many of these investors missed that particular memo!
For example, Medbox (MDBX) was trading at $5 a share a year ago and once the media hype kicked in on the Colorado marijuana sales the stock soared to $45 a share, but in the months that followed the stock drifted back.
In the first quarter everyone and their brother seemed to be buying and then as the quarter ended and more of the “what are you doing?” financial articles came out, investors started selling nearly as fast as they had been previously buying. However, as the year progressed and other headlines replaced the marijuana story interest died. It became a forgotten story and that will remain the case for another few weeks.
Once the November 2014 election takes place, we will know how voters in Washington DC, Oregon and Alaska responded to following the lead of Colorado and Florida voters will be looking at the issue of Medical Marijuana use and all of these results will rekindle the “Pot Stock” stories and then look out, we could see a repeat of the first quarter of this year!
In fact, a recent article came out saying in a few years the Marijuana Industry revenue could exceed $35 billion a year, making it over three times the size of the National Football League! If the projected growth is anything close to estimates, then we will see an increased focus on these stocks and the rampant buying could return. Again, nothing is guaranteed but the reactions of investors are often repeated time and time again.
Our Top Ten list of possible stocks is provided below. Understand this is not a recommendation to buy, only a list of stocks that could have a repeat performance as to what they experienced a year ago. Obviously they could also fall in price as dramatically as they may rise in price. Still, over the next 60-90 days, they should at least be fun to watch!
Medical Marijuana (MJNA)
Advanced Cannabis Solutions (CANN)
MedBox (MDBX)
Cannabis Science (CBIS)
Cannabis Sativa (CBDS)
Fusion Pharmaceutical (FSPM)
Hemp Incorporated (HEMP)
GW Pharmaceuticals (GWPH)
United Cannabis (CNAB)
Grow Life (PHOT)
At Day Trade Fun we are all about exceeding expectations, so for those who live for due-diligence, here are a few more possible marijuana stocks of interest:
We cannot approach investing as we did 40 years ago. October 2014
In the job market 40 years ago our goal was to find a good company and then devote our entire professional career to that organization. After which, we would enjoy a good (stress free) retirement. My how that has changed.
The current job market landscape shows a generation of workers who have not seen a significant increase of wages in years, while struggling with fewer hours and a reduced benefit package. For anyone who complains, the reality of a hundred million unemployed hard-working people who are searching for any job is incentive enough to accept whatever hand is dealt.
Investing 40 years ago was exactly the same approach; find a good core group of stocks and invest for 40 years so you could enjoy a (stress free) retirement. Now that has changed to where we are tasked with taking a more active role with our investments and trading and it is one of the reasons why so many are turning to us, to learn how to use the Stock Market in this new era of investing.
A friend of mine has $1,000,000 that he hopes will generate 6-8% over the course of the next year, he is willing to settle for $60,000 to $80,000. I tell my friend that having his money diversified through several stocks is good, but having that money exposed to risk 24/7 is not. In fact, I can take a cash portfolio of $25,000 and then generate TWICE as much money as his $1,000,000 without my money being exposed to risk 24/7. In fact, I will use small portions of my money for short periods of time through the day and will be finished trading by the late morning, early afternoon hours. I will use 40 times less money to generate twice as much money as he will make in the same time period and my cash will be exposed to less risk.
We simply cannot invest as we did 40 years ago, in part because of the unique set of challenges which are facing our country. If you want to take control of your financial future, now is the time to act.
Buy, Hold, & Pray Approach Not For Me May 2014
On this Monday morning I noticed a biotech company stock is dropping fast. Even though the opening bell on Wall Street is an hour away from ringing, the pre-market activity on this stock has been brutal. A bio-tech company from Cleveland had bad news this morning and their $3 stock is now trading under $1.20 a share…down 56%.
Can you image being a long term investor, hoping for good things from a good company, only to wake up and see your investment is down nearly 60%? Obviously this is one of the reasons investors diversify their approach so if any one investment goes south the overall portfolio can withstand the hit. Still, 60% in one day?
When I first started learning how to Day Trade, while living for 10 years in a motel room at the Dayton Airport, I knew that investing and trading were risky. I knew the longer I kept my money in the market, the more risk my money would be exposed to. To me, the perfect solution was to get in and out of the market as quickly as one could, thereby reducing the risk factor considerably.
In the mid 1990’s I loved to invest in COMAIR’s stock. The Delta Air Line commuter company was the best managed regional airline in the world and when their stock would drop down close to $15 a share I would grab it, because I knew in 5-6 months it would be back over $20 a share and I could see 30% return in short order. However, I also knew that keeping my money in the market for extended periods of time could work against me so I tried to see if I could find stocks that “rolled” between price-points in a shorter span of time…say 1 month or so. To my delight there were many and it thrilled me to reduce the amount of time my money was in the market, but I wanted to reduce my risk even more.
I wondered if any stocks rolled in a week and then looked to see if any did so in a DAY and was blown away by the number of stocks that did! That’s when I knew that Day Trading for a profit was possible!
In 2009 I took my cash portfolio of $30,000 and generated nearly $200,000 in profits and did so using an approach where my money was exposed to the risks of Wall Street for short spans of time. While friends who had $500,000 in their portfolio were hoping for 10% gains or $50,000 I was generating 4x as much with a fraction of the cash they were using!
$500,000, with money exposed to risk 24/7 = $50,000 goal at 10% $30,000, with money exposed to smaller periods of risk = $200,000 generated.
Which to you is the preferred option? To me the choice is clear and I will take Day Trading any day of the week because I can better protect my hard earned money from the risks associated with the wild and whacky world of Wall Street!
I’ll leave the Buy, Hold and Pray approach to others, because the opportunity cost of doing so is simply too high for me.
The Time For Change is Now December 2013
My position allows me the opportunity to communicate with tens of thousands of people each year and one reoccurring theme I hear from so many is: “I want to change, I wish I could change…I just do not know how.”
We live in a time when jobs are vanishing and full time positions are being slashed to part-time and there is no end in sight. Companies are filing for bankruptcy on a regular basis and then resort to cutting the benefits of those who faithfully served them and those retirees are left with the prospect of adapting…just to find a way to survive. The American Dream of owning a home and (for many) starting their own business has been replaced with the dream of keeping ones job and trying to stay a step ahead as the world around them crumbles. How far we have come in such a short span of time and how sad it is for so many families.
The good news for some is the opportunity we provide to learn a skill that is recession-proof. You work for yourself, get paid what you are worth and are allowed the freedom to work from anywhere on the planet you chose to be. Take your portable office (laptop) to the destination of your choice and go to work for the 6.5 hours a day that the markets are open, five days a week. No weekends, no holidays, no typical business headaches of employees, taxes, marketing, inventory, customer service needs or suppliers who can raise the cost of their goods or services at any time. Absolute and complete freedom is what Day Trading allows us and for the few who have the courage to tackle their dream, it is there for the taking. To me, there is no greater business opportunity than Day Trading.
The world thinks of Day Trading as taking your life’s savings, acting on some hot stock pick and gambling much as one would do in a casino. That’s the image that those on Wall Street continue to portray because they do not want people trading on their own, because that takes money from their pocket. Day Traders are simply fools who gamble their money away…and it is a message they spread at every possible opportunity.
The reality is quite different.
Our students take a small portion of their portfolio and use it on specific stocks at specific entry points, then hold it for the shortest span of time possible for the highest possible profit. Many times a stock purchase of only $500 can yield a $500 when the stock doubles, allowing our students to make impressive cash without placing too much of their hard earned money at risk. Some stocks we will chase using $4,000 and will realize a 20% gain, or $800, in a period of less than 90 minutes. The more we can reduce the time our money is in the market, the less risk it is exposed to and with a batting average of 80%+ for many, it’s a recipe for success that is incredible!
The week this blog was written saw three students enjoy record earning days, while they are still in the early portion of their training! Days where $600, $800, and $1,000 are generated by people who had never traded a stock in their life before signing up for our 12 month online class. Their lives are forever changed because they took the initiative to learn something new, something which could generate considerable cash and something which can’t be ripped out their hands by some jerk boss or a company who no longer cares about those who helped build their company from the ground up.
It takes courage to change and for those who are willing to work hard, we can show you how to use the stock market as a money machine – one that never runs out of cash and that has been around for more than 200 years. Whether the market is soaring, plunging or simply trading flat there are always opportunities for us to consider and use for daily gains.
If you want to change your future, you can and we’d love the opportunity to help you make that happen. Make 2014 a year that is remembered as a year of courage, of change and new direction!
The time for change is now.
It’s not about the money. October 2013
I know what it is like to live in a motel room for nearly ten years, seeing how much change you can scrape up to see what’s for dinner. The look from your child when they ask for something so minor, that you can’t afford at the time, is heart-wrenching. Believe me, I know what it is like to have so very little. (My daughters lived with my ex-wife during this time.)
I also know what it is like to make $9,000 in Day Trading profits during one session. I’ve seen myself withdraw $23,000 in a week in profits and be absolutely amazed at what just five days of trading has produced, shaking my head with tears in my eyes when I see my yearly Daily Trading revenue approach $200,000.
I’ve seen success and failure. My determination to succeed helped me to plow through a mountain of doubt, discouragement and distraction until I was able to finally see my goals achieved. But I am saddened to hear so many of the thousands a year who we reach focus on how much money they can make through Day Trading.
Folks, it’s not about the money to me.
Success through this business opportunity to me is going to the grocery and not worrying about having too little money to buy what’s needed. It’s the feeling that comes from the success you’ve achieved. It’s knowing that if a relative has surgery scheduled for next Thursday, I do not have to be concerned about whether or not I will be “granted” a day off. Nothing like trying to gain permission to be with someone during a critical moment in their life. It’s the true feeling of freedom that overwhelms you at that moment you realize that you now have some control over the only life you’ve been given. It’s so much more than some balance of how much money you have in the bank.
That’s what motivates our team on a daily basis, as we strive to help as many as possible to reach the point they have some control over their lives. If we can teach our students to use Day Trading as a means to an end, they can reach their goals and achieve a level of freedom that is life changing! Our goals for our students are BIG and we are always striving to do everything we can to help.
Today we were celebrating after one of our newer students (Bill) had a record day, making $999 in less than an hour! We were thrilled, not only with his 45 minute accomplishment (did not take him long), but the fact he is learning a trade that he can use for the rest of his life and from anywhere he chooses to be. That’s a special kind of freedom that sadly only a few people get the chance to experience in our great country.
If you are serious about a change, now is the time to doing something about it. We will work with you in any way we can to help get you started, because life is indeed short and now is the time to take the controls of your life. Stop allowing others to dictate the course of your journey…!
Isn’t Day Trading risky, like gambling? June 2013
The pundits on Wall Street treat the average everyday American like an idiot.
All we seem to hear is how trading stocks should be left to the experts, those who know what they are doing. After all, if you are going in for surgery, wouldn’t you want an expert to cut on you? The same way goes for trading stocks, you should leave the complicated to the experts.
What bull.
I get so tired and aggravated of so-called experts saying that learning to trade stocks is a complicated process that only can be done by the career stock market experts. When I started studying the markets in 1995, even during the Dot.Com boom, the same statements were being thrown about. After the collapse of the Dot.Com bubble the ranting of these blowhards grew even more deafening. Had I listened to them so many years ago, I would not be enjoying an incredible life of freedom and financial independence at 49 years of age as I am doing now.
The real truth is these Wall Street buzzards do not want Americans to think they can successfully Day Trade. As a result, they will pay to have article after article written about how Day Trading is of the devil and poor old Joe from North Dakota lost all of his life savings by trying to Day Trade. My favorite article was how you could make more money working at Burger King than you could trying to Day Trade.
I smile and laugh out loud at these obvious attempts to discourage people from considering how Day Trading can make a positive and dramatic impact on their future. When I start to see how many people listen to this advice as fact, I go from smiling to frowning. It’s so frustrating to see people give up on their dream just because of a few words from a complete stranger – or even from a dear friend.
So, is Day Trading gambling?
Gambling is a roll of the dice or betting on something where you have no real idea on what the outcome will be. Day Trading, if you know what you are doing, is nothing close to gambling and we prove that every day. Day Trading, our way, is to look for stocks which are reacting in a certain pattern and then we apply our exchange-specific criteria, which allows us to clearly identify both the entry and exit point of any stock. It’s a complicated (yet easy to follow) formula which was developed over a ten year period of time, where I was able to watch the market for thousands and thousands of hours…even when I had no money to trade with.
Once a possible stock is spotted, we chart a desired entry point and then take the smallest amount of cash possible (I average around $1,500 to $2,000) and place it in the market for the shortest span of time possible, in search for the highest possible return. It’s a scientific approach, based on scientific principles with the desire of keeping our hard earned money in the market for the shortest span of time possible.
Is Day Trading risky? Sure, as any kind of stock purchase is risky and the only way you can try to reduce the amount of risk your money is exposed to is to have it in the market for the shortest span of time possible. To me, risk is the normal trading approach of buy, hold and pray. Why should I leave my hard earned money in a stock for 5 or 7 years, hoping for a 4% or 5% annual return? If there is any adverse news to that specific company or sector, the stock could drop 20-30% or more. Keeping money tied up for long periods of time is about as risky as you can get.
The recent run on Wall Street, where it is up now 17% for the year, has many thinking that the time to invest, for that long term approach, is now. However I believe that we are about to begin seeing a stock market correction (drop), just as we see every 12 months or so. If fact, it has been nearly two years since the last correction, which makes me think we are even closer to one now than ever before.
The bottom line is you can learn how to Day Trade successfully if you study the markets for long enough and know what to look for. I proved it year after year when I took my cash portfolio of $30,000 and generated tens of thousands of dollars a month by simply buying and selling stocks; no margin or options. I didn’t take a greedy approach, trying to squeeze every penny out of every stock, I simply took what the market would give me and strived to hit my daily goal of $1,000 as many times as possible.
I remember walking out of my motel room (where I spent more than seven years developing this system) after two hours of trading thinking how wonderful it was to make money by Day Trading. I loved outperforming all of the brains on Wall Street by ending the day with more money than I started with. Making $3,000 or $4,000 a week, every week, was a dream come true and it’s one we try very hard to help others realize as well.
Please, for the sake of your future, trust yourself and learn to ignore those who are intent on holding us back!
Day Trading has Rescued Me! January 2013
When American soul singer Fontella Bass died last week, her song Rescue Me resonated through my mind. It actually reminded me of how Day Trading has rescued me from so many things.
My Top Twenty list of things Day Trading has rescued me from are: 1. Toll Roads 2. Rush hour traffic 3. Looking for a decent parking place 4. Moody bosses 5. Bad weather driving 6. Begging for a day off to care for my sick child 7. A dress code 8. Maintaining a professional/business wardrobe 9. Office politics 10. Cranky co-workers 11. Dictated lunch hours (now I eat when I am hungry) 12. Mandatory overtime (32.5 hours a week is just fine, thank you) 13. Working holidays 14. A pre-determined pay scale 15. Being expected to work more when downsizing occurs 16. Limited, if any, upward mobility through promotions 17. Worry about losing my job (stock market has been around for 200 years) 18. Time clocks 19. Wasting time looking for the cheapest gas station 20. The stress of constantly trying to please others
When I say Day Trading is the greatest business opportunity going today, I mean it. The freedom to be your own boss, working from wherever you choose to be is the only way to live the only life we have been given!
It is my sincere hope that this New Year brings everything you want from life.
Make 40% in 20 Seconds? That's The Day Trade Fun Way! December 2012
Yet another day when we see the best way to reduce risk in Day Trading is to minimize the time our funds are in the market (December 3, 2012: 1:05pm/1:05pm)! A small amount of money, placed in the market for a short span of time, in search of the highest gains possible.
That's what this program is all about: reducing risk!
In a time when there is so much fiscal uncertainty, more and more Americans are turning to Day Trade Fun to learn a lifetime skill, which they can use from anywhere they choose to be. A business opportunity specifically designed to produce consistent revenue month after month after month - for as long as the stock market is around! (It's been around since 1653 so I believe it's a safe bet that it will outlive us all.)
For years many turned to franchise opportunities as a way to gain control over their futures. Pay a company hundreds of thousands of dollars (just for the name) and then a portion of the profits from that point forward...just to begin. Then hire and train dozens of employees who hopefully will have the same protective interests as the owner (doubtful), find the right location, set up your payroll company, initiate a marketing program, develop a complaint resolution program for when things go wrong, maintain an adequate inventory, create a budget which minimizes expenses - while trying to maintain a cooperative relationship with your preferred suppliers. My favorite would be to make sure you leave a good contact number for the time you are away on vacation, so your employees can call when something at work blows up! (figuratively)
Or, you can Day Trade for 6.5 hours a day.
To me, there is simply no choice as to what is the best opportunity going today. Day Trading is one of the fastest growing opportunities in America today (in my opinion) because more and more people are tired of working for someone else. It's a sad reality when I see others turn over decades of their professional life to a company, only to see hard times come and those loyal, hard working employees discarded almost without a second thought. Headlines are appearing on nearly a daily basis about companies who are laying off tens of thousands of employees, because of the hard times we are living through right now.
There is an option and it's Day Trading!
Consider the person who is serious about taking control over their financial future. They apply and are accepted as one of our students and spend the next year learning how to Day Trade. I say "year," but the reality is most of our students are trading within a few short months. The more they trade and work with us, the more they learn how to use the market for consistent profits. Gone are the days when they are forced to work for someone else, replaced by a freedom that cannot be described. The complete and total freedom which allows you to travel anywhere you want to go and simply flip open your laptop computer when the opening bell rings to go to work.
Life is too short to live it by responding to other's commands for action. Life and life in America was designed to be one of freedom and opportunity. Those key foundations are still alive and well at our place and if you want to begin the most exciting professional journey of your life, we invite you to apply. We would love to have you as one of our students!
A 23-Minute ($2,000) Work Day? Welcome to Our World! November 2012
Day Trading remains, in my opinion, the greatest business opportunity going today and we have proof of that fact on a regular basis.
I love Day Trading!
On this particular day (11/16/12) the markets opened a little flat, but that doesn’t affect us as we can normally find opportunities regardless of which way the market is moving. Sure enough, a few minutes into the day a NASDAQ stock hit our radar and we began to track it, following our exchange-specific guidelines and within minutes….BOOM, it was positioned perfectly for us to use!
Within the next few minutes, the stock rocketed back making many 100% for their efforts and all within the first 23 minutes of the session’s opening bell!
Risk. It’s the dirty four-letter word people use when they tell me why anything involving the stock market is a bad idea. Of course I never can agree with that position because life is all about risk and none of us can eliminate risk of any kind from our life - it’s always there. However, one can take careful, well laid and proven steps to reduce the levels of risk and that is the position we take as we Day Trade.
I will take my cash portfolio of $25,000 and when I chase a stock, I will use only a small portion of that money…say $2,000 or so. So, using 8% of my available cash on the stock of the day, I easily can make $2,000 in a day like this. What takes most people more than 2-3 weeks to earn, I used the powerful Day Trading system here and made that amount in less than 30 minutes!
We reduce risk in our world by using only a small portion of our portfolio on any given security. Then, we keep the money in the market for the shortest span of time, further reducing the risk associated with our Day Trading. Today our risk was limited to a small portion of our overall portfolio for a total time period of twenty three minutes! We can’t eliminate risk, but we do a very good job at reducing it, using this proven system.
In addition to reducing the levels of risk, I am able to enjoy the benefits of working for myself and from wherever I choose to be. If I have a sick aunt in another state and I want to visit her, I don’t call my boss and beg for time away to see her. No way. I simply take my laptop, jump in the car and drive to see my aunt and I work from there. My business is portable and it is a big time revenue generator and most of the corporate world envies the freedom we possess! They long to be the masters of their destiny, instead they are relegated to waiting for the phone to ring to see what their next assignment is, as they work for someone else. Why spend a professional life trying to please someone else when you can instead spend your time building a future for yourself?
To me the choice is obvious and, at 49 years of age, I could not imagine going back to an office where my future success was in the hands of another - not in a million years!
Why not join us on this incredibly exciting journey? Our online 12 month class is being use by students across the country and is the most comprehensive Day Trading training program available today!
U.S. Incomes fall to 1989 levels - Where will it end? September 15, 2012
It would seem Americans just can’t catch a break.
For the past several years we have been told that economic times would soon be improving….just wait, hold on for a bit longer. Yet, with each passing week and month we are reminded that the economic situation continues to be weak and Americans are being asked to wait even longer.
Recent news that income levels in the U.S. have fallen to 1989 levels (in 2011 dollars) is the latest smack in the face. Not only are we not moving in the right direction, we seem to be moving backward! For many, this is the last straw and they have decided to take control of their financial future, instead of simply waiting to see where the winds of chance take them.
Day Trading is the vehicle many people are now using.
The number of Day Traders continues to grow, almost week by week. Everyday Americans who are tired of waiting are taking action, by using a small portion of their available cash to take on Wall Street. However, those who are not using a proven Day Trading system are losing money and a lot of it. The stock market is a highly competitive and complicated place, but with the right guide it is a place where normal (non-finance) people can realize incredible success.
Each day our students take on Wall Street, using our online Day Trading class. Over a 12 month period, students are taught to look for exchange-specific criteria that will lead to daily profits. Whether the markets are moving up, down or are stalled with little movement at all, there are always stocks we can look to use for daily profits.
I begin the day with $30,000 in cash and have a daily goal of $1,000 per day. Although it takes our students several weeks before they begin their actual live trading, over the course of time many of these are seeing days where $300, $500 and even $1,000 one-day profits are being realized. The one day record for a student of ours is over $8,000!
The exact amount of profits isn’t as key as the fact consistent profits can be realized through Day Trading. No more stress over possible job cuts, reduced pay or forced relocation - Day Traders are their own boss and can operate their business from wherever they choose to be!
Day Trading is the greatest business opportunity today, with no huge start-up costs, no customer headaches or employee issues, no inventory control management and absolutely no office/store-front to be handcuffed to for 70 or 80 hours a week.
My Day Trading week is just over 33 hours a week.
Personally I will not settle for income levels from more than two decades ago, so I choose to take a small portion of my investment portfolio for Day Trading using the system I created over a ten year span of time. It’s a way of life that is second to none and now, at 49 years of age, I cannot imagine a better life for me or my family.
I invite you to join me on this most incredible journey!
5 Day Trading Secrets: From Venice, Italy! July 30, 2012
Greetings from Venice, Italy!
As my family cruises through the Mediterranean (13 days) , I cannot help but be reminded of those who told me Day Trading was not a viable way for me to make a living. “If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it.”
During this time I was living in a motel room at the Travelodge at the Dayton International Airport. I lived in that room for more than seven years as I tried to develop an exchange-specific Day Trading system that I could use to provide a consistent income for my family. Well, judging by the view from my junior suite aboard Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, I would say I was able to do just that! (Sure beats Room 121 at the Travelodge I must say.)
I crafted this incredible lifestyle for my family & so can you!
Listed below are the five items you need to be successful at Day Trading. These secrets allow me to have a daily revenue goal of $1,000 per day, every day that the market is open. I can trade from anywhere on the planet I choose to be (except while on this vacation my wife tells me!) and it is a process you can use as well.
Utilize a high performance intra-day stock screener: Most of the online brokerage accounts offer a stock screener for their customers. However, these screeners are far from comprehensive, so the one my students and I use is provided by Alpha Trade. The monthly subscription is an incredibly affordable $34 and is the reason I can go after $1,000+ per day on Wall Street. (There is a link to Alpha Trade on our website.)
Open more than one online brokerage account: My broker of choice is TD Ameritrade. However, there are certain stocks they will not allow me to trade…stocks I want to trade, but cannot. So, I also have an E*Trade account, which allows me to trade all of the securities I am after without delay. Last week I wanted to chase a stock, but Ameritrade did not allow it, but E*Trade did and, as a result, I was able to make $1,164 because I had the back-up online account. Many of our students fund more than one account, for this exact reason. (E*Trade also has a list of restricted stocks, but those I can trade with TD Ameritrade!)
Avoid chasing news-related stocks: Someone has a “hot tip” and news erupts that a company is about to release a new product line. A sure buy, right? Wrong. Our students are always running in the opposite direction of news-related stocks, because most of the time they are losers. I cannot count the number of times these “hot picks” turn out to be a Pump & Dump scam that cheats investors out of millions. One of the first rules my students learn is how we leave these news-related stocks alone.
Don’t buy securities after 2:30pm: Buying a stock is easy, selling it for a profit though can be the trick. We spend the morning hours buying securities and then spend the afternoon selling them for a profit. Buying securities late in the day reduces the amount of time we have to sell them for a profit and holding stocks over only increases the risk to our money - so we avoid buying stocks late in the day!
Day Trade using a proven system of 75% or better: When I spent all of those years laboring in that motel room, my goals were to develop a system that could pick stocks 75% of the time or better and one that would provide me the chance to earn $1,000 per day.
I have done just that.
If you are looking at Day Trading to supplement or replace your current income, well done and congratulations! However, before you proceed, please remember that over 90% of the people who enter the waters of Day Trading lose money and that is because they do not have a proven system to follow.
Our students start slow and learn as much as possible before they begin their practice trades. When those practice trades are hitting a 75% or more success ratio, we move into the live trades using only $500 per security as we use the system in a live mode. When the required success ratio is maintained, then we increase the dollar amount to higher levels…but slowly. It’s a highly methodical approach that is designed to take the guess work out of chasing stocks. There is no guess work or gut -feeling which is needed…it’s all spelled out with exchange-specific (because each exchange requires a modified approach) criteria which clearly shows the entry and exit points for each security.
It is my hope that we have the chance to work together as you make your dream of Day Trading a reality! If you are serious about changing your future and are willing to follow my system exactly as laid out, success is waiting for us.
However, as of this writing I am told we have only nine slots remaining for the rest of the year and with the dozens of Day Trading Training Agreements issued for those classes, all slots may be taken in the next few weeks. If you are interested in applying (or placing a deposit) for any of our 2012 classes, please contact me immediately.
All my best for continued success from the incredible city of Venice, Italy!
Independence Day is Every Day for Day Traders! July 4, 2012
Nine years ago I approached the 4th of July holiday living out of a motel room at the Dayton International Airport. I had lived there for more than three years and would remain there for another four as I tried to develop a Day Trading system which could yield consistent results. It was the dream of being independent that kept me moving forward, even in the most depressing of circumstances.
Friends, family and business colleagues begged me to give up on my dream of using Wall Street to make a living and there were a few times I actually listened to their words. However, I knew that returning to Corporate America was not the path to freedom, to true independence. Working for someone else and being subjected to outside influences meant I was only a downturn away from losing my job, regardless of how hard I worked. Life is too short to live in fear as you try and support a family.
By 2007 I was able to finally move out of Travelodge Room 121, as my Day Trading success improved. In 2009 I was able to generate nearly $200,000 through my Day Trading and never looked back as I was able to finally realize the dream of using Wall Street to create a business that others could only dream of. My sacrifice of living in a motel room for more than seven years had paid off and my life would never, ever be the same.
Now I have the thrill and privilege of training others, showing them how they can use my Day Trading system to generate consistent income from the stock market. Others are able to realize success and can claim their "independence" as well. Using the stock market as a business means I can work from home or from wherever I choose to be. I flip open my laptop computer at 9:30am and work until 4:00pm, using only 6.5 hours of my day (5 days a week) to generate an impressive income.
Freedom like never before.
Many times I cannot tell you what the price of gas is, because it has been so long since I had to fill my car. My business wardrobe now consists of clothes which are comfortable, instead of trying to determine what the current business trends are. When I need time away to attend a family function, no longer am I forced to beg for time off work so I can attend...the choice is mine alone to make.
I do not count on a company to take care of my future anymore, as I now create my own future. Today so many people are promised a fulfilling retirement, in exchange for the decades they gave to their employer. All in exchange for a set of promises which (in the end) mean absolutely nothing if the company is forced into bankruptcy or falls on bad times. Every time I see a person in their 60's, 70's or 80's who is forced to work to make ends meet, the appreciation for my choices deepens. After all, I can Day Trade for the rest of my life...until I am 105 years old! (Yes, I remain the optimist.)
I remain so very thankful for the opportunities afforded me and (now at 49 years of age) I cannot imagine doing anything else as I truly celebrate my Independence Day!
What’s the best way to reduce the risk from Day Trading? June 18, 2012
The best way to reduce the risk associated with Day Trading is to limit, as much as possible, the amount of time your money in placed into the market.
When I began developing my Day Trading strategy 14 years ago, my goal was to place the smallest amount of cash possible into the market for the shortest span of time possible, in the quest for the highest returns possible. To me it’s simple…limit the time my money is exposed to risk.
On Wednesday I exceeded my daily revenue goal of $1,000 ($1,350 was generated), as I used two stocks - one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. My morning round trip trade was eight minutes and the stock I used in the afternoon held my money for thirteen minutes.
In all, I used a small portion of my cash portfolio of $25,000 to generate $1,350, using only 21 minutes. I increased my portfolio by 5.4% in one day and I did it by exposing my money to risk for a short span of time.
My system is not a complicated one and no special computer program is required. I use my laptop as my office and trade from wherever my family happens to be, it’s an incredible life and at 48 years of age I couldn’t imagine doing anything else!
My training program is conducted over a 12 month period, where I carefully and slowly walk students through the process of identifying potential stocks, qualifying them, and then determining very exchange-specific entry and exit points, eliminating all of the guess work from the equation. It’s a checklist based approach that makes money.
Our July class start now has one opening, the August class start has been removed from the schedule because of a waitlist, and our September class has only 1 opening as well. If you are interested in attending any class this year, please contact me as soon as possible as we expect the 2012 schedule to be filled within the next few weeks. (A $5,000 deposit will hold a place in an upcoming class.)
Finally I wish to thank you for the privilege and opporturnity to provide these occasional email updates. I know your time is precious and I hope my notes of encouragement help as you try and keep your focus on making your Day Trading future a reality. Nothing is more incredible than working just 32.5 hours a week, from wherever you choose to be, generating an income that others can only dream of as you work for yourself.
Wow, what a life!
For Day Traders, “retirement” has been redefined. June 1, 2012
How many people do you know who fear retirement? How many today say they are not financially prepared for their retirement? How many have been forced to push back their retirement by decades because they can no longer afford to retire?
Retirement has become a moving target and, for most, it’s a target that is getting harder and harder to hit. Couples have been forced to postpone their long-awaited retirement due to the changing financial landscape of their lives.
Companies today file for bankruptcy, change their retirement packages and tell their former employees “Good luck.” Other companies fire senior employees before they are able to reach the next level, saving on retirement costs. All of this, at the expense of the employees who gave their professional lives to a company who now discards them like yesterday's newspaper.
It’s a crime to see so many people forced into situations they were not prepared for. Many in their 70’s and 80’s, who should be enjoying the fruits of their professional lives, are now forced to work minimum wage jobs, just to survive - to say nothing of actually enjoying their retirement years.
That is one of the reasons so many people contact me, because they are trying to prepare for an uncertain future. No longer can we count on a company to take care of us, that responsibility is now ours. As a Day Trader, I am my boss and I no longer look to others to take care of my family. I can trade from anywhere I choose to be and can enjoy life unlike any other time in my life. The markets are open 33 hours a week, so even if I traded on a full time basis, it’s still half of the hours I use to work when I was trying to make someone else happy. It’s my life and I am able to use it (finally) in a way that is as rewarding as it is incredible. At 48 years of age, I give absolutely no thought to retirement because I can trade for the rest of my life, m! making in credible sums of money. I no longer have the worries about an uncertain future.
Day Trading is not easy to master, but it can be done. In my online 12 month class, I stress the need for taking it slow, a deliberate path towards learning how the markets work, what to look for, and then how to capitalize on the opportunities which pop up each day. That is why I work with my students each hour the market is open, for an entire year, so we can proceed in a slow and methodical pace. For those who are willing to work hard, stay focused and follow the system I spent more than ten years developing, success can be achieved.
Yes Jay, but my brother-in-law says you can’t make money Day Trading.
I hear this often and when I read the emails or hear the comments, I normally respond with, “Who cares? Who gives a rip about what other people think?” I understand that may be unusually candid for you, but my reply is with the clear understanding of how Wall Street operates when it comes to Day Trading, Wall Street executives, much as caring but completely wrong family members, view Day Traders as a real threat to their profits. The big firms on Wall Street make their money by acting as the middleman for their customers and Day Traders bypass these firms - creating wealth apart from these large firms who make billions a year at the expense of their customers.
That’s one of the reasons we see so many articles in financial magazines about how Day Trading is of the devil. No one in their right mind Day Trades…according to the so called “experts.” They take every single opportunity possible to discourage people from taking their trading into their own hands because if more people did so, the money Wall Street would earn would be reduced considerably. Who do you think pays for these articles? When you see who sponsored these anti-Day Trading pieces, it is not hard to see how the Wall Street firms are growing more worried by the day. My favorite was an article written by some college professor w! ho said you could make more working at a fast food restaurant than through Day Trading.
Really? I generated nearly $200,000 in Day Trading in a year…is that the going wage for burger flippers? Don’t think so Mr. College Professor.
One thing we can agree on is how the idea of retiring is changing and it’s not changing for the better. Millions are scrambling to find a vehicle they can use to make their retirement dreams come true and for some of them, Day Trading is the answer.
It remains my privilege and honor to work with those who are serious about using Day Trading to make their future dreams a reality.
How fast are your students making money? May 1, 2012
Living in the world of instant gratification, to many a one year online Day Trading class seems like an eternity. However, for those who are looking to completely transform their entire future, there is a price of time which needs to be paid. Many try to take on Wall Street armed with the knowledge gleaned from the latest Day Trading book or a two hour seminar…and most of the time get absolutely creamed when they try. In fact, reports suggest that nearly 90% of the people who try to Day Trade fail and fail in a spectacular fashion.
Our students though, are the exception to the rule.
When our twelve-month class begins, students spend the first 3-4 weeks learning to use the Day Trading tools and trading platforms, intra-day stock screeners, ticker symbols as well as being able to apply the exchange specific criteria to the stocks which are identified as possible revenue generators.
By week 5 the practice trades begin and once students achieve an 80% success rate, recommended trades of $500 per security begin. As students realize the same success ratio, the recommended amounts per security increase to $1,000, $1,500 and more. It’s a very specific path and one that has proven effective for our students.
When students start seeing actual profits hit their account, the fun really begins! As a group, we celebrate when students reach milestones such as their first day of profits, $500 for the day and $1,000 for the day. During the training portion, students regularly report profits of $500 to $1,000 being generated and the one day record (achieved last month) was a student in California netting more than $8,000 in one day!
So is every student a spectacular success, then?
No. Some students (especially those who have traded in the past) still try, at times, to integrate past trading techniques into the system we have developed. As a result, their results are tainted and they earn far less than they would have, had they simply followed the clear-cut guidelines. For those students who follow the guidelines presented, profits are theirs to enjoy!
When one considers the uncertainty of our economy, having a revenue machine which can consistently generate profits is incredible. Many of our students used to worry about retirement and now see they can use the stock market to generate revenue consistently and from any location they choose to be.
It’s an incredibly exciting journey and one we invite you to join!
Why do I succeed when so many others fail? April 23, 2012
“If it were so easy, everyone would be doing it.”
When my position as a General Manager for Northwest Airlines was eliminated, I knew it was time to take my part-time passion for Day Trading to a full-time level. Friends, family, and colleagues thought I was crazy for pursuing something as “unpredictable” as Day Trading and more than a few tried to talk me out of it.
I moved into a motel room to save money, thinking I would be there for only a few short months. Little did I know I would be living in that small room for more than ten years as I tried to develop a system that would work on a consistent basis. Needless to say the chorus of those not supporting my decision increased to a near deafening level.
By 2003 I began to see some repeatable patterns I could use, taking $2,100 (all I had) and using it to generate more than $35,000 in eight months, but there was more work to be done. Stocks which traded on the NYSE reacted differently than those traded as NASDAQ securities and AMEX stocks had different patterns than those traded as OTCBB securities, so considerable time was needed to create an exchange-specific set of rules which would allow me to easily and quickly identify specific entry and exit points for all kinds of stocks. Trading on hunches and using “expert advice” on when to buy and sell was not something I was comfortable with and my goal was to succeed 85% of the time - so it was back to my stock laboratory for more work and research.
Another four years was needed before I was able to see significant returns, allowing me to have a daily revenue goal of $1,000 a day! The goal of $1,000 a day was one I set during those lonely, depressing and challenging days in Room 121 of the Travelodge Motel at the Dayton Airport. By September of 2008 my system was firing on all cylinders and in the final four months of that year I generated (in profits) $104,536 and! then in 2009 realized $196,455 or nearly $301,000 in profits over a 16 month span of time!
As my friends, family and colleagues began to see evidence of my success, the same comment would be thrown at me, “If it were so easy, Jay - everyone would be doing it.” In other words, we do not believe you because other people are way smarter than you are.
To that I plead guilty, with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever. However, I was also perplexed because I was seeing a level of success which was far from common among Day Traders. How was I succeeding when so many others were failing in such a spectacular fashion? What made me so much better than the majority? As many as 250,000 people are Day Trading on somewhat of a regular basis and reports suggest as many as 90% are losing money.
What makes me and the approach I developed so much different?
There are still days when I use small amounts of my cash portfolio and exit the day with $1,000 or $1,500 in profits and shake my head. If it weren’t happening to me and those I train, even I would have a hard time believing it. Whether the market is going up, down or is stuck in a sideways current for a while, there are always opportunities to consider. My system is not based on overall market or sector conditions, rather it is based on individual stock movement and by using my exchange-specific criteria, there are always stocks flying across my screen that are possible revenue generators.
I don’t need to use tens of thousands of dollars and dozen of trades a day to make my goal. Many a time I have placed $1,500 into the market for a short span of time to see $500 or more generated, allowing me to reach the halfway point in my daily goal. With thousands upon thousands of stocks being traded each day, I use my intra-day stock screener to look for those which fit my criteria and then act accordingly.
Why I succeed and so many others fail is a question I cannot answer. I know I failed a thousand times over the last 10 years and with each failure I tried to learn, looking for warning signals that might have prevented me from making the mistake I did. As I learned, my success batting average increased, allowing me to place the smallest amount of money into the market for the shortest span of time, while generating the highest possible return.
I ignore all of the experts and I do not (as a general rule) chase stocks with news. I search for those stocks which others are ignoring and use them for my Day Trading revenue and, as a result, my students and I are reaping the rewards of my motel research days.
It’s an incredible journey for all of us and it’s one I invite you to join!
Email us today to learn more about how to succeed at Day Trading.
Corporate Offices: Day Trade Fun 8044 Montgomery Road Suite 700 Cincinnati, OH 45236